by nukeh98
Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:37 pm
I have been talking to this guy for a few weeks we met thru Facebook. He has sent flowers and said all the right things. He wants to take care of me and my son when he is back in the States, along with him and his son...we will be a happy family,etc. etc. He told me that he is in Afghanistan and will be home in July. When he gets home we are going to travel,etc. I fell for all this and wanted to believe it because we talked for hours everyday. Well last night he told me that he broke his laptop and needed one so we could keep in touch. He also wanted some pictures of me and my son that he could put in his room as well as some candies, cards, body wash, shampoo and deodrant (which I know soldiers always need and want). Well I happen to have an extra one and was willing to send it to him but a big red flag came up when he gave me the address. It is to a diplomat in Ghana? To me this doesn't make sense but he assured me that all their supplies go thru Ghana. He has even given me his cell phone number. We have been talking on yahoo messenger lately. I have his name and cell number as well as facebook and yahoo names. I hope it is not a scam but I almost fell for another the name of Leroy A Petry until I searched your site. Thank you for your help. I also have the address he wanted these things sent to as well as the diplomats name.