Hello Honey xxxxx!
I so am glad to receive your next letter and you please me every day Today I so was delighted to that in such fine day I have received your letter in which I have found out a lot of interesting about you and your family
Unfortunately I had problems with my mail box (
[email protected]), and I have created the new! Please write to me here,
I still very much want dialogue with you...
My dear and you can tell to me what at you there are hobbies and as a hobby??? I have many different hobbies and usually I am engaged in them after my work in the evenings!!! After work I come home and at once I have supper. One of my hobbies is cooking. I like to prepare different traditional and as other different dishes!!! On the days off I prepare for myself something very tasty connected with meat or vegetables. And you have any favourite your dish??? After a supper in day I run with my girlfriends on stadium. Usually we run about 4-5 kilometres and it very strongly influences health As after run we are engaged in aerobics And you than like to be engaged from sports meets???
I have many other hobbies and one of these hobbies is books. I like to read different directions of books, but most of all I like classics. I like the French writers and not so long ago I have read up Shakespeare's all products. I very much liked a tragical poem about Romeo and Juliette. It so is fine!!! And you like to read books??? This hobby has come to me since the childhood. The matter is that my parents tried to give me all the most good in the childhood therefore they did not allow me to walk much. They said to me, that the girl is the future wife therefore it should be able to make almost all.
Therefore I have transferred all from mum and I am able to sew and knit. As I well prepare also I the good housewife but as I very much like to prepare In the childhood I was very obedient child till 14 years then each child has a transition age and at this particular time I have begun the hooligan or to joke. But in 17 years I have rethought the life and I have understood that without formation and study will be very difficult in a life. Therefore I undertook study and in 18 years I have entered the university At school at me were very good aspiration to knowledge and I do not refuse still all it. I very inquisitive and directed girl At school I have started to study well English language then at university I in addition went on courses on which I have well studied this language. But I did not begin to stop on it and I have started to study German and as some other languages.
I very badly speak on them, but I understand all In the childhood I had very interesting case. Once when at me the school I has ended has gone to walk with my girlfriend and it wished to show me one very beautiful place. There was a winter and we have come to very beautiful place on our river. We were there about 1 hour and we simply admired it. At this time my parents very strongly were frightened of that I was not present also they have started to search for me everywhere and on everywhere. I have come home to 20 o'clock in the evening and at once have laid down to sleep. Parents searched for me till the half-night! After they have lost hope that will find me. When they have come home that oaeaeee, that I already sleep. They have started to laugh so, that have woken me. But next day to me has very strongly got from them And what childhood at you was??? Today you have found out a lot of interesting about me and I hope, that you can as to tell to me about the childhood.
I will wait for your letter my dear.
Yours Katy!