Information on romance scams and scammers.
by The Enchantress Wed Feb 24, 2010 5:11 pm

Liar and romance scammer

Aka Yuliya or Yulya

Claims 28 or 29 or 30 years old, bob 18th September 1980 or 1st January 1981, single, never married, no children, "psychologist" living in Irbit (??????), Province of Sverdlovsk, Russia

Mail address used [email protected]

X-Mailer: Voyager (v3.99) Professional




Hi dear!

I ask that you carefully read my letter to you, it will not take you much time. Dear, I am writing to you from the heart, so please read my text to you.

My name is Yuliya!!! I am very pleased to meet you. I think that when you'll read the letter, you have a question. Where I took your email. I immediately want to explain to you how I got your email. About six months ago in my town was FTA Internet cafe, and I always like new technology, so I immediately began to use the Internet services. When I first came to the Internet cafe, I could not do anything, and the manager showed how to use Internet services. He said that the most popular on the Internet, this correspondence with friends and made me your own email. But I had no friends with whom I could communicate via email. So I come in Internet cafe only to read the news and find out the weather in my city, I visited the Google website, and I was all that interesting. Then the interest in Internet cafes, I declined, since the work began to take much effort and energy, and I had a little free time. This week, I went to the Internet cafe and checked my email. I was very surprised when I received many letters, I did not understand where they came from. The Administrator said that an Internet mailing lists and is wrote to me not a man, and the program. But I still was very interesting, so I read all your messages. And one message was your email, I was very surprised. I thought it was my chance and so decided to write to you. I do not know who you are present or not. But I hope that you will read my message and write the answer.

I would like a little interest you in your communication. Moreover, I am very beautiful and intelligent single woman. I have never been married and have no children. It will be interesting to talk with you and learn you closer. I build their communication with the main goal - the creation of serious relations. Relations without deception, without any games. I want to find a real man who can love and respect me. I hope that you also would like to find love? I lead a healthy lifestyle. I do not smoke or drink alcohol. I think that we could decorate each other's lives in bright colors. But this requires that you have shown their desire and time.

I am sure I will check my email, and I hope that in the coming days, I will be able to see your answer.
Especially for you I will send your photos to our fellowship was even more interesting. My new friend, I hope that you will not have wasted his time, when I read my message. And so I look forward to your reply to start our correspondence. Your Yuliya!
Last edited by The Enchantress on Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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by The Enchantress Wed Feb 24, 2010 5:12 pm
Hi my new friend xxxxx!!!

I am very pleased that you responded to my letter. So you are interested to know me as well. I am very glad to this event. I would like to know you more. But before that I would like to tell you a little about me. I am a girl who searches for his true love. I decided to apply to the Internet to find their happiness, the man who will love and respect me. This is my first contact with a man on the Internet. I have never been approached by internet dating in the past. Therefore, I do not know where to begin a story about me, but I'll try.

First, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Yuliya. For friends - just Yulya. My height - 1.75 cm, and my weight - 53 kg. I was born on September 18, 1980. Now I am 28 years old. When were you born? I live in is not a big city Irbit, which is in Russia. You have heard a lot about my country? I would like to tell you a little about my city. Irbit - a city in Russia, administrative center of Irbit district and East Management District, Sverdlovsk region. Located on the right bank of the river at the confluence of Nice in her Irbit river. Irbit town is situated in 204 km. to the east of Ekaterinburg, on the right bank of the river at the confluence of Nice in her Irbit river. The main waterways are the plains of the river and Nice Irbit relating to the type of West-Siberian with a typical spring flood. My city has many cultural and architectural values. Many, monuments, sculptures, theaters, and of course churches. I love my city because I was born here and lived my whole life! You'd tell me about your town? Where do you live? Do you like your town?

Now, I would like to tell you a little about my life. From early childhood, I had to live alone. I never saw my parents. Since they have an accident when I was 2 years. The accident happened on the track. My parents went to my grandmother in the village. On the way they cut into a big machine. The bus, which drove my parents, left the road, it overturned and they were killed. I do not even remember them. I have never seen their faces. My grandmother just died, but when I was 3.5 years. Then I had to live in an orphanage, because I was no longer native people. Now, I'm all alone. I have no brothers and sisters. I had a very difficult childhood. In our children's home was a lot of children.

When I was 7 years old I went to school, which was near our childhood home. I've always liked history. I always wanted to learn it. When I turned 18 years old, I had to leave the orphanage. I'm in a world where I had to do everything myself. I was so lonely. I had to look for housing, work. I got a job. I was a clerk at the library. I very much wanted to go to university. But I had no money. When I worked in the library, I read a lot of books. And then I decided to go to university. I am very lucky. I passed all my exams at the «excellent»! I came to learn from a psychologist. However, I continued to work in the library serves. I liked to study people's behavior. I liked to help people in situations where they are bad when they need help. My mother was a psychologist as well. I think it's my destiny to be a psychologist.

When I graduated from university, I tried to find a job. But it was not very easy. Since many organizations in Russia does not want to take young people to work, because they believe that young people just do not have experience. But after much searching, I decided to call my children's house where I lived all my childhood and to offer them my help in the upbringing of children. Director of the orphanage told me that they were happy to take me to work. I was very glad of it. And the past 2 years I worked as a psychologist in a children's home, where I spent my whole life. I really enjoy helping children. After all, they, as well as I now live without parents. I have for them as a mother. I love children. I believe that children are the angels who live with us on earth. In this life, I am looking for the man who could I truly love and respect.

At this point I must finish my first letter to you. The next time I'll tell you more about myself, about my work, about my hobbies and, of course, the relationship that I seek. Please tell me a little about you. Where do you work? What happens in your life? I am very curious to find you. I am very interested in Internet communication, as it is with me the first time.

I look forward to your next letter to me. Your new friend from Russia, Yuliya.

PS By this letter I am attaching some photos of my life. From my photos, you know what I like. My whole life is depicted in the photo.

I hope I like me you. Please send me your pictures as well.

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by The Enchantress Wed Feb 24, 2010 5:14 pm
Hello, my dear and beloved xxxxx!

I am pleased to see your response to my letter. Thank you very much for your kind words to me. You are very dear person to me. I am ready to give you all my life! You can not even imagine how glad I am that our hearts have found each other. My thoughts only about you and about our future life together. I will give you all my heart. I want to be with you. I love you! My dear, you know, today I decided to visit the tourist company, in order to learn all about our meeting.

I will try to call you on Tuesday next week, be careful not to miss my challenge to you.

In our city there is another popular company, which operates in the tourism industry for many years. This is the most convenient and best option for obtaining the documents, I will explain why. If I execute the documents through your embassy, I need to go to Moscow, and is located about 2000 kilometers from my home. And also I have about 10 days to be held in Moscow, as the documents will be prepared. I have nowhere to live in Moscow, because I have no friends there. It will cost me a very large cost. This is a very big city, I have never been there, so be there a long time, it is not safe. Therefore, the best option to use travel agencies. It will prepare all my documents and I have no problems I can get them, the more tourism company will make it much faster. Since it works with the consulates in Moscow.

Today I went to the tourist company appealed to the manager of the company and described the whole situation. I found out what documents do I need to ensure that I have officially been able to fly out to you. Manager reported that for the flight to you will need a passport, tourist visa, to undergo a medical examination and to insure themselves against accidents. This is a mandatory procedure for leaving my country. The most important thing for me at this stage, to make passport and visa. Preparation of a passport takes approximately 1.5 - 2 weeks. The cost of the passport is 165 euro. The hardest thing is to get a visa in your country. There are several types of visas for visits to your country. Travel agent informed me that the easiest option is to get a tourist visa. Get it all faster, and allow it to be in your country from 1 to 6 months. Visa cost 210 euro and it will draw about 3 - 4 months. The agent told me that recently appeared a service to expedite visa if you pay another 70 euro visa will be ready within 10 days. Medical examination costs about 40 euro, and accident insurance 65 euro.

My love to get all the necessary documents I need 550 euro. This is a very large sum for me, when I learned about it, I cried.

Since I wanted to do for you a surprise, and she started to register my documents. As soon as we started to communicate with you, I began saving money for our meeting. I now have 110 euro for our meeting, but it is a very small amount of money. As you know, I do not have 440 euro, to begin the process my papers. Immediately after the travel agency, I tried to borrow money from friends and people close to me, but nobody can help me such a large sum.

I do not know what to do. This amounts to five of my monthly salary, because my salary is 130 - 150 euro per month. I long thought before turning to you for help, but it is the only step to speed up our meeting with you.

My Love, I'm not comfortable to ask your support, but my heart wants to be with you.

I badly want to be with you! You're very dear and beloved person to me! You're my whole life. You're the air that I breathe every day. I walked down the street and thought only of you. I wanted to quickly write you a letter. Now I sit, and my eyes are filled with tears. Tears of sadness and grief. I do not want to live without you. After all, without your presence in my life now, it makes no sense! I got only one hope, that your help my love xxxxx. I believe that money is quite nonprincipal in our lives. The most important thing that we found each other and we are happy. We love each other and there is nothing more important in this life! But now, in order to meet, we need this amount of money.

My love xxxxx, you are ready to help in our meeting, this sum of money?

On this depends our future. I have full confidence in you. I know that you can help in any situation. You never leave me! You're my guardian angel, whom God sent me. You are my life. Without you, there is no reason to live! I want to feel the warmth of your lips, hug you and feel your strong hands. I know that you are very kind and honest man. I can see how you're going through, I see how you really want to be with me and it is very important to me. I found her true love in you, xxxxx. Now for me, a day without you is hell. And your letters for me is the sun, which visits me every day.

I am madly in love you my dear xxxxx! I am grateful, because it allowed us to meet.

My Love, I am very uncomfortable in front of you, and I want to ask you for forgiveness, but I want to be sincere with you. And if you doubt me, you can not help me with the trip. I understand you! But I want you to know that you are very dear person in my life. And the meeting would have made our feelings even stronger.

I await your response as soon as possible.

Your forever Yuliya.

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by The Enchantress Wed Feb 24, 2010 5:15 pm
Today I was again in the travel agency to find out how you can make a money transfer for the Payment of my documents. Travel agent informed me that they do not accept bank payment from the frequent parties. They do so only for persons traveling teams, so the money for the documents I have to pay in cash.

Travel agent advised me to contact the bank to find out more information about how you can make money transfer to my name: went to the bank where they told me that the best option is a money transfer system of remittances Western Union.

This is a very fast and reliable system. I was told that this system is ten times better, the bank transfer. I should not create the account and wait a long time, receiving the money. As soon as you send it to me the money, the same day I will be able to receive them. Moreover, this system transfers now have in any bank. Western Union is the fastest and reliable system of remittances in the world!

My dear xxxxx, Once you do me a transfer of money, you'll have to call me your personal data that you have filled in form. Also I need, money transfer control number, which is briefly MTCN. Then I can collect the money.

I want to make our meeting as clearly as possible and cheerful. I want as quickly as possible to meet with you, because you are my whole life! After all, I just can not live without you, my love.

As soon as I receive the money, I immediately begin processing my documents.

After that, very soon we will be next to each other xxxxx.

I love you very much xxxxx, you are my sunshine among the clouds. You're my whole life!

I look forward to your good news, my love!

Please answer me as soon as you will have an opportunity.

Million kisses for you. I await your response as soon as possible.

Your forever Yuliya.

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by The Enchantress Wed Feb 24, 2010 5:16 pm
Hallo meine Liebe xxxxx!!! Ich bin sehr froh, Ihren Brief zu erhalten.
Ich wartete auf ihn ungeduldig, und nun bin ich glucklich, es zu
lesen. Wie geht es dir? Was ist Ihre Stimmung? Ich hoffe, dass Sie
alle gut, dass Sie hatten eine wunderbare Zeit.

Madly freut sich auf Ihre neue Foto zu bekommen! Du bist sehr hübsch.
Wir danken Ihnen für das, was Sie schreiben mir einen Brief von
Interesse und nicht um mich vergessen.

Tut mir sehr leid, dass Sie unsere Zeit ziehen sind. Sie hätten Zeit,
um eine Überweisung heute tun. Ich bin nicht glücklich, als ich
erklärte, dass in meinem Land wird bald beginnen Neujahr, und der
Prozess der Beschaffung der Dokumente, ausgesetzt wurde. Ich habe das
Gefühl, dass Sie tun und wollen. Es tut mir leid, dass unsere
Beziehungen auf der Stelle sind! Und wir bewegen uns aufeinander zu.
Ich hoffe, dass du ein richtiger Mann und wird für seine Worte
verantwortlich. Ich warte auf Informationen von Ihnen so bald wie


Hello my love xxxxx!!!

I am very glad to receive your letter. I waited for him impatiently, and now I am glucklich to read it. How are you? What is your tendency? I hope that her all well that you had a marvelous time. Madly looks forward to your new photo to get! You are very pretty. We thank you for what you write me a letter of interest and not around me forget. Much suffering does to me that you draw our time are. They would have time, around a transfer today to do. I am not happy, when I explained that in my country will soon begin New Year, and one suspended the process of the procurement of the documents. I have the feeling that you do and want. I'm sorry that our relations on the place is! And we approach one on the other. I hope that you a correct man and becomes responsible for its words.

I wait for information from you as soon as possible.

Mein Engel, ich bin sehr gerne in mein Leben und mein Schicksal haben.
Ich versuche, die richtigen Worte, die mir helfen, die Tiefe der
Gefuhle auszudrucken fur Sie, liebe finden xxxxx. Aber sicherlich
solche Worte einfach noch nicht erfunden worden. Die meisten schone,
aufrichtige und sanfte Worte aller Sprachen der Welt wird nicht
genugen. Aber Sie und Sie wissen, wie mir lieb xxxxx. Ich kann mir
nicht vorstellen, mein Leben, ohne dass Sie xxxxx. Sie und nur Sie
in meinem Herzen und in meinen Traumen! Sie sind in der Lage, in mein
Leben zu brechen ein Orkan! Gefallt Ihnen hei? en Sonne mein Herz
schmilzt! Sie haben alles, was ich verruckt geworden mit Ihrer
Zartlichkeit getan. Du hast. Und es ist nicht schwer zu tun, wenn man
bedenkt was fur eine wunderbare Person, die Sie xxxxx. Ich wei?,
Sie hat mir sehr viel, weil sie den, der mir Sie wusste, dass er nicht
umsonst war es getan. Er gab mir, dass du - mein Schutzengel! Seine
Liebe schutzen Sie mich vor allem Bosen auf dieser sundigen Erde, fur
ihre wei? en Flugel, mein Engel. Und ich flehe Sie an, fuhren Sie einen
bewachten mich mein ganzes Leben lang, und ich werde unsere Liebe zu
halten! Vielen Dank, dass Sie xxxxx! haben Es ist dank Ihnen habe
ich gelernt, ein wunderbares Gefuhl, Liebe! Ich brauche nur Sie, wie
eine offene, sanft und guter Mensch. Ihr Lacheln fur mich - das Gluck,
die Augen - eine bodenlose See. Sie sind den meisten mir notwendig. Um
mich, Sie bleiben immer der schonste Mann, aus denen das Herz schlagt
wie verruckt, aber Vernunft ist ganz verloren. I LOVE YOU xxxxx!!!
Ich erwarte, dass jeder unserer Sitzung. Ihre gute Laune ist mir
vergangen. Wie kam es auch - die Liebe! Und ich, siehe, ich liebe
dich. Liebe. Vielleicht, so wie Sie habe ich nie jemanden lieben. Du
bist die liebste fur mich, Menschen auf der Erde. Ich wiederhole: Ich
liebe dich! Unsere erste Nacht mit Ihnen die schonsten,
romantischsten, sehr leidenschaftlich. Beloved xxxxx, in diesem
schlie? e ich meinen Brief. Schreiben Sie mir, ich freue mich auf Ihren
Brief. Ich liebe dich, miss you, zartlich und leidenschaftlich kussen.
Ihre Yuliya.


My angel,

I is very gladly in my life and my fate has. I try to print the correct words, which help me, the depth of the Gefuhle fur you, love find xxxxx. But surely such words simply yet not invented. Most preserve, sincere and gentle words of all languages of the world become do not genugen. But you and you know, as me dear xxxxx. I cannot introduce myself, my life, without her xxxxx. It and only it in my heart and in my traumas! They are able, into my life to break an gale! Please you hei? EN sun my heart melts! They have everything that I jerks nascently with their Zartlichkeit done. You have. And it is not difficult to do, if one considers which fur a marvelous person, you xxxxx. I wei? , Me very much has you, because it that, which knew me you that it was not it in vain done. It gave me that you - my protection gel! Its love schutzen you me above all Bosen on this sundigen earth, fur their wei? EN Flugel, my angel. And I invoke you, drove you a guarded me my whole life long, and I will hold our love! Thank you that it xxxxx! have it is owing to you I learned, a marvelous Gefuhl, love! I need only you, like an open, gently and good humans. Their Lacheln fur me - the Gluck, the eyes - a groundless sea. They are necessary most me. Around me, you remain always the schonste man, from which the heart strike as jerked, but reason is completely lost.

I LOVE YOU xxxxx!!! I expect that everyone our meeting. Their good mood passed me. How it came also - the love! And I, see, I loves you. Love. Perhaps, as you I have someone never love. You are dearest fur me, humans on earth. I repeat: I love you! Our first night with you the schonsten, most romantic, very passionately. Beloved xxxxx, into this schlie? e I mean letter. Write to me, I look forward to your letter. I love you, measure you, zartlich and passionately kussen.

Their Yuliya.

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by The Enchantress Wed Feb 24, 2010 5:18 pm
HALLO meine liebe xxxxx!!!! Wie geht es dir? Was ist Ihre Stimmung?
Ich hoffe, dass Ihnen alles Gute.

Sorry, war, dass Sie früher nicht erfüllen. Ich hatte einen
anstrengenden Tag auf der Arbeit nach Hause kam und ich sehr müde, und
ging sofort ins Bett. Ich möchte Ihnen für Ihre Hilfe danken. Bitte
geben Sie den Betrag, den Sie schickte mir? Morgen werde ich zur Bank
gehen und bekommen ihr Geld, und sofort auf die Registrierung meine
Unterlagen gehen.

xxxxx Geliebte, ich liebe dich sehr. Ich habe noch nie eine so
wunderbare Menschen wie Sie. Und ich bin froh, dass Sie uns Gluck
gebracht. Sie sind ein Engel, der vom Himmel herab zu meinem Herzen
erhellen! Ich habe dich, und du mich! Ich mochte Sie wissen xxxxx,
Ich werde dich immer lieben! Fur mich bleiben Sie immer die
gewunschte, freundlich, anhanglich und hat nur einen einzigen Mann in
meinem Leben! Welches Ich mag Sie wirklich alle. Sie - das
faszinierende Lebewesen auf der Erde, zarteste, sinnlich und
leidenschaftlich. Ich liebe dich sehr, sehr viel. Immer und uberall,
Sie sind nicht besser. Du bist, was es wirklich ist, nicht ein Tropfen
liegt - denn das Ich liebe dich noch mehr. Ich freue mich auf den
Moment, als ich in Ihrem Angebot fallen zu umarmen, und ich werde Ihre
Aromate atmen, wiederholen Sie Ihren Namen xxxxx, und immer wieder,
hast deine freundliche und schone Augen. Nachts sehe ich Ihre schonen
Gesicht, Mund, vorstellen, wie du mich Hinweis mit ihren schonen
Lippen. Mit dir, mein Leben mit Sinn erfullt, jetzt wei? ich, was ich
will. Und ich will mit dir sein, immer, mein ganzes Leben lang. Ich
folge dir ins Feuer und ins Wasser, wo immer pozovesh xxxxx. Du
bist mein Lichtblick in dieser herzzerrei?enden der Dunkelheit des
Lebens. Wir danken Ihnen fur das, was du bist! Ich liebe dich
xxxxx! Ich werde dich immer lieben, bis mein Herz aufhort zu
schlagen. Wenn ich an Dich denke, so ohrenbetaubend laute Schlagen
meines Herzens, es tut mir leid, dass Sie nicht horen, wie er jetzt.
Niemand dachte daran, egal, ob dieser Gedanke ist nicht um Sie. Alle
meine Wunsche und Traume sind nur mit Ihnen verbunden. Nichts und
niemand wird meine Gefuhle fur dich zu zerstoren. Ich denke, manchmal
sogar in meinen Traumen Ich gestehe Ihnen, in der Liebe, schlafen ohne
dich fallen physisch, sondern immer aufwachen mit Ihrem Namen auf den
Lippen. Wissen, Geliebter, da? neben dir einen Mann, dessen Herz
schlagt nur fur Sie ist. Ehrlich gesagt, ich wei? nicht, wie man in
Worten ausdrucken zumindest ein Teil dessen, was los ist in meinem
Herzen. Wenn ich einer Eisscholle, wurde ich von einem der Ihren Augen
geschmolzen, wenn ich eine Blume - ich habe immer nur fur Sie bluhte,
aber wenn ich ein Lied, dann gabe es kein wei?es Licht auf diese
wunderbare Musik, weil es fur Sie nur fur Sie. Aber leider, oder
vielleicht zum Gluck, ich bin nur ein Mensch. Mit einem liebevollen
Herzen, mit einem singenden Seele. Und niemand au?er Ihnen, weil ich
nicht gern, so dass niemand gewunscht. ICH LIEBE DICH! Mein Herz
schlagt fur dich. Ich lebe nur fur dich. Und das alles ist auch fur
Sie. Ich kann ohne dich nicht leben, ich vermisse dich, Ich liebe
dich, nur weil du bist. Meine Lieben, ich freue mich auf Ihren Brief.
Und ich denke, dass Sie bald gehen, mir zu schreiben. Ihre Yuliya.

Juliya Tsuypljakowa
50 LET Oktyabrya
Apartment 43
Irbit 623850


HELLO my dear xxxxx!!!!

How are you? What is your tendency? I hope that you all property. Sorry, was that you do not fulfill in former times. I had one arduous day on the work home and I came very tiredly, and went immediately to bed. I would like to thank you for your assistance. Please do you give the amount, you sent to me?

Tomorrow I to the bank to go and get their money, and on the registration my documents to go immediately.

xxxxx loving, I loves you much. I do not have ever one so marvelous humans like it. And I am glad that her us Gluck brought. They are an angel, who illuminates from the sky down to my heart!

I have you, and you me! I might have known you xxxxx, I become you to always love! Fur me always remain you those gewunschte, friendly, anhanglich and has only one man in my life! Which I like you really all. It - that fascinating organisms on earth, zarteste, sensuously and passionately. I love you much, very much. Always and uberall, you are not better. You are, which it is real, not a drop lie - which I love you still more. I am pleased on the moment, as I in your offer fall to embrace, and I will breathe, repeat your aromatics you its name xxxxx, and again and again, your friendly has and preserves eyes.

At night I see their preserving to face, mouth, present, like you me reference with their preserve lips. With you, my life with sense erfullt, now wei? I, which I want. And I want to be with you, always, my whole life long. I follow you in the fire and in the water, where always pozovesh xxxxx. You are my ray of hope in this herzzerrei? end to the darkness of the life. We thank you fur what you are! I love you xxxxx! I become you always love, to my heart up stronghold too strike. If I think of you, thus ohrenbetaubend read striking my heart, I'm sorry that you do not horen, like he now. Nobody remembered, no matter whether this thought is not around you.

All my desire and dreams are connected only with you. Nothing and nobody becomes my Gefuhle fur you to zerstoren. I think, sometimes even in my traumas I confess to you, in the love, sleep without you fall physically, but always wake up with your name on the lips. , Do loving know, there? beside you a man, whose heart strike only fur you is. Honestly said, I wei? not, like one in words expressions at least a part of its that is loose in my heart. If I became a Eisscholle, I by one that your eyes melted, if I a flower - I have in each case fur you bluhte, but if I a song, then gift it none wei? it light on this marvelous music, because it fur it only fur it. But unfortunately, or perhaps to the Gluck, I am only one humans. With an affectionate heart, with singing soul. And nobody outer? it you, because I not gladly, so that nobody gewunscht.

I LOVE YOU! My heart strike fur you. I live only fur you. And all this is also fur you. I cannot live without you, I miss you, I love you, only because you are.

My love, I look forward to your letter. And I think that you go soon writing me.

Their Yuliya.

Address: Juliya Tsuypljakowa

50 LET Oktyabrya Apartment 43 Irbit 623850

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by The Enchantress Wed Feb 24, 2010 5:18 pm
Additional stolen photographs used by this scammer;





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