Information on romance scams and scammers.
by Hyperliight03 Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:15 pm
I was contacted yesterday by a Sarah Goodwin on a dating website I am a member of. She sent me a message saying she would like to chat. When I sent her a message back, I received a message telling me to send her an email at [email protected]. So I did. The email I got back was a little out of character and came with pictures.* I am new to this website and do not know how to post in pictures.* Something struck me as odd so I did a google image search of the images she sent and came up with a model called Josie Model. Upon further investigation, I came across several people who have been scammed by the same photos. That is what lead me to this website.


All pictures received are exactly the same from both these cases.

Knowing that this is a scam, I will not respond anymore. My question is, do I report this person? If so, how?

Received this email

Hello Pearson,
How are you doing today? I hope all is going on well with you, i have to let you know that it truly mean alto to me for you to get back to me .My name is Sarah and am 28 years old single with no kids ,never married...I am from USA and am now in Nigeria staying with my sick granny since when i lost my both parent car accident,I know that this might not be what you're expecting from me because i never told you that i was out of states from the beginning of our conversation but i just have to let you know...Though, i was scared that i am gonna lose you and you might not be interested in me but i guess i was wrong about you which i am truly sorry for and i hope that you would be able to find a special place in your kind heart to be able to forgive me because i would love to know everything about you if it can be possible since that's my main reason why i was on here..Hoping to meet that someone special who is willing to accept me just the way i am and gives me a trial and you respond back to me..

Secondly....I am happy with what i read from you in your profile on that dating site ,it was awesome,I am a one man woman and am looking for a man who is going to love me for the rest of my life and take good care of me .And Here is what happened to me since you may wanna know how i ended up in Nigeria,I happened to be a only child,parents are late now though,lost them to an auto accident sometime back on their way to OH,presently I live with my Granny here because she's from Nigeria.

Thirdly..Some years back,i came across a guy in the united states(UK by Birth)by the name Robert who wooed me and he told me that he would be interested in a relationship with me since i had no boy friend and i needed a shoulder i could lay on whenever i am feeling down ,i had to accept is offer after pleading with me for a whole month and guess what???i fell for him so easily because he is so romantic,I hope you don't mind me making use of that word.

He was my everything and we both love each other so passionately that we cant do without seeing one another everyday.A Year into our relationship,he proposed to me about marriage and i accepted instantly since this is the dream of every lady,I was so over joyed that i had to share this good news with my best friend by the name Betty,she was so happy for me and she wish me best of luck with him. Robert told me that we will be traveling to UK because he wanted his parent to meet me before we both got married and i have to accept because my mom have a house in UK and i told him that my best friend will be accompanying us...though he has never met her for once.One week later,i had Betty meet with Robert but what i noticed on that very day is that my Ex cant stop looking into Betty's eye,i never knew that something terrible was going to happen afterward but i never think towards that..How i wish i could turn back the hand of time but i guess that ain't possible so right now,i wanna make every minutes of my life count.

Anyway back to my story,I,Betty and Robert traveled down to UK for the wedding ceremony and i received the greatest shock of my life when i woke up one morning and found out that Robert has left with Betty but abandon me in my mom's house in UK.On the table there was a note that read thus**I am sorry for doing this to you sweetheart but i just cant resist the beauty of your best friend so that's why i had to go with her to show my parent that she is the one i wanna get married to and after the wedding we are moving back to united state**.After reading this strange letter over and over again,i stood amazed and i take a proper look at myself if i ain't beautiful enough but i guess there is nothing i can do to what just happened...I waited patiently for few weeks in my mom's house in UK hoping that Robert was trying to Joke around with me because he knows that i have no other person but him.and since i never heard from him.i had to move to my Granny in Nigeria.

Sometimes,women consider themselves losers if they aren't having the most blissful of affairs with men but from what i have learn concerning what happened to me,i don't think that i have any reason to be angry because i know that no one is perfect and moreover that's why i chose to share my story with you because i have this huge feeling inside of me that have this believe that "TWO CAN ACCOMPLISH MORE". Do you agree with that?...

Its a pretty good here in Lagos, Nigeria anyway but its a little bit sunny and I don't have Choice had to live here like that and i will be coming back to the state anytime soon, just want to find someone nice before i come because I'm ready to sacrifice myself the right man not the wrong man and make him happy,....Hm mm I guess enough is being said about me.I look forward to reading from you. Lovely Sarah

by Gateway Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:25 pm
Well done on recognising the scam and for doing the research,

You have done all that you can do regarding reporting "her" by making the email address searchable on here, the email is probably false so getting the scammer caught is practically impossible.

If you could please post the email headers here

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

How to get E-Mail Headers
by vonpaso xlura Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:51 pm
The email looks like it was written by a Nigerian, and is therefore certainly false. No American would write like that, even after being in Nigeria a few years.

You can post pictures at and link to them here. As Gateway said, please post the headers (lines usually hidden that look like "Received: from blah by yadda" and the like).

... ni los estafadores heredarĂ¡n el reino de Dios. 1 Cor. 6:10
by scamgrease Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:21 pm
I received the same scam on 1-July-2013. The scam scum changed a digit in their email address (which is [email protected] )and changed the story somewhat to what I read previously in this thread. Below is the email header they used followed by the body of their email. First I get a bunch of Primerica locusts when I go for a job search, then I get a scam when I look for a wife. If this keeps up I'm heading to the bar, and I don't even drink.

I found this scammer on an online dating website, was the first 'person' who replied to me. Fortunately it didn't take me long to figure out it was a scam. :bondage:

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Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2013 15:41:21 -0700 (PDT)
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Subject: MORE ABOUT ME!!
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I am very happy you responded to my message. Like I said i would really love to know more about you so i am going ahead to tell you all about me. I want you to know that i am a very honest and upfront person. My name is Sarah Goodwin 28yrs, 5'8 tall, 115 lbs. I have not been in any relationship for about 2yrs now, my last relationship ended because my Ex was cheating on me with my best friend... I was hurt so bad by him and that was the worst feeling of my life. I have not been involved with anybody since then because I am afraid of getting hurt again. Right now I need someone in my life but I am not rushing into any relationship. I am someone that loves to enjoy life to the fullest, i love going out to the movies, on dates and to the swimming pool.

I was born in Hinckley, Minnesota But raised up in Beaumont in Texas. I was born and raised up there, and i received my Bachelor's Degree at University of Virginia and I'm so much in to Art's and Designs.. My dad is from America and mom is a Nigeria. I am an African American and the only child of my parents. I lost my dad when I was 19 years old, so my mom relocated back to her home town. So i have been living with a friend in Beaumont in Texas. Recently I got a message from my mom's doctor in Nigeria that she's very sick, she got terrible car accident where she got her spinal cord broke now and I had to rush to Nigeria to take care of her. I am currently staying with her down in Nigeria and I have been there for three weeks now and I would be returning back to TX soon as soon as my mom get lil better.Well i don't mind to relocate to any part of this world in other to found my soul mate in future.I live all my in United states of America but i will love to relocate to better place so i can finally settle down with the right man of my choice.Am willing to change destination in life.You would guess that I have a bit of Nigerian accent.I have a kind sense of humor, I love to laugh and to make that special someone laugh also. I am very sincere in finding true love for a life time and am every loyal Lady .

I do not drink or do any drugs. I am very easy going and have a great sense of humor. I am also a very deeply romantic lady but only gets romantic with my man. The right person for me, that one I wanna share my life with. I love to listen to music. I love children and believe they are like precious flowers of the world. What I am seeking for is a long term relationship that will lead to a marriage based on Love, mutual respect, and understanding.That is how I see the future. My goal in life is to be married and have a happy family in a home filled with love. Also for you to be my best friend, to share everything with,as well as passionate lover. I know that not everything in life can be perfect all the time, but I am willing to always do my best for my Man.He will be always my first priority. I want a man that will love me for me... I am very sincere in finding my partner in life. There is so much to talk about and learn about each other and I cannot
tell you everything in just one message..So I will be waiting expecting your response so we can keep us this conversation.Thanks for taking time to read my message.

Sarah Goodwin
by vonpaso xlura Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:58 am
The IP address is, of course, in Nigeria. The writing is not that of someone born and educated in the USA, but that of someone who grew up in Nigeria.

... ni los estafadores heredarĂ¡n el reino de Dios. 1 Cor. 6:10

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