by Been Scammed2
Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:44 pm
I was scammed by someone going by Anna Robert.Got me for $300.00.I'm not the only one.This person has many more names,deceiving people all over the world, into thinking their talking to (actuall person)a porn model named "Josie Ann Miller,also Josie Model.They don't tell you who she is,but use her pics and video to trick you.It's not just one person posing as Josie Ann Miller.They all use her pics tho,and you can find out if you're being scammed by first save the pic,then go to google,select images,upload the pic,and then it'll show you every website its on,and you'll know if you've been scammed too.I'm doing my own investigating,and hope to bring them to justice.They are getting alot of money,living better than most lawyers.They need to be stopped right away,and if you have any info on helping me on catching them,let me know.