Hi everyone,
How are you?
I am (I don't think the last) but very reacent fool that has fallen for her scum. She is inteligent, a bit poetic and she can write her letters in a way way that it seems genuine (at least for a while, I'll post here few of my letter from her including (where she goes for a kill) the one where she says why she needs my "help" (money of course).
(read this one she is good (at writing and as a scumer I mean))
I with the big excitement waited your letter. Thanks that you have told all that you
Thanks for your letter. You have written to me, and it means that one more day
will be lived by me with good mood. I wish to describe to you to write how there
passes my day,
since morning and till the night. I wake up approximately at 6:30. I rise with
good mood because in a dream I saw you
. At 6:35 I go to a bathroom,
And I THINK Of YOU Stipan! I wash, and I clean a teeth. At 6:45 I dress the sports
I go on street And I THINK Of YOU! I run in the mornings always if temperature not
more low-10s,
to support itself in the good form. When in the street it is cold, I sleep till 7:00.
At 7:20 I make a breakfast, as a rule it is strong tea or coffee and a sandwich.
I drink tea, and I THINK Of YOU Stipan! At 7:30 I go for work. Usually, if good
I go on foot And I THINK Of YOU! I like to go on foot since morning.
For work I come vigorous and cheerful. At 7:55 I go to an office where my girlfriend
As a rule it already on work at this time. If there is a possibility, I receive your
If possibility is not present, I receive it later. At 8:00 I start to work,
And I THINK Of YOU Stipan! At 12:30 a lunch break. I go home for a dinner And
I THINK Of YOU! I go home ía a trolley bus. At 13:00 I have dinner,
and at 13:20 I again go for work And I THINK Of YOU! At 13:50 I again work,
And I THINK Of YOU! (Though in my work it is impossible to be distracted and
to think about something, except work)
At 15:30 we with my employees do a small
and we drink tea. But today I did not drink tea because I THOUGHT Of YOU!
Within the working day when there is a possibility, I answer your letter.
At 17:00 I go home. I go on foot. I feel perfectly because I THINK Of YOU!
At 17:40 I take a shower also I represent that YOU WITH me!
At 18:00 I have supper, one, but I smile, because I represent,
that YOU SIT OPPOSITE TO me! At 19:00 I go
On walk with my girlfriend (but it seldom happens). We walk in park and I THINK Of YOU!
If I do not go on walk, I listen to music, I read books, I watch TV, I knit,
I do various homework, And I THINK Of YOU!
(Certainly not all simultaneously)
At 23:00 I go to bed.
Usually I fall asleep very quickly because I THINK Of YOU Stipan!
Today we have gone with Elena to bank to learn all necessary
that I could receive money of the husband, me have informed, that I should fill some
Then in bank will consider my statements and if there will be no problems,
I can take money which my husband stored in bank. Now I should wait some days and
then go to bank.
There is one more important detail. I hope, that my statement for the visa will
therefore it is necessary for me to know
The international airport closest to you in which you can meet me. I hope that you
write me it!!!!
Only do not think, that all my days pass so. It is an approximate variant.
Every day presents a miscellaneous. But that specific to each my day: THESE ARE my
Stipan, I Your and only your Anastasiya.
2. (she uses her supposed help to orphans and elderly to represent her kind and honest nature)
Good day, my Stipan!
Thanks for your letter. I am so happy! Thoughts on you warm mine Heart.
I very much waited for this possibility to write to you to tell that happens today.
Today very important day.
I very much worry.
Today I have received the invitation to conversation with the commission which
solves whether it is possible
for the client to give out the visa.
It is the most important in process visa receptions. The commission will make the
final decision after
Conversations - to give me the visa or not.
The conversation very difficult, but I was prepared.
It is the difficult test. But I am ready. I very much wish to meet you, and my
desire will be To help me.
Where there is a desire there is a way.
Children from shelters to which I already help within several years, together with
instructors have written
commission letters to my support.
It will help me, When the commission will make the decision. I am assured, that all
will be as it should be.
I will finish the letter. I send you all tenderness Stipan. In mine THOUGHTS And
I kiss you 100000 times.
Yours Anastasiya.
3.(a romantic writing talent she has)
Hello my dear Stipan Today is a wonderful day only because i'v got your letter!
I don't care about anything else. Today i woke up earlier than usual.
I couldn't sleep any more. It was dark in the street. I looked at the window.
But suddenly a small bird fly to me and began to sing very beautiful.
I looked and thought that you are so far. May be you sleep and see me in your dreams.
If i were a bird i will fly to you and sing. I told the bird to fly to you
and to say hello to my close friend Stipan Tell him that i thought about him.
She flied as understood my words. If you will see my...
a bird near you singing a beautiful song remember that i asked her to visit you:))
Stipan I have good news. Today i was at the agency they told that i can come
to Moscow because I've got my visa. There is no embassy at Nizhnii Novgorod.
They will prepare my tickets tomorrow. Tomorrow i will learn the details.
everything is going on fine. Destiny helps me to be close by you.
Blue sky, bright sun, stars and your letters make me happy.
I like to read them and they make me smile. Sorry but i must go.
Send you all my kisses. Yours Anastasiya.....
3. (build the preasurre)
Hi my dear Stipan!
Today at us on work sanitary day. All offices of our polyclinic will be Are cleared
by a special chemical solution
to destroy all microbes.
This procedure happens every month. I cannot long use the computer, therefore my
letter will be small.
Today I passed the commission!
I did not think, that the commission will be to
set such unusual questions.
They asked about my sexual life, about children, about work, about patriotism, about
my relation to your country,
about my religion and belief.
I have told all about Mine a life in detail. I spoke about all all truth.
To me have told, that my answers became unexpectedness for them because usually
applicants do not answer such
questions so directly and openly.
They have not got used to hear such answers, but they have told what to hear sincere
and truthful answers more
pleasantly than words which speak to gain the commission.
Children from shelters also Have made the big impression and have made the big
impact on the commission.
To me have told, that I the first girl who has such support from children - orphans.
Now I should wait the decision. Now I agree with expression: "death Expectation, is
worse than death".
I on what cannot concentrate. They have told that the decision will be accepted
I so worry. I so want that this small dream was carried out. I simply wish to see my
fine friend.
I think the God will help me. I wish to meet you Stipan. I never worried so before.
Excuse, but I should finish my letter. I very much worry. While my love!
Yours Anastasiya.
4. (good at lying, and going for a kill)
Hello my dear Stipan!!!
Today at me bad news. Since morning I had a good, cheerful mood. But it has very much
worsened after I have visited bank. Today I have gone to bank, and to me have told,
that I cannot discount money of the husband. I was simply in a shock! I could not
think that the such can happens. I have asked why to me
Cannot give money, and to me have answered, that my husband had a will about which I
did not know.
I have gone to the notary and he has confirmed, that my husband has made the will.
He to me has allowed to familiarise with it. There it has been written,
that he bequeaths all money to my registered husband. That is, whoever was my husband,
he can discount money. But I cannot take advantage of money. My husband always said
to me,
that I should not work, I should keep order in the house.
All that is connected money, the husband should earn.
It seems to me for this reason he bequeathed all money to my husband.
As he was my husband, he could receive money. But now, that I could receive money,
I need to marry. And only then, my future husband can discount money.
I still had 200 dollars. But where to me to take 480??? I should pay money to agency.
I have been assured, that to a smog to discount money, but it has appeared thaI
cannot make it!!!
It is very difficult
For me to tell to you about it. But I have made everything, that could.
I have paid for the visa. I have spent a lot of time and nerves when waited for
I did not wish to burden you. I wished to pay for all itself and to arrive to
you at own expense, but unfortunately I have failed. Now I should pay other part
of the sum to agency. It makes 480 + 200$. It is very a shame to me to speak about it
because I do not know where to me to take such big sum. Now I still had last hope,
it you.
Please, help me with money for the ticket. I understand, that this difficult
decision for you.
Certainly, if you do not want, you can not help me. It is bad, but is not deadly.
I will lose the money. I cannot arrive to you. IT is bad, BUT TOO is not deadly.
I have paid 395$ for that to me have made the visa. These are the big money for me,
but MONEY NOT the MAIN THING In the LIFE. I trust you, and
I know, that YOU are a PERSON of HONOUR, And YOU are a GENTLEMAN. If you
Can help me, write to me about it in the following letter!!!
Stipan, please forgive me all my words. I speak so, on that that I in despair.
Now, when only one step separates us, I am afraid. I am afraid,
that you will not help me, and all my diligence
Will be useless. I require you Stipan, and I wish to be with you.
I have not calculated the possibilities.
But together we are much stronger. We will pass through difficulties and a barrier,
it is much easier to make it together. I wish to present you all my infinite love
and fidelity.
I understand, that it is big
Money. I did not wish to ask you money. I thought, that I can make all.
The loneliness has made me strong. I lived without support of the man, and could
rely only on myself.
I ask the help from somebody very seldom, but now I ask, that you have helped me.
I have made a step to you towards. Now I wait that you will answer the same.
I hope, that I have not offended you Stipan. I require you, and I trust you.
I know, that you will not throw me now when we are divided only by one step.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kiss you. Yours Anastasiya.
She is an excelent scumartist, and I have realised now that she has unssuccesefuly tryed it on me before, but me and my son are having laughs now that it is over, she did get money of me but she should be stopped.
Trust your nose and your children, my son recognized the scum, feel as a great full but in such case it comes with the smile and no broken heart.
Best wishes in avoiding our experiance