by AlanJones
Sat Feb 15, 2014 11:21 am
Fake soldier
Gen. JORDAN DAVID - [email protected]
Ask for payments for leave, using the email address [email protected]
Gen. JORDAN DAVID - [email protected]
Ask for payments for leave, using the email address [email protected]
Dupont Military Crescent 82 Washington, DC 20301-1400 ...
E_mail: < [email protected] >
YOUR REF: ACPB/CSC-Usrc/010/654X/Gr
Date: 26th Jan. 2014
Hello Madam XXX ,,
We got your message and the content of your mail is well understood, the Military Authority, have looked into your request accordingly as required. Having gone through your husband's Military vacation classified file, we discovered granting Vacation to your husband, maybe somehow complicated for some official reasons, because your husband Gen. Jordan David is playing an important role, with vital position in Afghanistan. Without been told, your husband is in charge monitoring and ensuring all attack ''SEIZED and CURB'' and also to give military reports to three (3) different Governmental Authorities, U.S Government, NATO and the UNITED NATION respectively. So your husband's role and personality is highly needed and important to the extent the Government will not even allow your husband to move an inch away from the Military camp in Afghanistan.
But since it concerns family issues as you explained, the Military Authority have no option than to put your vacation request into consideration, because the Authority doesn't play and joke with anything family and women issues, for we don't know what is going on in the family right now that you are applying for your husband"s vacation. So in this case, the Military Authority will consider and grant you your request based on only one condition and option....... it means you will obtain the ''MILITARY VACATION CERTIFICATE'' ( M.V.C )
The Military authority wants to notify you that this Certificate is not free. The Military Vacation Certificate ( M.V.C ) Will cost you the Sum of ''NINE HUNDRED AND FIFTY EURO''(€ 950 Euro). The reason is that this is not normal Official Military Vacation, the appropriate time for your husband's official vacation is not yet come, but the family requested for it, that is why you have to obtain this Certificate, for official filing and documentation in the Military Vacation Classified File for future references.
N.B The Money should be sent to Greece because that is where your husband's Military Classified File is officially located. As soon as you remit the Money, the Military Vacation Certificate ( M.V.C ) will be sent to you and your husband in nothing less than 42 hours Approximately. And immediately the Certificate gets to Gen. JORDAN DAVID , his Vacation commence immediately.
Means of sending the money, you will send the money via MONEY GRAM or WESTERN UNION, to the Military Base Secretary the person of '' JANET GETATSO ''
Receivers Name................. Janet Getatso
Address/ Location............... Crescent 38 Pindus Avenue Athens Greece.
Amount.............................. € 950 Euro
Test Question..................... Jordan
Test Answers.......................Wife.
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