by The Swangman
Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:28 pm
Ok, here's a new one for ya! At least, for me it is:
From Facebook to Yahoo Messenger.
Those are the steps used to get to this point. After establishing a bond between the two, video chat(the webcam) is introduced to prove that she IS the one in the pictures!
Promises were made and thoughts of a relationship ensued. The 2nd day she is posting things she wants in her mate. She starts posting comments which she says are hers but when I confront her she says they are hers. I do a search of those words and low and behold on SCAMWARNERS.COM, these words are duplicated. Realizing she had been revealed, she has since logged off YM. Probably in hopes of finding someone else less intelligent or more gullible.
So, if they're using webcams to verify their pictures they send so you can see it is really them and not just a porn star's picture, be weary still! Don't give in to their "emergency dilemma" and/or their need for money! It's just another step in the WORLD OF SCAMMERS!

From Facebook to Yahoo Messenger.
Those are the steps used to get to this point. After establishing a bond between the two, video chat(the webcam) is introduced to prove that she IS the one in the pictures!

Promises were made and thoughts of a relationship ensued. The 2nd day she is posting things she wants in her mate. She starts posting comments which she says are hers but when I confront her she says they are hers. I do a search of those words and low and behold on SCAMWARNERS.COM, these words are duplicated. Realizing she had been revealed, she has since logged off YM. Probably in hopes of finding someone else less intelligent or more gullible.

So, if they're using webcams to verify their pictures they send so you can see it is really them and not just a porn star's picture, be weary still! Don't give in to their "emergency dilemma" and/or their need for money! It's just another step in the WORLD OF SCAMMERS!