by Dvrp
Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:27 pm
Hello, i am new here, and the only reason i entered is to let some people know about these men that are been calling me 24/7 saying they love me, giving me the same story about them loosing their wives and being a single dads. This have been going on for about two monts, and i have at least 30 of them, I opened my skype account to be in contact with my family and normally i am connected all the time on my phone, one day a received a friendship request of somebidy i din not know but it was a military doctor and I thought it was a frien of one of my brothers whom are soldiers, i started chating wit him and as soon as i did that, new requests started to come every day, sometimes i chatted with them and the blocked them because of their same story, one of them started talking to me about love and how bad he wanted to be with me, I have to mention I am mexican and live in Mexico, he satrted to sound weir when he was so eager to come to visit me and that he couldnt do it becaus he needed a permit of vacation that costs 350 dlls, but they where not aloud to have money ther, he said he has no family and no one to hel him. I told him that my brothers were soldiers and i never heard them saying nothing of that, he continue saying that it was different there in Ghanna and asked me to help him in the name of the love he was feeling for me. I started to check everything he told me, but he was a fool if he thought he was going to trick me, I asked him an adress in US and google it and it was fake, i check and find like 4 skype accounts on his name and like five more with other names of friends all of them doing the same thing. Looking for women to belive in love. I didnt sent money even though he continues asking. I have blocked many of them but I continue receiving mor request because they share information. Here some of their skype accounts: doc.smith.kelvin1, doc.smith.kelvin2, richard.adams160, david.miller017, gen.mike44, smith.kelvin, jeff.scort and many more