by shazz
Wed Mar 13, 2013 9:01 pm
I have been talking to a John Cody for 2 months He said he was a colnel in the Air Force in Afghanistan. His wife had died and he had a 10 year old daughter Anne who was in boarding school. He wrote me poems and love letters told me how much he loved me 20 times a day. I played a long with him waiting for the day he would need money from me. His pictures were of a very good looking man then the other night we managed to go on video chat. I was acutally surprised that it was him in the video. So not sure if he is the scammer or just helping them. I told him I was so happy it was really him and I needed him to come home with me. That did it, he proceeded to tell me I had to apply to the general for permission for his leave. It would cost me $850 and he would be with me within 2 weeks (yeh) and I told him I was not paying anything. He could pay but he made all theses excuses. Anyway people beware this guy is good and he is sogood looking. Don't fall for him . I have pics if anyone wants to see Dont know how to put them on here. His email is [email protected] and I met him on Skout