I hope you enjoyed your day? Thank you very much for the great message that you sent me. I think it's really love. I am happy and honored, you know, and I want you to know that our meeting through this medium is not by accident, but that Almighty God has brought us together, to bring to an end the loneliness that made our lives uncomfortable, and with the gap in our lives filled. It is my dream to spend my retirement life in your country, and I'll be the happiest man if I could spend that rest of my life with you and you alone.
Though I've been through a lot of pain and sacrifices in loving again because of the demise of my wife, it does seem safe and pleasant to fall in love once again with a lady as elegant and graceful as you. I therefore intend to love you as much as I ought. I know it's difficult for you to understand, but whatever the outcome of our relationship is, I will love you forever. I never knew there would be a better tomorrow, but you've come into my life and taken away all my sorrow. The military offered me the life that befitted my situation as years go by, my dedication to duty and less responsibility to love and relationship but it now looks like my days of sadness are a thing of the past, because I have found true love at last. My days of emptiness are gone for good, because you fill a vacuum in my heart as you should.
You've opened a window of joy and gladness especially now that I am about to disengage from active military service, you’ve shown me the light. My love for you will continue to burn bright. You have by your acceptance given me something new. You have given me wonderful feeling to share love and affection with you not minding the distance, political environment, socio/ cultural and language differences.
Please dear, I want you to tell me more about your life and family. Tell me about your work and future expectation. What you intend to do when we finally come together as man and wife. I need to know sweet love so that we can be of assistance and give the desired support to each other. Please send your photos to me, I love you and send you kiss.
I wish you a wonderful evening of sweet dreams. Hope to hear from you soon.