Information on romance scams and scammers.
by Demmis Channells Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:49 am
I also would like to talk about a clever romance scammer.I am a male living in Australia and at the time of the scam I was 59 years old.Being very new to the computer world,I knew nothing about scams.After going on to Girls date for free I received messages from young "women"living in Ghana.After some chat and sending me pictures they asked for money to repair a computer,air fare to visit me etc.I did not give any money,as I had a gut feeling that something was not right.All the scammers said how hurt they were.
Then,the big one started.This scam went on for months.The name given was Lilina Wendy Mood.The email was [email protected] .First came pictures and then I was introduced to yahoo and I saw this beautiful young woman sitting at a desk.Soon I bought my own webcam and we could see each other,but she had no microphone,as they never do.
I have since found that I was seeing video's of Josie Ann Miller,the Canadian soft porn star,who I had never heard of before.Truly,it all seemed so real.The scene was always the same.She would be sitting at her desk with a computer.On her left was a teak dressing table and on her right was a large bed with blanket on it.Sometimes in the background there would be a large,colorful bag with vertical stripes.I did ask her to pick up the bag and show it to me,but she gave excuses why she could not.
Many times she would dance around to show me what she was wearing.She made it clear from the beginning that she would not be naked,which is strange,as other scammers have shown me video's of Josie naked.Another time I requested to see her webcam and it just came on.There was an empty room and then she was dancing around in her underwear.She seemed really surprised that her cam was on."She"really gave me the impression that she was a moral,caring young woman who truly cared about me.
She had a close friend named Lovelett,who I only saw a picture of,but was very involved in her life.I was given details about the course she was doing in Ghana,where she was living.The address existed,according to Google search.A number of times she asked for money,but I never sent any,except for a birthday card with a five dollar note in it.I wonder who got that.
I was sent a picture of a passport,which I know is fake.Towards the end the story she sold her house(which had been left to her)for $140,000 and wanted to come to Australia to be with me,but wanted money for a visa,as my sign of good faith.I gave no money.
There was a Canadian man pursuing her that she went to the police about.I did see him on cam,not a picture,but a grinning man.I wonder who he was.Also she said she had a younger sister who was tragically killed,and I was sent a picture of them together.
Although I lost no money,it was very exciting for me to have what seemed like a beautiful young woman wanting to be with me.I must confess that I have been looking forward to other scammers contacting me,so I can see videos of Josie.I do seemed to have developed an obsession towards Josie Model.
I want to emphasize how clever this scam was and how long it went on for.There was so much detail about everyday life,about friends,family,life in Ghana.It it so easy to be sucked in.

by Demmis Channells Sat Jul 13, 2013 10:59 am
I have watched these video's many,many times.Not only to see Josie but also to listen to the music,which I find haunting.Josie must have made hundred's of video's,and she lives in Canada,not Ghana.I don.t understand where the idea that Josie Model lives in Ghana came from.

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