by The Enchantress
Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:09 pm
Liar and romance scammer
Mail address used [email protected]

Liar and romance scammer
Claims 29 years old, dob 1st January 1981, living in Russian Federation
Mail address used [email protected]

Dear xxxxx.
How are you my sweet love? I miss you so deeply! My feelings to you are so big, that you can't imagine. But sometimes the love and feelings are painful for me. What if I don't get you? I don't want to think of it. You are only one man for me in the world, you have all the things, that I'm looking for and want to have. You are my ideal man, and I’m sure, that you would make me happy.
Mydreams are becoming to reality, because of you. Thank you for this! If I could give you one thing, I would give you the ability to see yourself, as other people do, then you would have seen, what a dear and special person you are...
My sweet, I asked God for a flower, he gave me a garden, I asked for a tree, he gave me a forest, I asked for a river, he gave me an ocean. Asked for a friend and he gave me you.You know, many times ago I had hear of love some words, that if you would love somebody more when God, he will take this person from you… I afraid to lost you so much. Sometimes my eyes are full of tears, when I think of you my love. You are my only Love, and will always stay in my heart. I will always love you, today, tomorrow and forever.
I will never do something that could hurt you, never. I want to ask you, how you imagine yourself our first meeting?? I want to tell you how I see our first date. First, we will be dinning together, in a place (not important in what place, because I will be happy with you everywhere) where would be nice and romantic. It would be dark and candlelit. After dinner, I want to dance with you slowly and I want to feel your warm. I want to go with you to the beach, walking together along the beach and looking at the stars. I would also bring a blanket so that we can sit on the beach, hug and kiss and watch the sun come up. I really can’t wait that moments!!!
My dear! I was in the travel agency this morning, and I found out all conditions of my arrival to you in details. Frankly speaking, I was in shock! If I am able to pay for visa with help of my mother, I won't be able to pay for tickets (even for cheapest!). But I can't get visa without buying tickets in this travel agency. Getting of visa is not a problem, agency takes care about it, and they can get it quickly, but only if I'll buy tickets there. My problem is only a tickets. The price for tickets in your country very huge for me. I really don't know what to do! I'm afraid, I feel scared by my feebleness. Now I can only dream about my arrival to you. My love, it's a pity, but if I want to buy tickets, I have to save up my year's salary (and don't spend it even for food!)! I'm so sorry. I can’t ask you about something, I just can dream… I have no enough money, I did not expect, that travel is such expensive. I want to meet you so much, but I can’t ask you about anything or any help.
I want to visit you, but it will be possible, only if you will help me.
But I can’t ask you about help because I understand, that this is very big money. Forgive me that I have no this money. Forgive, that I am too poor for meeting with you. If it was in my powers or opportunities I would pay for my travel, and I don’t want to do our relationship dependent from money. Please, promise me that ours relationship will never depend from money!!! Forgive me that I have no any possible to get this money. I can’t borrow that money and unfortunately I don’t earn so big money at work.
If you want to help me I will take your help and I will come to you immediately, just please, let me to know is this possible???
Would be possible our meeting? Please, tell me my honey… I wait reply and I hope that fate would give us chance to be together, I send you my soft kisses and please, take care my love,
your Irina
My love xxxxx!
How are you my dearest prince? I miss you so much, that now I absolutely have no doubts, that my intentions are very serious. Thank you for taking the time to write me, If you only knew how happy your letters make me. Thank you for being so sweet. Every day I find myself, spending more time thinking of you. Every day, before go sleep, I imagine our first meeting.
How I will come from airport, and I would see you at the first time. I really can't imagine how many emotions I'll feel, because even thinking about it, my heart beating is becoming faster and faster. It seems to me, that I did not want anything in my life, as to meet you. My dear Prince, your letters are pure inspiration to me. I want to see you, and tell you, that I miss you more and more as the days pass. I want you to be my happiness forever. A lot of time has passed, I feel nervous, because I think that love has finally found me, can this be Love?
Yes. My inner feelings never liar me. I think of the future,many years from now and I see you and me, together, married, our family, I know it may sound a kind of silly, but it is my dream, you are my dream, a life by your side. My dear, I wonder how will it feel to have you in my arms, to kiss you, to love you. It makes me crazy, no, YOU make me crazy! I can stay with you 1- 3 months, then if I won't want to come back (or if we'll be married), I'll be able to stay with you, and do everything for new visa or something else from your country.
I already got a passport, so I have it, and I need only to buy ticket and visa. I need 320$ for visa, and exams for getting it. And I need about 900$ for tickets, it depends on a date of my arrival. I think, that we have to divide charges, because my mother saved some money 400$.
My dear, so, I need 820$.
Now, may be I have to pay more, but for getting visa, I have to pre-pay for tickets 900$.
Honey, if you can send 1220$ it would be better and we leave mother’s saved money fund alone.
But the agency will not make visa if I will not buy tickets from them. This is obligatory condition. I hope, that it'll be good news for you, as for me, because nothing can prevent us to be together.
I miss you so deeply, waiting your reply,
your Irina.
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