by Jeevie
Tue Jan 28, 2014 5:51 pm
I am pretty sure my sister is being taken by an online scammer. She says she wants to marry this guy she met online named Jeremy Carlson. He is half Scottish and half American. His mother died in December and he worked as a petroleum supervisor, but also said he is a general contractor. He worked in the US but in order to get paid, had to go to Australia to collect the $85,000 the company owes him. But the company won't pay him because they need a loan to make payroll and now he is stranded out there and needs a plane ticket to come see my sister, live with her and eventually marry her. He says he lives in Sacremento, CA, has lived in West Virginia and previously Scotland where he was raised by his Dad who died when he young.
This is really fishy. Anybody heard of this guy??
This is really fishy. Anybody heard of this guy??