by TerranceBoyce
Wed Jan 23, 2013 9:18 am
Unsurprisingly the US military in Afghanistan and Iraq are well looked after, as well as getting a salary which, if they're an officer will be quite generous, so they won't be short of money for things like phones, which they don't need as they have access to free connections anyway. If the person claiming to be a soldier has contacted you by e-mail then he doesn't need a phone - Skype and Google enable him to speak to you without buying any technology.
If he has any problems with illness back home, then the army will take care of it. That's what the system is there for. He doesn't need to beg on the internet and no self-respecting soldier would do that. It's what internet scammers do without shame.
It's actually disrespectful to even believe a soldier would behave that way - they don't.
Army Emergency Relief Announces Additional Categories for Assistance
Unsurprisingly the US military in Afghanistan and Iraq are well looked after, as well as getting a salary which, if they're an officer will be quite generous, so they won't be short of money for things like phones, which they don't need as they have access to free connections anyway. If the person claiming to be a soldier has contacted you by e-mail then he doesn't need a phone - Skype and Google enable him to speak to you without buying any technology.
If he has any problems with illness back home, then the army will take care of it. That's what the system is there for. He doesn't need to beg on the internet and no self-respecting soldier would do that. It's what internet scammers do without shame.
It's actually disrespectful to even believe a soldier would behave that way - they don't.
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