Information on romance scams and scammers.
by The Enchantress Tue May 04, 2010 1:49 pm
Anastasia Kudryavtseva

Liar and romance scammer

Claims 25 or 27 years old, single, never married, no children, "secretary" living in Kazan (???????), Republic of Tatarstan, Russia

Mail address used [email protected]




Jsem tak stastna, ze Vas dopis precist, je naplnen laskou a peci. Dnes jsem navstivil predsednictvo cestovni kancelare a naucil vsemu, co je potrebne, a veskere podrobnosti. Ted uz vim, jake doklady mam delat. I tyto dokumenty mohou pripravit do 2 - 5 dnu. Pote, co jsem ucinil, musim take napsat prohlaseni. Moje vizum je pripravena. To trva 7 az 10 dny. Moje vizum umozni mi zustat s tebou do 90 dnu. To je velmi dobra zprava. Ale draha? Pokud uvidime, ze dohromady, ze jsem s tebou zustat navzdy, a co jsme se vzali. A snim o tobe! Visa poplatek 257 euro, se vsemi naklady. Tam se naklady na pojisteni atd. Take jsem se dozvedel hodnota jizdenky 460 euro. Chci zacit delat viza a objednavky vstupenek. Plan, ktery mas? Budu respektovat vas nazor, a ja chci vedet, co si o tom myslite. Musime si vzajemne duverovat, protoze jsme velmi podobny, a budeme mit brzy. Vcera jsem mel sen, sen o nas s vami. Chci rict. Zdalo se mi, sejdeme se na letisti, vzit za ruku a jdeme k vam domu. Ve vasem domovskem pujdeme do loznice a sedime na posteli. Zacnete se svleknout me polibil a jemne hladi me telo. Miluji te, a ja zacinam chapat, ze laska je velmi silny pocit. Jsem velmi rad, ze jsem nasla opravdovou lasku! Muj drahy, muj drahy princi xxxxx , jsem si nemyslel, ze by bylo tak drahe, pro me, ale jsem schopen zaplatit za sve vizum a pak to jde vse muj plat v tomto mesici, takze se nemusite starat, ma lasko. Ale nemohu zaplatit letenku, meho platu mi neumoznuje, az tohoto spatne. Vcera a dnes jsem sel do pratel a znamych, ale kdo nechtel, aby mi pomohl ... jsem velmi rozruseny. Vzhledem k tomu, ze je treba k uzavreni smlouvy na nakup jizdenek je stejna agentura, kde vizum, protoze prevzit plnou odpovednost za me a mel overit, ze jsem normalne letel na vas. Je to jejich zodpovednost. Dnes jsem byl skoro zoufaly, jsem nabidla pomoc matce, ale jeji duchod je velmi maly a nemel dost penez na letenku, a krome toho, zacal jsem dovolenou a ja dostal zaplaceno, ale je to jen dost pro viza. My Angel, chci stravit svoji dovolenou s vami setkat moje narozeniny s vami, a Buh me poslal nejcennejsi dar, je vam. Ale prosim vas, aby se nebala, pujdu se svou matkou v obci, aby me tete, a muzeme byt schopni najit jeste mnohem vice. Dokonce jsem si nedokazal predstavit, ze nejake zatracene penize budou do cesty, ale jsou potreba. Moc te miluju, ja vam hodne hodne mych smyslne a nezne polibky. Ano, a moje matka posila pozdrav:) Vazeni, rad bych poslal vice mych fotografii, ale mam kameru treba opravit, tak si vezmu s sebou, kdyz jsem letat na tebe, me fotoalbum, kde jsem byl jeste docela maly. Myslim, ze pokud vam bude snazsi poznat me. Ukazu vam muj otec, ukazu ti me obrazky, budete velmi zajimave videt je:) Muj mily, v zasade je vse pripraveno, mohu zaplatit za svoje vizum (ktere maji byt provedeny 7 do 10 dnu), ale tuto hodinu, mel jsem s matkou jit a pokusit se najit penize na letenku. Vse bude v poradku, neboj se, ptam se podivat na me fotografie a vesely usmev se mnou. Budu cekat na vasi odpoved. Snim o tom, jak nase setkani a jdeme prochazka s vami drzet na ruce, jak se divame po jednom za druhe, a, jak se nam libi. Miluji te, chci te, PRO VAS Stale v mem srdci, v me myslenky. I have a dream, jako budete na mych rukou, me obejmout, polibit a obejmout sve jemne telo. Kiss Kiss Kiss, vase princezna Anastasia


I am so happy to read your letter is filled with love and care. Today I visited the Bureau travel agent and learned everything that is necessary, and all the details. Now I know what documents I should do. I these documents can prepare for 2 to 5 days. After I did I must also write a statement. My visa is ready. It takes 7 to 10 days. My visa will allow me to stay with you within 90 days. This is good news. But, dear? If we see that together, I'm with you stay forever, and we were married. And dreaming about you! Visa fee of 257 euro, with all costs. There are insurance costs, etc. I also learned the value of the ticket 460 euro. I want to start doing visa and orders tickets. Plan, which you have? I will respect your opinion, and I want know what you think. We must trust each other because we very similar, and we will have soon.

Yesterday I had a dream, a dream about us with you. I want to say. It seemed to me, meet me at the airport, take the hand and go to your home. In your home we will go into the bedroom and sits on the bed. Begin to undress me and kissed me gently hungry body. I love you, and I begin to understand that love is a very strong feeling. I am very glad I found true love!

My dear, my dear prince xxxxx, I thought it would be so expensive for me, but I unable to pay for their visa and then everything goes my salary in the month, so do not worry, my love.

But I can not pay ticket, my salary does not permit me, and the bad. Yesterday and today I went to friends and acquaintances, but who did not want to help me ... I very agitated.

Given that it is necessary to conclude a contract for the purchase tickets is the same agency where the visa, because to assume full responsibility for me and should verify that I normally flew to you. It is their responsibility. Today I was almost desperate, I offered to help mother, but her income is very small and did not have enough money on the ticket, and In addition, I began to leave and I got paid, but it's just enough for a visa.

My Angel, I want to spend your vacation to meet you my birthday with you, and God sent me most precious gift to you. But I beg you not to worry, I'll go with his mother in the village, to my aunt, and we may be able to find much more. I even could not imagine that some money be damned way, but needed.

I love you, I you a lot a lot of my sensual and does not know kisses. Yes, and my mother reinforcements greeting Dear, I would send more of my photography, but my camera to be repaired, so they take the me when I fly to thee, my photo album, where I was quite small. I think that it will be easier if you know me. I'll show you mine Father, I will show you my pictures, you will be very interesting to see it

My dear, In principle, everything is ready, I pay for my visa (which has be conducted from 7 to 10 days), but this hour, I had to go with her mother and try to find the money to the ticket.

Everything will be alright, do not worry, I ask look at my photos and merry smile with me. I will be waiting for your answer. I dream about how our meetings and we keep you walking hand, as we look after one second, and, as we like. I love you, you I, for you happened in my heart, in my mind. I have a dream, As you will be on my hands, hug me, kiss and embrace my gently body.

Kiss Kiss Kiss,

your Princess Anastasia

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by The Enchantress Tue May 04, 2010 1:50 pm
Additional stolen photographs used by this scammer;






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