Information on romance scams and scammers.
by tanny Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:15 pm
I have been talking on line to Wayne Lyndon since last july.
He is meant to be a captain in the american army.
He was meant to be coming to the UK but something always happened, the latest being hes been shot.
Has anyone else had dealings with this person.
He is so attentive and I really dont want to believe he is a scammer, but Im pretty sure he is.
Can anyone please help me.
His email is [email protected]
He has asked for money
Im desperate to know if the person is actually from Nigeria
Please help me
Last edited by tanny on Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

by TerranceBoyce Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:47 pm
Undoubtedly it's a scammer but, a real soldier will have been airlifted out of Afghanistan if he'd been shot, unless he's too critical to move, in which case he wouldn't be on the internet.

Scammers are quite clueless and what they know about war is taken from the movies. Soldiers only walk around with bullet holes in the middle of a battle. Otherwise they have jobs to do and roles to fulfil which they can't perform with battlefield wounds. Western armies provide the best medical support possible for their forces and they know that their people would not allow anything else. It would be stupid to keep a wounded soldier in active service and it only happens in the limited brain of a scammer.

Soldiers are also limited in what they can discuss about active mission for obvious security reasons and wouldn't discuss it unless you're close family. They won't allow issues like this to come out of internet discussions before it's announced by them. The scammer's trying to impress you and making a fool of himself or, should I say more of a fool of himself.

CAR ADVERTS - If a car seller mentions escrow - he's scamming you Never ever for any reason pay anything until you have seen and inspected the vehicle
by tanny Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:51 am
I feel so silly
This man seemed so genuine and caring .
He knew exactly what to say.
I met him on B2
by jolly_roger Sat Apr 27, 2013 7:13 am
tanny. I'm sorry the imposter wasted your time.

re: He was meant to be coming to the UK but something always happened, the latest being hes been shot.

That's not quite true because the trickster has no intentions of going anywhere near you. As Terrance explained, It's just a fanciful scammer story made up to sucker you in. If 'he' asked for money from you, yes it is a scamming slimy trickster and it's only intention is to get it's hand inside your purse. The only thing the scammer loves is the money it hopes to get from you. Everytime you see supposed military person + so called dating site means there's a scam in the air. A captain would not have a yahoo email address. Your best course of action is to cease all communications with said scammer. You may feel silly at the moment but put those thoughts aside because military type scammers are very prevelant. If you were to look at the e-mail header, it will more likely show the origin from west africa?
by tanny Sat Apr 27, 2013 7:36 am
Thanks for your help.
How do I see the header of his email?
by jolly_roger Sat Apr 27, 2013 9:30 am
Depends on the e-mail programme you're using. If it's yahoo, open the message as normal. You'll see towards the top of the page it says Actions. Click on Actions and a drop down box will show. Simply click on View Full Header and the header of the message will appear. If it's another email programme used, this may be of help. ... #all/yahoo
There will be three or four IP numbers contained within the header (or however many hops the message had) and it's the bottom ip number should be the origin of the message. Simply copy and paste the header into a header analyser to decode it all and it should show from whence the email originated.
by tanny Sat Apr 27, 2013 9:49 am
Thank you
by Dotti Sat Apr 27, 2013 11:06 am
Just to clarify:

There is absolutely NO doubt that this is a scammer, regardless of what the IP address says. The storyline and the completely ridiculous assumptions about the US military tell us that, as Terrance already said. Scammers come from all over the world, and can be any nationality or religion, but this particular scam format and the claims you reference tend to be specific to African romance scammers.

The majority of African romance scammers are operating out of an African country (most often Ghana or Nigeria) or Malaysia, where a large cell of Nigerian scammers is located. But, African scammers have been arrested all over the world, including UK, US, and just about every other country. For example, two Nigerian romance scammers were arrested in Bangkok this year! ... osal-fraud

If you look at the headers, and the IP leads you to Africa or Malaysia, you can be certain that the scammer is located in that country.

But, it is important to realize that if the IP address does not lead you to one of those locations, it does not mean he is innocent. Getting an IP address that is not in Africa or Malaysia only means that he is hiding his location (some scammers do use tools to hide their real IP address) or he is one of the scammers who has traveled to another country but continues to scam.

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by tanny Sun May 05, 2013 11:47 am
Just a quick note to let everyone know, after a friend done some research for me, the photos wayne Lyndon is using are actually stolen from a soldier called Bryan Nobile
by jolly_roger Mon May 06, 2013 12:42 am
Thank-you for the update tanny. Scam artists simply use images of real service people to use in their fake e-mails. Since the scammer has your e-mail address, you will need to be wary of other scammers writing in the next few days or several weeks. When you don't respond to any of the scam e-mails, they will stop writing. The downside is they simply choose another target to exploit. But your report will surely help others in future.
by tanny Fri May 24, 2013 8:21 am
Can anyone help me?
I need to know if this is a scam.
I have spoken face to face with a man called major Christopher Raymond.
He is asking me to help him get a liberty pass
I have been talking to him on Skype, face to face
Is this true to the American army?
by tanny Fri May 24, 2013 8:27 am
The email he has given me for the army is [email protected]
by TerranceBoyce Fri May 24, 2013 8:44 am
Welcome to Scamwarners tanny.

It's a very common scam and the person you are dealing with isn't in the US army. He's swigging beer in a West African internet cafe trying to steal your money.

A Liberty Pass isn't even an expression used in the US army to describe leave. Ask a soldier but not the one you're e-mailing - he isn't in the army.

Soldiers don't pay for leave and they don't accept e-mails from strangers off the internet. He wants you to mail another e-mail account he's set up. He's playing a silly game to steal your money. Making you pay for his fictional leave is the next step.

Why does he want leave anyway ? If he had to buy it, which he doesn't, he'd have the money to do it himself, and as you aren't his wife or mother, the army could care less about you.

It's a silly scam.

a liberty pass? i dont even know what that is. i spent 6 years in the army and my fair share of time in afghanistan and never heard of a liberty pass. they never let us outside the wire unless its for a mission

I don't think soldiers go to downtown bars in Kabul for R & R.

CAR ADVERTS - If a car seller mentions escrow - he's scamming you Never ever for any reason pay anything until you have seen and inspected the vehicle
by tanny Fri May 24, 2013 8:56 am
How does he talk to me on Skype, he is white
the email I posted is it even real?
by Dotti Fri May 24, 2013 9:02 am
Scammers use video that they take from the internet (for example the real person has youtube videos posted).

They then use software that you can buy to edit the video and make it look like it is webcam. You are never seeing the real person who is talking to you, only their faked webcam.

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