Information on romance scams and scammers.
by everret Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:15 pm
I,too, have been a victim of a romance scam. I am ashamed to admit that I lost money in it also. Money I know I won't get back. But I've learned my lesson and I'm not going to fall for it again. I have 4 photos that was used that I am going to post. The person is real in the picture, but I now know it wasn't him at all. I wished I had found this site before it was too late. I want to post photos but I am not sure how to do it on here.

by Awall1982 Thu Jan 02, 2014 2:58 am
I am currently talking to a Richard Smith that is stationed in Afganistan. Please email me the pics he sent you. PM Is Available (BW). He is starting to make me suspecious. I want to see if its the same guy or not
by Bryon Williams Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:03 am
Welcome to Scamwarners Awall1982,

I have removed your email address to protect you from future scam and spam emails. We have a Personal Message (PM) feature that can be used. However, we like to keep everything here in the forum for security and the information may help someone else.

Pictures are helpful in identifying a scammer. His emails to you and the email headers can provide us with more information. Please post his details here. If he is not a scammer we will remove the post.

Scammer will use stolen photo's and names of real Soldiers. Richard Smith is a common name. I found one Sgt. Richard Smith doing a Life Sentence for Murder.

About Sgt Richard Smith I am sure you are communicating with a Military Romance Scammer. Soldiers deployed do not have the time to be on the internet looking for love on Social Media Sites. They will spend that time communicating with family and love ones back home.

Please read here. viewtopic.php?f=13&t=6527

Please contacta moferatorstor if you have a question or information about this post.

Please do not tell the scammer he is posted here.

Please remember the fallen.
by Smith Jones Sat Jan 04, 2014 1:26 am
Hi Awall1982, so glad you came here to scamwarners with your suspicions. Please make sure you read what Bryon has said. The military scammers are out in full force right now- we are seeing many of them here and they are all over the dating websites. The scammers love to pose as soldiers, as they can really play on your sympathy and how heroic they are in our eyes. If you think you are being scammed, know for sure that you are.
It is hard when you develop a relationship online and someone tells you it is based on a lie. I had this happen to me as a scam victim. I really didn't want to believe it but the truth became so evident I couldn't keep going. Please make sure you stop contact with this person and do not tell them you know they are a scammer. They will try every way they can to convince you they are who they say they are. Of course, it eventually all comes round to getting money from you. Even if this person hasn't asked for money yet, believe me, the request will come sooner or later.
Even if this is a different guy than you suspect, please understand this- you are being scammed. Let this person go and find someone who will really be who you need in your life. You don't need a liar and a thief.

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