Information on romance scams and scammers.
by member11 Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:37 am
j'ai été victime d'escroquerie par quelqu'un qui se prenait pour un militaire amercain en mission en Afghanistan et qui se prenommait allen macus dont l'adresse mail est [email protected] m'avait demandé de payer le leave permit pour lui et meme le retirement beneficial.chose que j'ai faite ,environ devait etre avec moi ce moi ci mais il est porté dispru,il ne m'ecrit plus, meme ses amis un certain jack felix qui est aussi alias felixjack41@yahoo,com,c'est en lisant votre forum que j'ai decouvert que felix jack c'est aussi jack felix dont l'adresse mail actuelle est [email protected] que frederick coxy([email protected]).J'ai tous les papiers d'envoie d'argent à western union et meme leur photos.actuellement cet allen macus se pronomme felix clarke ,son mail c'est felixclarke911@yahoo0com.

removed PS- dotti

by Dotti Sun Feb 10, 2013 12:55 pm


J'ai changé votre nom d'utilisateur "member11"

(I have changed your user name to "member11")

Google translate version of original post, with some edits to make the point clear and make the remaining email addresses google searchable. Note that ALL of the email addresses used in this scam belong to the scammers.

I was a victim of fraud by someone who said he was an American soldier in Afghanistan and name was allen Macus whose email address is [email protected]. He asked me to pay the leave allowed for him and even the retirement benefits, about $ 4,000. and he would be here with me. I paid but he never arrived. I do more writing, even his friends a jack that is also felix alias [email protected], in reading your forum I discovered jack that is also felix felix jack whose email address is current [email protected]. As frederick coxy ([email protected]). I have all the papers send money western union and even their photos. now this is allen Macus pronomme felix clarke, his email is [email protected].

Need to post photos?
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by Grunt Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:01 pm
Allen Macus
Worked at U.S Army
Joined Facebook September 1, 2012

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