Information on romance scams and scammers.
by scooby101 Sun Mar 02, 2014 5:18 am



hello ,How are you doing ,what is your name and your country from? I am Nicolas Carter, I am from UK ,I am serving in Syria for a peacekeeping, I am divorce have 2 daughters.

please I will like you to add me to my yahoo messenger for chart and know each other better( [email protected])


by scooby101 Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:14 am
generalnickcart: sweet heart ,happy Sunday to you too ,how are your family doing ,I hope that every body is doing fine and good , just want you to know that you are a special woman to me and I love you so much with all my heart and you are the woman i want to spend the rest of my life with .


generalnickcart: How are you doing Today my beautiful woman of the world?
generalnickcart: You have make my day bright ,you are very beautiful ,I am doing fine for you my love ,now tell me what are you doing now ?
generalnickcart: oh that is very Good My Love ,I miss you so much
generalnickcart: How are you doing with your work, I hope that every thing is Going fine and Good /
generalnickcart: Honey please I will Like you to send me an email and send me your pictures so that ,I can look at your beautiful
generalnickcart: yes my love ,I am going to send the best of my pictures just for you sweet heart ,what will my life be with out you ?
generalnickcart: You are my every thing ,ever since I set my eyes on you my life has never been the same ,you have shown me that you are really there for me ,I love you so much with all my heart,thank you beautiful
generalnickcart: The same thing here ,Ever since you make me fall in love with you ,I have become a very happy man in my life , and I love you so much for that
generalnickcart: and me too my love ,you are my whole world now and I love you so much
generalnickcart: yes my love ,God has his Reason for both of us to meet and love each other , you are my love and my life belongs to you , if only you can promise me that you are not going to disappoint me ?
generalnickcart: I promise you too, please can you tell me the name of your country again and what you do for a living my love ?
generalnickcart: okay sweet heart , I am a General in Syrai ,you are my every thing and I promise to love you till death do us part and I am going to retire by the April this year so that I will come over and see my beautiful wife
generalnickcart: Send me an email with your pictures ,This is my email Address ( [email protected]
generalnickcart: I will be expecting your email and your pictures sweet heart ,I am happy charting with the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with ,you are beautiful
generalnickcart: and you too sweet heart ,I love you so much with all my heart and I hope that you love me too as I do ?
generalnickcart: and you too are the best beautiful thing that has ever happen to me ,kiss and hug

by scooby101 Mon Mar 10, 2014 11:26 am
Hello sweet heart ,how are you doing today with your family ,I thank you for your email ,please honey as i am written you this email now i was called and told that my daughter was rush at a hospital in west Africa where she went for a Turism and she was knock down by a car ,honey please i need your help ,please as soon as you got this email please get back to me.

Your love Nicolas
by Grunt Mon Mar 10, 2014 3:14 pm
email address leads to a profile on Skype
Nicolascarter, England, United Kingdom

wrote me too :lol:

i am here to look for a good woman who has the fear of god :lol:
I am general nick cart ,i am from united kindom biristsh ,i am a simple man who don,t like problem , i am a peacemaker
by scooby101 Tue Mar 11, 2014 7:40 am
Honey there is know improvement yes the doctor said that she is going to deposit the sum $1,500 dollars ,but now she could be able to deposit only $600 dollars balance 900 dollars ,please my love i want you to help me here the way you can ,i am going to pay you back ,this is the doctor telephone number + 233 248 97 91 77 please you can call him and talk with him,just like i have told you that i am in the peacekeeping ,i don,t have any access for any thing ,please my love i trust you so much ,you are the only thing that i have now , i can,t make calls here that i am now ,please help me the way you can ,as soon as i come over i am going to pay you back sweet heart .

Your love Nicolas
by scooby101 Wed Mar 12, 2014 4:16 am
hello sweet heart ,

i thank you so much for your nice email ,may god bless you and protect you for me till we meet ,I am going ask the doctor to send his email to me so that i am going to forward it to you my love ,thank you

Your love Nicolas
by scooby101 Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:43 am
Hi my love so sorry the doctor want us to send the money to their hospital branch in nigeria because they are short of medicine in Ghana here so you will have to help me send the money to Nigeria

here is the Info

Name : Samson Leke

Address : Lagos, Nigeria

I will be so happy if you can help me and i will never forget you my love thank you so much

my love the Doctor want your number he want to be sure of when you will be able to send the money so they can know how to get the medicines on time so give me your phone number and don't forget the money will be send to
Name: Samson Leke
Address: Lagos, Nigeria
thank you so much my love God will be with you
by scooby101 Tue Apr 15, 2014 10:46 am
generalnickcart: Can you hear me my love ,why Are you not talking to me here ?
generalnickcart: I am doing fine and Good , just that I am very worried about you ,How are you doing today with your health which is very important to me ,I love you so much and I miss you
generalnickcart: I am very happy with that my love ,so tell me did you receive my massage from the site today ,and honey do you have any other site that you are using o chart apart from fishmeetfish?
generalnickcart: yes my love ,before you even come online to chart me I have lift the massage offline to you ,I miss you so much my love
generalnickcart: Okay my love ,I really miss you a lot
generalnickcart: I am Happy Charting with you today ,I love you so much
generalnickcart: Are you there ?
generalnickcart: You know that I can,t stop loving with the rest of my life , you are the only thing that I have now all my life
generalnickcart: you are welcome my love
generalnickcart: okay you got it ,Honey you don,t know how much I love you
generalnickcart: Honey ,You Are not even Asking me about my daughter in the Hospital ?
generalnickcart: if telling you all that we make you happy , I am Read to be telling you almost every day of my life sweet heart
generalnickcart: okay ,you can ask me about her my love , or are you angry that I love you ?
generalnickcart: She is fine that is the massage I got from the Doctor 2 days today and I have also heard from my daughter ,just that the problem now is the money that the doctor ask recent that I did not send
generalnickcart: Yes my love that is the reason ,I want you to know that she able to pay half of the money and lift with the half my love
generalnickcart: so the half is what she need to pay the hospital before living the country back home
generalnickcart: Know my love ,I did not need to pay all the money , I know that things are some how with you , but all that I am asking you if you can help me with the balance ?
generalnickcart: yes I know that my love , the Balance we Are talking about here is $350 t 400 dollars ,that is all she need now to live the hospital
generalnickcart: even if you did not send her all the half that is know problem , I am going to appreciate it my love
generalnickcart: yes my love ,all how you can please you help me
generalnickcart: sorry any how you can help that is what I want to say before
generalnickcart: yes my love that is it ,I don,t want you to feel that I am too boarding you because this money okay ,please even if is not all
generalnickcart: she has been so long there
generalnickcart: Honey she has recover ,just the money so that she we live from west africa back home
generalnickcart: Yes my love
generalnickcart: she her self told me and the doctor told me too that she is okay to live now
generalnickcart: Thank you sweet heart
generalnickcart: Honey let me give then to you here , Receiver Name ........ Etim Nse Okon Send to Accra Ghana
generalnickcart: Just copt it down with your pen and write down with pice of paper
generalnickcart: okay ,I am going to send you an email ,just that my network is not opening my email for the past 2 hours now
generalnickcart: or can i send it to you on the other site ?
generalnickcart: okay I am going to send it right there for you okay
generalnickcart: Thank you for your time and love that you are given to me and God bless you sweet heart
by scooby101 Sun Apr 27, 2014 5:27 am

God after noon ,How are you doing Today with your health which is so important to me ,Honey I have not heard from you both on yahoo chart and fish here what is the problem ,I hope that you are okay ,I miss you so much

Hello sweet heart ,how are you doing today ,my love what is the problem ,I have not heard from you ,I just got a call from my daughter and she said that the doctor want her to live this week please send the money to her please

Good morning my love , How are you Doing ,How is your family ,I just want to know how you are feeling and please Don,t forget to send me your telephone number so that I can give to my daughter she want to call you and hear your voice okay my love
by scooby101 Mon Apr 28, 2014 3:40 am
Good morning too my love ,Happy Sunday to you sweet heart ,I miss you so much,I have not heard from you and that keeps me so worried ,so how is your health Doing ,Honey when are you going to send the money to my daughter,she is going to live the this week from Monday till Tuesday ,please i want you to try and get the money sent to her

Hello My love ,how are you doing today ,I just want to know how you are Doing ,please what that I ahve done to you don,t say that I am forcing you to help my daughter ,I beg you

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