Information on romance scams and scammers.
by lilyc Sun May 04, 2014 10:36 am
I seem to have picked up another scammer on Plenty more fish, but this one is pretty obvious!!
James, 48 from London of Middle eastern origin, has been a single dad for a long time bit his son lives with his ex in Wiscusin???.
There is no danger of me falling for this so I would like to go along with it and waste his time but he does have my real email address?

Emails as follows:-

Am a very easygoing and honest looking for a serious and long term relationship...which have been alone for 5years after my new to the dating site...I worked as a special forces in the just tired of this lonely life and am willing to relocate to anywhere my heart desire is...let me know if you can chat on's so easy to set up a yahoo account under 5mins and download the yahoo instant will be more easier for us to learn about each other...I like to cuddle and hang out at the beach with my woman(IN LONDON!!!) let me know if you will be able to set up this or you have facebook so that I can add you for a chat...then we can share more pictures and words...hope to read from you soon...James

I tried to find out which army he was in, so next email.

Hi xxxxxx Am so happy for the kind email...well I can see that we both seeking for the samething...I seek for a serious and long relationship with a caring honest woman that I will spend life together a very easy going still in the army and I want to get settled with my woman which I don't know where to call a home this time until I find my woman who I will settle with...I will tell you everything you wanna know when you have a yahoo messenger....I got in the dating site yesterday and I don't like people there...I only seek for a woman that I will spend life with...have went through the profile but there is nothing serious until I found you...let me know if you are serious and ready to settle down with your man...let me know when you have instant yahoo messenger so that we can chat and share more words and picture...hope to read from you soon...James

by lilyc Sun May 04, 2014 11:28 am
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I think this is the email header, which I have no idea how to decipher!!
by Grunt Sun May 04, 2014 3:57 pm
Received: from [] is the interesting part

Organization: Emirates Telecommunications Corporation
Country: United Arab Emirates
State/Region: Sharjah
City: Sharjah
by lilyc Sun May 04, 2014 5:12 pm
Yes, that's the photo that was on the dating site. His profile has now disappeared!

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