Information on romance scams and scammers.
by HarleyGil Sun Aug 04, 2013 2:00 pm
Hi there I was scammed by a chap who found me on site under the name calvwats User ID 698527221. I went on today and he was still active today - probably looking for his next victim. I have reported him on this dating site and blocked him. He quickly got me off the dating site so we could be exclusive and onto messenger. He uses the email [email protected]. He is a real smooth talker ladies so be careful because he is operating in the UK - he gave me a Lloyds TSB account in UK today to post £600 into. He will break your heart and empty your bank account. He claimed to be Staff Sergeant Calvin Watson stationed at Camp Bastion, Kabul, Afghanistan on his last deployment which will end in 10 months time. He claimed to be an only child and had dual citizenship USA and UK. Quickly declared undying love, wants to spend rest of his life with me blah, blah, blah.... To cut a long story short he initially asked me to buy him a T mobile top up card for mobile no. 07535846607 so that he could send me texts when he was "on patrol and unable to get online". Which I did and everything OK, texts coming for a few days. Although I have never spoken to him on this mobile but got text messages from him until he claimed that his patrol was ambushed and 2 of his guys killed and he lost his mobile. I offered to send him one I had but he then claimed he was going undercover to six weeks - very hush hush an phone would take 1 month to get there! and could I not rather send him £500 - £600 so he could buy a phone at a shop down the road before going away. I smelt a rat and told him I wanted him to prove to me who he was before I sent him any money. He got angry and ignored me for a day. Then started forgiving me, declaring undying love etc. He then sent me a picture of "himself" in full army combat uniform with the name "Watson" on his chest. He also asked if he could see me on messenger webcam which I did - there was a white male of similar build and looks on the other side but what confirmed that this was a scam t me was because there were net curtains at the windows and a lamp ornament on the window sill. Anyway I played him to see how far he would go and also because I had been on topix and realised I did not know how he was operating and to help other people I needed to get as much information as I could. Today he suddenly comes on line "on army pda" sweet talks me and then asks me to send £600 to him to a UK agent. Anyway I had great fun stringing him along and eventually he gave me a UK Lloyds bank account in the name of Janet M Southern. I will be reporting this to the police tomorrow and am sure they will be able to trace this account and close the scum bag down for good. Be careful who you give your heart to and NEVER EVER send any money. I only lost £20 and hopefully have learned my lesson but I know that he will wait until hell freezes over before he gets his iphone out of me. I am trying to post my experience to as many sites as I can so that other innocent women will not be scammed as when initially starting to speak to him I did search facebook, google and other sites and came up with nothing.

by Bryon Williams Sun Aug 04, 2013 2:49 pm
Hello HarleyGil,

Sorry to hear your experience on the Dating Site. Do not feel bad. Scammers are pretty good at what they do.

Could you please post a couple of his initial emails to you along with photo's? This will surely help warn others.


Please contacta moferatorstor if you have a question or information about this post.

Please do not tell the scammer he is posted here.

Please remember the fallen.
by Bryon Williams Sun Aug 04, 2013 4:04 pm
This is the picture sent to the OP. It is a photoshop.


The real picture (below) that is also stolen and highly used by scammers is Sgt Ralph Edwards. His pictures were stolen a off Social Network site.

Please contacta moferatorstor if you have a question or information about this post.

Please do not tell the scammer he is posted here.

Please remember the fallen.
by ginge1960 Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:01 pm
Hello Harley gill ,

I have read your post I too have been a victim of this scammer, calvin Watson.

I started talking to him initially through an unsolicited email from dating site CUPID.COM whom I was not even registered with. I went in the emails and contacted cupid told them to get my profile off [they had used an old profile from 7 years previously ! ] but curiosity killed the cat and I noted amongst all this unsolicited emails that I was clearing out . one from this person true tears was his user name on

fatal attraction you could say I opened it and started to talk to him initialy through as I paid £3.89 to join for 3 days as cupid told me then I could close my account down permanently + to clear out all the unsolicited messages that had arrived.

he like you soon asked me to talk to him on on yahoo messenger. I saw him on web cam and also saw the photos lie you did but on web cam he was just at a desk no curtains or light there plus he had told me he had his own room at the base accommodation also he told me he was a captain in the 2nd cavalary , came form Everett in Washington , had separated from his partner 3 yrs ago his 9 year old daughter had died ? how long ago he would not discuss about that.

I stupidly talked to him for over 3 months as due to my own personal circumstances over the last 6 months I was at a very low ebb and really not thinking or behaviour rationally . my mum had died in march and I was very sad and grieving.

I lost an awful lot more money than yourself , as he wanted it for a flight to come home and security clearance etc etc . then when he did not get clearance he said he had to use the money to apy debts to his boss .
it was only then due to me totally distracted with a hunded and one other problems that I had the terrible realisation of what a fool I had been and how I had acted completely out of character.

Like you the money was paid into Lloyds TSB acc . in name of janet m southern whom he told me was a military agent the US army used to purchase flights from !

the police are now investigating . I have said goodbye to the money I just want to stop some other unsuspecting woman falling foul of this VILE Wicked person.

I can absorb this financial loss and will just work hard to replace it but some other women amy not be so fortunate.

thank you for putting your message on because it helped me today after I got back from the police station to read your post . the police told me they had read your post as they had gone in under calvin Watson scam on google search !
I have learnt a very painful lesson and in fact I do not think I will EVER FEEL SAFE on any internet online dating site again .


the worst of something
by HarleyGil Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:05 pm
Hi there - I am so glad that you contacted me - you are now the third lady tonight to contact me. Lord knows how many others are out there still blisfully unaware of what is being done to them. Pray hard that they will smell a rat. If he contacts you again pls don't tell him he is on here. We need to keep this out there so that we can reach as many of his victims. This man even had the cheek to come back on messenger tonight and try and talk to me again and say I had him wrong. If there is one thing you must not allow him to do is allow him to destroy you. I know how you are hurting and feeling betrayed but don't let him win. Live your life to the full and I think we will beat him. He has made the mistake of doing it in the UK and the police here will catch him. He is an evil man. If you want to chat some more let me know. I am on FB and if you are then send me your name and I will send you a friend request. Who knows one day we might celebrate together when this evil man is arrested.
by ginge1960 Tue Aug 06, 2013 3:34 am
HI Harley,
thanks for your reply ,
yes this man is a total sociopath no idea of what or how badly he is behaving he must have serious mental health problems too .

the police have all the details from me on him now and they saw your post too which verified my story as it was the same history so that was brilliant that you made the effort at a time of such stress to do that.

I feel as if I have been emotionally raped because I talked for him for so long .But as I explained I work as a senior nurse in the NHS I have 4 kids and I behaved totally out of character.

I am going to take the police Action fraud offer of contacting there free service Victim support because I feel the ongoing need to talk about what has happened to me because it has had ramifications for my other relationships ie siblings , children ex partner and my best friend when they found out . I did not broadcast it by any means but most of these people knew I had been talking to someone for nearly 4 months and wre horrified and very critical towards me when they discovered how embroiled and caught up in this evil man's web I had become.
Again like yourself calvin is trying to get me to talk again to him asking if I am speaking to other men. I have done what the police said and no more communication plus as you rightly say ensure he is unaware that he is on this site being watched!

I just feel so bad for those other women that he is currently trying to fish into his net ,powerless to stop him .

I will look you up on FB ok .

take care
by HarleyGil Tue Aug 06, 2013 7:47 am
hi there

you must not blame yourself - he is very clever and evil and must have been doing this for a long time. I also worked in NHS for 5 years as a Medical Staffing Manager and only my mom knows and one friend but thankfully they have been very supportive. the rest of my family would have me locked up in a sanatorium If they knew what I had been involved with.

I am also going to take the help that the police are offering as I know I cannot do it by myself as I only walked out of my 25 year marriage six months ago and he caught me at a very low time of my life. But I am determined not to let him win. I think we will beat what he has done to us by living our life to the fullest and even though we are scared we must push ourselves. Can I share your experience - no personal information about you on the Military Romance Scams on FB - I will update on my name just so others girls can see as the other lady who has contacted me was not scammed under Calvin Watson name but as I had posted all his modus operandi she linked in with other details. so we are not powerless as what we are doing is working!!

I am always here if you need to speak and one of his other victims who has contacted me through this site is also on facebook and we are going to start speaking to each other regularly - I think it might help?

I am Send PM (BW) on FB - just send me a pm before you send a friend invite as I have high security settings on my account and will only accept people I know.

Stay strong and know that he will be caught.

Send PM (BW)
by Bryon Williams Tue Aug 06, 2013 3:32 pm
I have received the following information.

he is also using Cupid and Match and claiming he is a captain in the 2nd Calvary and this time his daughter is dead. He is also using Western Union and a bank in SA in Butterfield. He has also claimed to be a civil engineer and was stranded with his daughter in Cape Town, South Africa (SA). The details he is using under this name and scam is Alle Angus, see LinkedIn: Alle Angus Construction also [email protected] -See FB: randalclark73,125,12, 90 / are other profiles.

Please contacta moferatorstor if you have a question or information about this post.

Please do not tell the scammer he is posted here.

Please remember the fallen.
by ginge1960 Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:06 pm
Dear HarleyGil ,

Hope this finds you coping and getting on with your life.

I am still reeling and still really angry and tearful about mr Watson .
he has still kept trying to talk to me maybe because I gave him in total £3,000 he thinks I am wealthy and even more stupid [than what I have already been ]

the police were due to come round to my house well just a female l officer tonight but at the last minute my kids needed to come around for a meal and I did not want thepolice woman here whilst my 2 younger sons were her !

I have felt really arguementative and not even wanted to talk to a man . I asked to speak to female police officers, but my sisters have still not contacted me .

but life has to go on whatever . work tomorrow so best get to bed .

now I have your name I should be able to find you on FB.

My name is Send PM (BW) on FB ok

best wishes

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