Information on romance scams and scammers.
by Mebly Mon Jun 10, 2013 4:08 am
I recently discovered that I have been the victim of a romance scan, and was directed here from (‘The Face of Military Dating Scans – the Wall of Shame). Thanks to discovering that site, I’ve been able to avoid any financial loss, but the emotional toll will take some time to repair.
25 May I was contacted by KENNEDY JOHNATHAN via Facebook to accept his request to become Facebook friends. I noted that the page hadn’t been in existence for very long, but he already had a couple of friends there. The messages were innocent enough at first, and I was asked to connect with him via Messenger (‘better than Facebook messages, apparently) so I created an account with Yahoo. On his Facebook page I noted there seemed to be a lady (from his hometown of Houston, Texas) on his Facebook page who was particularly keen on him, posting that she was missing him and she was really looking forward to his call on Thursday. On 30 May, the Facebook profile page for KENNEDY JOHNATHAN disappeared. 30 May was a Thursday.
A friend request for KENNY JOHNATHAN followed; same profile photo, and I recognised one of the other friends. Oddly enough, he’d become younger by around six years, but there was now more detail on his Facebook profile. I was told that there was some sort of ‘problem’ at the time that caused the sudden disappearance of his previous profile. Interesting to note that his FB page ‘like’ had changed from ‘Australia’ to ‘Plenty of Fish’.
It wasn’t long before he cast the first line with “I think I am falling in love with you”. Unfortunately his timing was spot on. I received the nickname ‘Boo’ and he sent me photos of himself (I’ve now located the original source of the photos through Google Image search – conveniently reflected where he got the name from, thanks to a photo title with names). He advised me that his first girl broke his heart by breaking up with him because he was off on tour duty, and she thought he was going to die.
The next nail in the coffin was for him to start talking about taking leave to come to see me; I was asked to send an email to his General to assist in getting the approval through (and the General would be very proud to see how much I cared. Initially I was to say that I was ill, and as he was my fiancé, I needed him by my side. My question over the Generals’ reaction to the sudden appearance of a fiancée went unanswered. The General would make an approach to ‘Defense Welfare’ on ‘our’ behalf to release funds as soon as possible because ‘we can’t access our funds in Baghdad’. To add to the illusion, he was the Generals personal Major in the Saddam days (which would have made him a child at the time).
In the early hours of 05 June, I received a chat message to say something had happened to his mum (not his ‘mom’ – didn’t pick up on that at the time); she was travelling in Serbia with her husband – he beat her up (no reason as to why) and she was in a hospital in Belgrade. The medical bills had exhausted all of her money, and her husband had ‘seazed’ her credit card and her ‘sell’ phone. He told me he was sorry to ask me, but as I was the closest person to him in his life now, he couldn’t ask any other – he wanted to get a loan of USD3,000 so he could arrange to fly his mother back home to a US Army Care Center to get her away from the danger. To buy myself some breathing space, I invented a story about having to apply for a personal loan and, due to the urgency of the situation, if I wanted to get the loan approved quickly, I’d need some evidence to share. I also asked about approaching the US Embassy, and what options were available with her travel insurance – no response except to say that he was thinking about options too, but his head was all over the place. He did seem to buy my response, as I was told not to stress over it, and not to worry – plus a friend from his past had been able to offer USD1,009.
I was next informed that the leave was approved; I asked for the name of the General and was advised it was General Raymond T Ordierno. It was around this time that I’d discovered a lot of online information about scams involving General Ordierno, so was on alert. The leave was approved for 1 month from 15 June 2013; I said that it was a shame about the dates (I didn’t think I could get time off work as it was so close) – he said it would be OK as he would use his sick ‘mum’ as an alibi to make it before then.
The General responded with this (no change to formatting)“Good day mXXXXXX,how thoughtful of you to write me to crave my endulgence in order to keep me informed about your marrage plans with my youngest major sagent in service.i will sure put your request into great consideration as the sagent in question is one of my favourite army in service.I had plans to keep him back in baghdad to handle afairs in my absence,as much as i would love to be a part of his future and happiness.YOU are aware that soldiers on U.s guard mission in iraq can not access thier personal funds until they finish thier mission and approved for leave,for your purpose i would write the defence welfare in the states to release funds for his trips and his upkeep while he his away good..yours sincerely raymond t ordierno”
I raised the difference with him (he was surprised that I’d seen footage of General Ordierno online) – apparently his ‘audly’ (orderly?) would have sent it. I asked why an ‘audly’ would have access to the General’s personal email account and was told that ‘every soldier in the US Army or Marines has access to him – it is not such a deal he is just a superior’. I kept pushing on the subject of the discrepancies and received “Okay baby whatever you want” and “I have got nothing to defend my love”. When I forwarded the ‘Generals’ email to him, he admitted that it wasn’t that impressive and was “well telling for that calibar”. I asked for the Generals military email address as I was ‘upset’ that “someone had hacked in to the Generals personal email account after he had been so gracious to us” – I received [email protected]. Told him that wasn’t the correct email address, and it had to be the proper military one so I knew I was talking to the General directly (thanks to a Google search, I knew what the domain should be) – HE ASKED ME WHAT IT SHOULD BE; I went back to say it had to be his US Army Military address.
I again asked for a call through Messenger (apparently no access to telephones; radios only) as I was so ‘distraught’ … was advised ‘maybe later’. I wasn’t able to stay online all night; throughout the night there were messages of support and love, mixed in with frustration at my not being online (even though I’d made it blatantly clear as to how tired and exhausted I was). I was also advised that the ‘General’ had been made aware of the email ‘incident’ and was not pleased as he was mad his personal email address had been given out.
And then the tone went blacker … he blamed me for making ‘him’ feel bad (he felt he was the cause of my exhaustion) – I did some backtracking there to lighten the tone – I stupidly should have left it there instead and be done with it as it’s now become worse. Over the last 24 hours I have received numerous emails, threatening to make public our ‘sordid affair’ and publish photos online if I don’t come up with USD3,000 to send to him (numerous repeated threats in a count-down style … and he finally bothers to give me ALEXIS HAVIN BRIAN ... WESTERN UNION ... ANYWHERE IN CYPRUS ... NAME – CALVIN GOMEZ ALLEN … MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA WESTERN UNION.
I also sent a message to one of his Facebook friends to alert her to what I had discovered; she thanked me for the advice and has obviously been in contact with him as I received “you really got fingers in my eyes trying to damage me when I have not meant bad for you … whriting my friends to say I am not real and fake how sad?”. His Facebook profile has disappeared.
On the advice from I’ve ceased all contact and approached yourselves. The Yahoo account I created has been terminated, and I’ve modified the settings on my other email account so that any further correspondence from him will be deleted (I don’t think I could take the strain of any more threatening emails).
Unfortunately I fear he may have sufficient information on me to do more damage, I don't know if this guy will make good on his threats, and I am concerned as I confronted him, fuelling the fire so that he does take action to ‘ruin my life and my career’ (as has been threatened in one of his emails).

Details -
MAJOR SERGEANT Ken / Kenny / Kennedy Johnathan - presently stationed at 'Victory Complex Base Camp', Baghdad, Iraq.
Facebook page
Email address / IP: [email protected] /
Email address / IP: [email protected] /
Messenger: [email protected]

IP addresses confirmed to originate in Nigeria
I have got screenshots from his Facebook profile (including the details of his ONE male friend … who happens to live in Nigeria), as well as message history (not all) – I’ll await contact from one of the support team members, so I know what evidence to share.
Message Headers and email excerpts are below:

Received: from [] by via HTTP; Thu, 30 May 2013 17:26:25 PDT
X-Rocket-MIMEInfo: 002.001,aSBnb3QgdGhhdCB0ZW1wdGluZyBwaG90byBvciBhdXN0cmFsaWEuLmkgZ3Vlc3MgaXQgd29ya3MgZm9yIG1lLGxvdmUgdG8gc2VlIHRoZSBibHVlIHdoYWxlcyBhbmQgc2hhcmtzIG9mIGF1c3RyYWxpYS4uYW5kIGFib3ZlIGFsbCBteSBtb3RpdmF0aW9uIGZvciBjb21pbmcuLnlvdSBwcmV0dHkgYnVuY2gKCgoKX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX19fX18KIEZyb206IE1lbCA8bWVibHkyMkBnbWFpbC5jb20.ClRvOiBLZW5uZWR5IEpvaG5hdGhhbiA8a2VuLmpvaG5hdGhhbkB5YWhvby5jb20.IAoBMAEBAQE-
X-Mailer: YahooMailWebService/
References: <[email protected]>
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 17:26:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: ken Johnathan <[email protected]>

Received: from [] by via HTTP; Thu, 06 Jun 2013 05:15:24 PDT
X-Rocket-MIMEInfo: 002.001,CTEuIEdvb2QgZGF5IG1lbGlzc2EsaG93IHRob3VnaHRmdWwgb2YgeW91IHRvIHdyaXRlIG1lIHRvIGNyYXZlIG15IGVuZHVsZ2VuY2UgaW4gb3JkZXIgdG8ga2VlcCBtZSBpbmZvcm1lZCBhYm91dCB5b3VyIG1hcnJhZ2UgcGxhbnMgd2l0aCBteSB5b3VuZ2VzdCBtYWpvciBzYWdlbnQgaW4gc2VydmljZS5pIHdpbGwgc3VyZSBwdXQgeW91ciByZXF1ZXN0IGludG8gZ3JlYXQgY29uc2lkZXJhdGlvbiBhcyB0aGUgc2FnZW50IGluIHF1ZXN0aW9uIGlzIG9uZSBvZiBteSBmYXZvdXJpdGUgYXJteSBpbiBzZXJ2aWMBMAEBAQE-
X-Mailer: YahooMailWebService/
References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2013 05:15:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: Defense General <[email protected]>

Email communications from [email protected]:

you really got fingers in my eyes trying to damage me when i have not meant bad for you..whriting my friends to say i am not real and fake how sad?you have just transformed me into a beast i didnt treaten you i advised you...if you dont make that payment something terrible would happen now i am not giving any have a few hours left make that payment first thing monday morning for your good sake or eles this is not over

make an atempt not to comply i would cut your bluff and we would see who i gain access to talk could ruin your marraige and your triggered my dark side and turnd my love for you into hatred

i am happy you failed your test your time is up your husband was especting this and would be happy about are dump but think you are sharp...i told you it wasnt a force to make that payment..if you did you would have know alot by now but you are about to loose

you are not gonna blaim me when your world starts coming down..i gave you a chance and you failed...i give you an hour grace and this is your last chance...dont be stupid

your husband need facts to nail you before you do ...that is why i am here to help him prove your dishonesty as a wife,having an affiar outside your home...infidelity...make use of your little time and i will hance off from your not reggret your moves ___ you cant be too smart

if i dont recieve that mtcn in the next one me i will make you pay the hard way...lets try...this is my last message to you

you would be so shocked i have your husbands address you have no idea what i am about to course you...i would explain to your husband what is making you sad and your plans to divorce not joke with me this is what i do.if you want to be sure im not bluffing ignore my request and you would get news..

alexis havin brian...western union...anywhere in -calvin gomez allen.... melbourne australia..western union ....try me..i am not enforcing this payment on you it is by choice cant catch me but i could think!! dont be stupid 6hours left pay to any address of you choice....goodluck

your pictures would get to your husband and i would tell him how much sex we have had..i have pathners in sydney they could make a big deal out of this,,you would learn the hard way this would get to your work desk too....

by tapdancer329 Sat Jun 29, 2013 12:16 pm
I just read your scam and 2 names came up that I have been searching for information. Alexis Havin Brian and the name Calvin. How were these names given to you? The person corresponding with me is Alexis and his friend is Calvin. I am sure it is a scam but just wanting to verify the information you had in your message.

by began steele Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:56 pm
If you see someone using the name "Boo", or calling you that, you can be almost 100% certain it is a scammer, and probably from Nigeria. That is a good enough hint to depart and tell them nothing.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by Dotti Sun Jun 30, 2013 6:43 pm

The names came up because the scammer, who was trying to blackmail his target, instructed her to send the money to either of the two names. That means that these are mules, accomplices, or aliases of the scammer. What this means is that the same person or gang is trying to scam you - no matter how you look at it, it will be a scam.

Need to post photos?
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by Grunt Thu Jul 04, 2013 3:49 am
FB profile
Kenny Johnathan
Worked at The U.S. Army
Studied at American Military University
Lives in Baghdad, Iraq
From Houston, Texas

yahoo avatar and FB album pic too

pic stolen from a MS profile
user name: 365miles aka Jonathan, 40 years
caption for this pic the real owner uploaded
Beach Landing - South of Mogadishu, Somalia cir 1992-93

stolen from the same guy
caption on the original
Ken (U.S. Army) & Johnathan at Checkpoint - Baghdad Iraq 2004

still stolen from the same guy
caption on the original
Photo Op with Pakistani Police

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