Information on romance scams and scammers.
by The Enchantress Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:22 am
Elena Efremova

Liar and romance scammer

Claims 25 years old, single, never married, no children, "designer" living in Sitona, Russia

Mail address used [email protected]



Hi xxxxx,
Thank you for your message, I am glad to receive it. I am sure that you seems like man of my requirements.
I liked your profile, and I hope in real life you have the same qualities. I would like have a conversation with you.
Maybe we can to have long conversation and we can be friends and maybe more. I want to know more about you. Please write me more about you if you can.

Dear xxxxx I am very sorry for short message, but I promise to write you more tomorrow.
I would be glad if you will like my picture. I sent you it in this letter, and I would like to receive your pictures. I wait your pics.
See you later, bye bye.

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by The Enchantress Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:22 am
Hello again xxxxx,
I am glad you message and I am glad that you receive my pic.
I am glad to receive your picture, and you are attractive man. I would like to see more of your pics.
Please send me your pics in your following letter.

Dear xxxxx I want to tell about me.
My name is Elena, I am 25. I work as the designer and I like to dream and embody the imaginations in a life.
And when this imagination embodied in a reality is pleasant to people I am very happy.
Also I wish to tell that I live in Russia. I live in a small town Sitona. I think that you will not dissapointed for that.
In the last letter I have not had time to inform you on it and consequently I wish to be frank and I want also that you were fair with me.
If it disturbs you or you do not wish to have any long distance relations, let me know. I think that we could continue ours correspondence.
It seems to me that very few people from men can understand me, they consider me a little strange, but it not so.
Because all see in me only a doll to which can play and break each time my heart.
In this severe world remains so a little fair people which can be trusted on all of 100 . Such happens only in fairy tales, earlier the woman could entrust the man even the life, and that people for the sake of love even endowed themselves.
Now all has changed also everyone searches in this world only for satisfaction of the requirements, and even than that to help other person for it it seems a limit of possibilities. And almost to each person it is indifferent that other people suffer and require trust and some compassion.
I do not speak about everything, but the majority of men now such, and also many women do such things, forgetting that such love that such respect that such conscience and honour. I do not require in something compassion, I simply speak about it that I see round myself. Therefore I, without having found anybody similar to my ideal in my country, I have decided to search for someone in other country. But also still I should warn you about it that I was brought up in the house for orphans because when I was born, my mother has left me at doors of a shelter and I know nothing about my family. Me brought up tutors, and they have replaced to me mother. I do not know that such the present family. Tutors have replaced to me parents, and the same children as I, have replaced to me brothers and sisters. I do not know that such love of parents, and to me very badly familiarly such feeling which name a true love. But I am assured that I am capable to love really...
Just I had no time to understand it. But I think that all the same it becomes known to me.
I think that to me already is time to finish my letter. I am afraid that I will not receive your letters in the future. But I all the same will hope that you can to answer me.
I wait for your answer, xoxoxo.

Hi xxxxx, glad to hear from you! How are you? How is the weather? I thought that you will not continue dialogue with me, but all the same I hoped to receive your answer and now I is happy that I can to read your letter.

Dear xxxxx I wish to tell you more about myself. So you know that I am russian girl, I have no parents, I have no kids, I have been never married, and I looking for my soul mate, man of my dreams. This man like you, you say not be real? But it is real. I not need in super men and machos. I like man who have a soul such mine and who hard-working for life like I do. What kind of work you doing? What is your specialisation? Can you tell me about it? I told you about my work, I work as designer. I project conditions of premises that it looked beautifully and I try to create this project in a reality. For this purpose it is necessary to have very good imagination and taste which will be it is pleasant to people. It not always is possible but to live in this world to everyone it is necessary to do something.
What are you like in your free time? What is your hobby? My hobbies is a painting, reading and watching TV, movies and news.
Only most a little that that I like it to do, hope I have still some employment and a hobby, the general is possible even with you if it so you can tell about them and I with pleasure communicate with you on this theme.
In a soul I the hopeless romanticist and me is pleasant to dream, and I think that it also is connected with my work because dreams and imaginations help me to live. I hope that you can present it? In it there is nothing difficult, and I also am assured that many your dreams also to you manage to be embodied in a life. And still I would wish to talk about that that such a family because I never had it and if you find time tell to me about it. What means have a family for you? I now also dream of that to find the correct person in my life and to establish a family and if I have children I never will leave them as it was made by my mother 25 years ago. I hope that it does not do you sad? Because I am already frequent about it I mention... But it is all already in the past and it is necessary to live and rejoice lives and to search for the happiness in this life. I finish the letter. See you later.
With impatience I wait for your answer,

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by The Enchantress Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:23 am
Hello xxxxx, nice to read your letter again. I like have a dialog with you and I like all that you tell to me. You are interesting person and your words make me smile.
Do you like to joke? I like to joke but only some people can understand my jokes. But I am serious woman and in my life it is necessary to be that because the life very much hard and happens time it is not meaningful when to joke. How joke in your country? You can name the most interesting joke which is pleasant to you?
I do not think that I have only one favourite joke, it is a lot of them. At us in Russia usually all jokes are connected with a life, and with vodka...
But is certainly and other interesting things. It is more than anything interesting people cannot find.
But it is not important, because I think that you would not like to read any nonsense. I am adjusted seriously on continuation of our correspondence, only wished to cheer a little to myself up. Day has passed today not as it would be desirable, on work is very tired, all the day sat and drew sketches, I should finish the project till the end of the next week, but any thoughts for this purpose I can not find. And how has passed your day?
What did you do today?
If you are surprised with that I write to you only once in day I ask you not to take offence because I write to you as far as possible when I have a free time.
But if you can write to me more often I only will be glad.
Now to me why that wanted to hear your voice, I do not know why, and dialogue by phone would be great but as not by the way at me phone has broken.
Therefore I even am glad that exists email. It seemed to me earlier that emails is silly correspondence and that anything good from this will not turn out, but now there was that all on the contrary, in it there is a sense and I start to penetrate into words more. To give words the feeling, it appears not so simply as it would seem, but it is possible. As it is a pity that earlier I did not know about it. And you have use experience emails?

Whether Dear xxxxx I do not know it is necessary to ask me this question but how you think, whether each of us find the happiness in this life can?
And whether there are in you and in me any things which unite us? Why that seems to me that such things are available.
But I am exact I can not tell at present because I know about you a little and you know a little about me.
But I hope that the further dialogue will open to all of us our thoughts and all our secrets.
I will wait for your answer tomorrow. Have a nice day xxxxx!
Sincerely your Elena.

Hi xxxxx, I am great to hear you today. How are you? I hope you have a great day today xxxxx?
Today weather here is fine, and all around seems such remarkable and it would be desirable to rejoice more than a life.
Even now when I have come here after work, I do not wish to feel weariness. Because today there are many reasons for this purpose, but first I should answer your letter, I do not presume to leave it without the answer.
I become happier every day because I had in a life a soul mate, and let you xxxxx while you are far, but for me it is not important also distance for me not a problem. By the way now by radio the song of Madonna, "Miles Away" plays.
It is one of my favourite songs and I know this song and I remember almost all words.
I just woke up from a fuzzy dream You never would believe the things that I have seen I looked in the mirror, and I saw your face You looked right through me; you were miles away

All my dreams, they fade away
I'll never be the same
If you could see me the way you see yourself
I cannot pretend to be someone else

You always love me more
Miles away
I hear it in your voice when you're
Miles away
You're not afraid to tell me
Miles away
I guess we're at our best when we're
Miles away

So far away.... It is a song reminds us with you, we also far apart a little. miles away. so far away.
But me also it is acted in film strange dreams and when I wake up I I start to think, what you do at this time?
I think that because of a difference of time you still sleep and also have dreams and when you will wake up that can be will recollect me, about that that somewhere away in Russia there is your friend and also thinks of you and it is interesting to me that occurs to you and as you spend time.
I cannot know it and only I assume. This very interesting feeling, and me very much it is pleasant. This feeling many name attachment.
Has passed so not enough time and I have already got used to you and you became my close friend. It is difficult to me to assume, but after all the friendship between the man and the woman can outgrow in something more? How you think? It can happens with all of us.
And it even is very good. I think that I need to finish my letter because I still need to prepare something for a supper.
I think today I will prepare rice on-uzbekski or on another "plov".
I like very much to cooking. And you cooking for yourself? And what kind of dishes do you like?
I will wait for your answer, have a good day today!
Sincerely your Elena.

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by The Enchantress Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:24 am
Hello my dear friend xxxxx!
I am very happy to see your letter and it is very pleasant to me to read your gentle words!

xxxxx what a happiness it is to hear from you. Thank you so much for the warm letters. Sometimes it happens, when you wake up in the morning and then things seem to take some crazy direction. But it passes, one just needs to be patient, till the sun comes our from behind the clouds. You know, before, when things went wrong at work, I use to come home and just take a hot bath, have a cup of hot chocolate and watch some good old comedy.

And now I have so much more to take comfort from, I have you in my life, I can reread your letters. Just knowing that there are you on the other end of the world, thinking of me too, makes my life so much happier. I am a very romantic person, cause for me the soul is the most important...
the beauty is given to you by the nature or by the age, but the soul is given to you by God, and that is the most important thing a human being posses.
In a relationship I am totally dedicated and I always treat the man next to me the same how I want to be treated.

I mean that lately, since we started writing, I've been sleeping such a sound sleep I have not slept in years. In fact, I do not think I've had such a good sleep ever since I was a child. I dream such magical, such colorful dreams, that it's so hard to wake up in the morning, returning back to the real world.
And I've begun to see you my dreams. xxxxx, in my dreams you're so close to me, that I can feel the warmth of your body and the strength of your hands, the softness or your lips? Seem as if our hearts are being as one and there's no such force that could become an obstacle between us.

The alone person, to whom I can talk frankly and to start new relationship. And now, when I receive each your new letter I is very happy.
That we find out one another better. I have conducted a lot of time thinking about you and now I want to inform it to you.
Now I do not know as I can think of you and who you for me.
At first I thought, that you it is simple penfriend.
But now I think differently.
Now you have taken a large place in my life.
Earlier I felt any vacuum in mine douche.
But since we have begun to write one another this vacuum began to to disappear.
"And now there there are only my thoughts about you and my hope for our love".
I hope it does not shock you and I think, what is it letter will help you to find out my feelings.
I really very strongly wish to know all about you!!!??? All what person and what nice you were the small guy, the boy! I often represent your person, and in me that wakes up that native to you - and to your kind words.
Whether I would like to know you loved football, whether you had sports what be hobbies! Whether I would like to know you had good friends many! I would like to know all that that you love! All that of what you think!
All that of what you dream and wish!!! I very much wish to know all that than you are engaged after work as you spend time! As have a rest! As!
I have written in this letter really much?! Understand me correctly I wish to know you as it is possible is better!
I shall wait your words and your ideas, and now I should have a way home and have a rest.
I am looking forward for your reply...
I wish you a perfect day.
Always yours, Elena...

Good evening my dear xxxxx,

Thanks for your letter and I am glad to receive it and read this.
Today weather has a little deteriorated, because the sun is badly visible because of a considerable quantity of clouds.
And in such grey day to me it becomes a little boring. But your letters never force me to miss.
You have kind and sincere feelings, and because of it in my heart becomes warm also feelings become even stronger and when I communicate with you I have peace of mind and some pleasure from our dialogue.
I am completely assured of that that you will never lie and hurt me, because I trust you. Certainly, it will seem to you too strange, but it and I am assured that you that person who never brings and will not hurt me and never will tell badly about me.
And I think that the trust in our life has huge value for us. Because having lost trust, we lose close friends.
It is very bad when people start to lie and pretend to be. You asked sometime a question Why people do it?
Why people deceive each other? Why do not tell the truth? In certain cases the truth happens not too pleasant that it to hear, but all the same sooner or later all secret becomes obvious. It always so was and always so will be.
So I think what to deceive someone lives it badly and even it is senseless. It is the most easier to tell at once the truth and about what not to regret.
How you think I correctly I think? Or you in the country have any other judgements about it?
And I always try to be very sincere with people and never to lie them even if it will afflict their.
And I am completely assured of that that you do as because I feel it in your words.
You also have nothing to hide from me, and I also hide nothing from you. And only the trust can prolong any relations.
I heard much that the Internet is a dangerous thing and that all that there is available, all is improbable, that is all lie.
But all are available some things which are truthful. I speak about two people on this planet, I have in view of us with you.
After all we with you not fakes! Or you have other opinion? I do not think that you can be fake. Also I wish to learn that you think of me?
To me it is very important that you will tell, because having heard from you that you think and that I fake that our correspondence will stop, I do not wish to waste time with the person who does not trust me. It will be sick also you can break to me heart only three words. you are fake.....
Also I wish to tell that we should not hide from each other anything that we are going to tell each other.

Dear xxxx I should tell that I have started to test to you strong feelings, and these feelings it is impossible to name simple as friendship, it even is more than friendship. Really it is love? I do not know precisely, but I think that it so.
I have such lack quickly to fall in love with the person, but I had bad experience with it because men with which I met used it and caused me only a pain. Therefore I have solved that all men are identical also they only hurt.
But at dialogue with you I have understood that it not and that there is a person who understands me and can support and never will cause me a pain.
You are very nice man and I am ready to entrust you all most frank secrets. Dear xxxxx I should go. See you later.
Sincerely your Elena.

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by The Enchantress Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:25 am
Hello dear xxxxx, how are you? How is your day today? How is the weather today? I hope that all well and what you have good mood? I wish you have a great day! I am very grateful to you that you do not cease to communicate with me and I hope that it never will occur. I so have got tired today on work, day has stood out very difficult and even the head from all event a little is ill. Whether I do not know I can to write you the big letter, but I will try to make it.

Dear xxxxx I am glad that you trust me also as I trust you and I know that is we a reality and that we are capable of all in this world. I am grateful that you continue to write me letters. I like all the same to receive your letters, and I am very pleasantly each time to read them.
I love your letters, just I adore them!!! To me it becomes very boring if I do not receive your letters,
Last night I looked yesterday at stars in the sky. I each time leave on a balcony and I look at them.
There are three things on which person can to look very long, are stars, water and fire. In them there is any mysterious force which draws a sight of the person as the magnet draws iron.
Also in your letters there is any force which draws me to you, in your words any force is concealled. That only one your words suffice to draw my attention and to transfer those feelings which you test when write to me the letter. When I write to you the letter too I try to write to you that most of all excites me and to share the feelings. I try to learn more about you and to tell about myself. And I very much like to learn each time you, that you do and that you feel. My interest to you becomes more and more high. And so yesterday I looked at stars.
You know that for each person in the sky has the star. And if the person dies, the star falls from the sky. And I searched for the star and yours, I think that they are located by a number, or even together.
Because I feel you, I belive to you and know that you always sincerely with me and never me will deceive. I feel that we understand one another though I not in perfection own English, but I can understand one another. We understand our ideas, our imaginations. We feel one another and even the distance can not an obstacle to us. And at night I saw dream in which we with you went on park. We held one another for hands, spoke, communicated.

xxxxx, you joked also I much laughed. We have not come nearly in a pool of water, but in time it have noticed and have bypassed. In the sky stars shined and shined to us road. I felt like perfectly, especial when you have lifted me on hands. There there were steps downwards, to a fountain, and you have lifted me and have attributed directly to it. And you have kissed me!!! I have felt your love.
Your tenderness, my heart has flashed fire and I would wake up what to kiss you on the present but you were not. It was dream and I have overlooked about it. You see dreams of us?
Tell to me them, I very much want to learn them more! It would be fine if it was a reality. And I hope that it happen. I want kiss you xxxxx!

Yours and only your Elena.

Hello my dear xxxxx! How are you? I am very glad to receive your letter today. Thank you for your gentle words and for do not forget to write me.

My dear xxxxx I am very pleasant that we can understand each other much better now and our relations go all further and further, and we become closer.
I feel that is not just friendship but something is more, isn`t it?
I feel such happy that have got acquainted with you xxxxx! But I have nobody to divide this feeling if I had a family I would tell them about the feelings both my thoughts and dreams. I all time dreamt of a family. But nobody has wanted to make me the foster daughter.
I dreamt earlier that to me my future mother will come and will take away me from a shelter, but nobody came also to me has not carried that I have grown without a family.
I can share only the feelings now only with fellow workers, but they will not understand me and only will laugh over me and to speak that I am mad.
Will ask me about that why you have got acquainted with the man so far why you do not wish to find someone here.
But I will speak nothing them because I do not wish to listen their to silly advices and conversations.
And you spoke to somebody from the family about that that you correspond with me? If you have told, that they have answered you?
They are happy about us together or they against it? What do they think of our attitudes?
What do you think of our attitudes? What plans at you with me? I wish to know more and I think that you would like to know about me also absolutely all.
Now it seems to me that I know about you not so much, but it seems to me that we are familiar with you all life, and I cannot understand whence at me this feeling.
I that it am not enough of all, that feelings transferred through letters are very much differ from feelings and touches, and I would like to hear your gentle voice in mine ears, To feel your strong and tender hands when you me will embrace, feel touches of your lips when you will kiss me.
It would be very fine if we with you could walk together on coast of a beach, go on park, keeping for hands and enjoying the happy moments of our life.

Yes, between us the big distance, and we cannot meet simply so not having overcome it. The distance between us divides us with you and prevents to make to us so a lot of prophetic which we could make in ours with you relations.
It would be better if we could meet in realities and our dreams would turn to a reality, and mutual understanding would be better.
Maybe in future we would be meeting, isn`t it xxxxx?

I hope that your day today was well? I will be glad if each your day will bring to you happiness and pleasure, also that your mood was lifted, take care xxxxx.
I miss you and with impatiens I wait your following letter,
With the best regards Elena.

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by The Enchantress Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:25 am
Hi my dear and lovely xxxxx!!!
I`m so happy to see your letter, I was a few problems to write to you the letter, as places in the Internet-cafe have been borrowed, and I had to wait a little while the computer will be released. But now I can read your letter, and to me simply to not transfer the feelings simple words.
Your letter warms my heart, and so it is pleasant to me to read it with a smile and good mood.

xxxxx, what are you think about our meeting? How are you represent our first meeting? What will occur at our first meeting?
What shall we do when we for the first time shall see each other? What will you doing in such situation? What do you think of that as I will conduct myself
and how I will be dressed? What our first words will be? You would like to hear what words from me? I would like to hear from you such words as, "Welcome in my country my dear Elena!!!!!!..." I want that this meeting was remembered to us forever. As it will be the first that there will be at us with you the general,
And the first feelings gone through together we should remember it for ever. I represent it so, we see each other and our hearts begin to fight all more strongly.
I climb down from the plane and I approach to you. You stay at the airport and wait for me. I see your gentle smile on your face and on my face there is a smile too.
I approach to you more close and my heart fights with each step all more strongly when I already will approach to you even more close, and we embrace, and after that we speak each other; "Hi Elena! I am glad to see you, welcome in my country!", On that I answer: "Hello xxxxx, I am glad to see you too! How I waited for this moment, really is it not a dream?" Our meeting will proceed also I will be in your embraces.
As I dreamed for a long time to be in your embraces, yes we with you both will worry and worry, I will especially worry.
Probably I cannot tell anything to you if you will not kiss me. Will you kiss me xxxxx? I think about it and this first kiss will be fine.
Then you take me for a hand and conduct me behind yourself. Then we go to restaurant and we spend there, our first romantic evening, a supper with candles and slow music. We will dance and be turned in dance. I will be with you xxxxx!!!!!!!

My dear xxxxx, I would like to learn what you think of our meeting and how it will proceed? I would be very glad to hear its continuation from you.
Please tell me what are you think about it.
I wait with impatience for your following letter. I wait and I miss, I adore you my gentle and tender prince xxxxx!!!!!!!
I send you thousands sweet and gentle kisses!!!

Yours and only your love Elena

Hello my dear and lovely xxxxx!
I am very glad to see your letter, it was very pleasant to me to hear yours ideas on our meeting, I also think about it. I wish to be with you and I wish to spend together with you time.
And I think that we should discuss our meeting with you. It seems to me that the god wanted that we have met you and it is our destiny. I think that it not vainly that to us there is also all this occurs to the best.
I with impatience waited for your letter and very much wished to hear your answer. I am pleased very much with that you which person I have grown fond and want to be together with you too as would think of that what to hold me in the hands. It very much pleases and even pleasantly excites me because it means that you not against me and do not want to push away. I with excitement waited for your letter.

I thank you xxxxx, for that you fill my heart with love and the hope which vein in it has become stronger and now it is possible that we will achieve all in life if we shall make it together.
I want to be with you. I would want that we with you were together. I dream about our meeting. xxxxx I learn tomorrow all about trip and I shall inform to you when I can arrive to you.
We will be together, I promise to you it, I would shall make all that in my forces what to be with you. I love you xxxxx!!!! I want to be with you, I want to be in your embraces, I want to feel your love, your passion, your tenderness, your caress.
I would want that we could enjoy every day when we shall be together and I would shall make all that we were happy together.
I want that we could touch one another, that we could enjoy love feel and touch one another. What is we would meet the morning together.
That each day I could see you.
To hear your voice, to feel your breath, to see your sight, gentle and full of love, all this is necessary for me and I want to be with you xxxxx!!!! We shall be together, we shall create ours with you the world.
This world we full love and caress. We shall be happy. I am sure in it. I will be the happiest girl if shall be with you and I would shall make all that it happened. Soon we can talk.
To go together to park, go on a beach, to make love and embody all our dreams in a reality. xxxxx, you agree with me? You will meet me? I love you xxxxx!!!!
I want you xxxxx!!!!!!!

xxxxx only with you I want to be together and to go on this life with you!!!!

Yours and only your loving Elena.

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by The Enchantress Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:26 am
Hello my dear love xxxxx!
I am very happy to see your letter today, And this only thing that can calm me now. I am very sadly now, I am very afflicted and disappointed. I don`t know what to tell to you, I do not wish you to upset... I have for you unpleasant news, and I do not know from what to begin.
Today I went to travel agency and learned that I should do and that I should have at myself for a trip to you.
And when I have told that is necessary for me and how many it costs, I became so is insulting, I am very much ashamed now before you, and I am sorry for that promised you what I can not make.
The trip to you will cost very expensive, and I haven`t all sum which to me have told in travel agency. I regret very much xxxxx! We cannot be together...

Today when I have come to travel agency to learn that is necessary for me that I could arrive to you, I have learned that that I should have necessary documents for travel, is the passport for travel abroad, the visa, payment of taxes and tax collections, the certificate on passage of medical examination, and after reception of the visa already and the ticket. But except for it I still should go to Moscow.
I have asked why I should go to Moscow, and to me have explained that I should pass medical examination in Moscow.
And to go to Moscow are necessary money for road to Moscow, on residing and a feed at Moscow. And it is necessary to pay for all this approximately $700 - $730 dollars, and then it will be necessary to take the ticket.
And the price at tickets different, and all depends on which airline I will take advantage to arrive to you.
It makes about $1,600 dollars and above, I simply was frightened having seen such price for the ticket,
And all that I can make now it only to pay for official registration of papers, but I cannot pay for all trip to you.
It is very dear to me. I understand that I promised you, that I will arrive to you, and I will try to make it.
I will make all that in my forces to arrive to you, but I do not know as me to pay for all trip and to arrive to you.
But I will do the utmost that we with you dream was executed also we were together.
I understand that this news very much has upset you, and I ask you do not leave me, please do not stop to write to me.

xxxxx, you the unique person which has remained with me and which I very much love and I wish to be with you. I am ready for all to be with you, both I will use the best efforts, and I will make it if you will support me in this difficult situation.

I ask you xxxxx, only do not stop to write to me your warm and gentle letters, I very much require them. I hope that you understand me and will write to me...
I want that you did not leave from me and have remained with me and if we will be together we will embody our dream in a reality. I love you xxxxx!!!!!!

I LOVE YOU AND I AM NOT AFRAID OF THESE FEELINGS!!!!!!! I would will make all that we with you were forever together and were happy.

You are my Prince. xxxxx you are my dream and I want to live in this world with you!!! I do not present as it is possible to live without you. Forgive me xxxxx.....
I want to cry and I don`t know what doing now, I am very sorry....

Yours and only your loving and gentle Elena.

Hello My Lovely Man and Sun xxxxx!!!!!!!!

xxxxx I am glad to receive your letter, I very much miss you and I would want that we with you were together. You in my heart.

I love you xxxxx!!!!

I want will be with you to meet with you each new day and to carry out together evenings. To visit, prepare for tasty dishes and to enjoy with you love and happiness. I want that we were happy. That on our persons there would be a smile. What our passion, our kisses and our love warmed our hearts, that in our eyes there would be a happiness, that all of us would make together.

xxxxx I love you, I love and I want to be with you. Today I went to the girlfriend and we talked to her about us with you. She speaks that is glad for us, that very much would like that we with you were together. Asks when she to receive us with you a photo together. I have told that soon. I do not know itself when but I hope that very soon.

I love you and I want to be with you xxxxx!!!!!!!!

I can not more without you. This life seems to me empty because you far and I can not be with you. I would want that we with you were together I shall search for a way to be with you and I hope that we can make it soon.

I want to be only with you. I love you xxxxx, you the man of my dream and I want to be with you!!!!

Your loving and gentle Elena.

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by The Enchantress Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:26 am
Hello my dear xxxxx,

I am very glad to see your letter. My dear xxxxx, I understand that for you it is difficult to carry out our meeting, also as it is difficult and for me.
I understand that we now can make nothing and we should wait some time and then we can be together. But I do not know how many I can wait still.
Dear xxxxx you should understand that I all life searched for the correct person, and I am assured what exactly now I have found this correct person, and to it special man are you xxxxxx!
And for me will be the greatest affliction in a life if I lose you you. I do not wish you to lose xxxxx. And as I spoke to you that I will use the best efforts to be with you.

And I have found a way to solve our problem. One of the basic problems for us with you is money. Because distance it not a problem for two loving people!
And if we combine our efforts we can be together.

Dear xxxxx I went today to bank and asked the loan and to me have given approval for this purpose. That is I can take the loan at any moment, only under one condition.

I should pay an initial payment that could grant this loan. For this purpose it is required to me very little, and it makes $536,38 us dollars.

And I now have definitively decided to arrive to you. Also has gone on this most important and a risky step in my life because I love you and completely I trust you.

My dearest xxxxx you understand that will be necessary for me for all trip about $3,000 us dollars. And I have decided to take this sum as the loan.

And I completely understand that if something goes not so I till the end of the life will work free of charge and to give this sum all life.
To me have granted this loan with that condition that I will get a job in your country and for this purpose I should make the work visa fast for 1 year.
And I so was happy that we with you can together the whole year!! I am madly happy that such possibility was gave to me.
But I should bring every month a payment for this loan but if there will be a work in your country for me I think that for me it will not be a problem.
But it not the most important thing, for me the most important that we will be together and it will be good enough for learning each other and to spend much time together.
I do not know that you can answer me, whether I do not know you will agree or not. For us with you such possibility can be given never more.

And consequently I ask you if you can help me at least with this sum I can arrive to you and also I will return all this money.

I understand that you wish to ask me why I cannot borrow this money at someone here? To a great regret it is impossible at present for me...
I tried to ask the acquaintances, friends and relatives also today.
But unfortunately nobody can help us. And with last hope I have addressed to you and thought that there can be you can help to be to us together. Or you still think that I deceive you? Remember always for me money it not the main thing xxxxx...

For me the most important it to be with you xxxxx! And I never would began to be dishonoured thus to ask you 500 dollars and then somewhere to vanish...

I have serious feeling to you and if you understand me and love me I ask please help me at least with that sum about which I ask. If you cannot help us we cannot meet never...

And our dream will remain only dream. . And each of us will search only to itself for other person or the woman... Hoping that it will cease to be dream.

I understand that it also difficultly to find 537 dollars, but it much less than 1500 or 3000 dollars... Think over my offer xxxxx.

I wait for your answer, and I wait for your serious answer, I hope you will concern it with understanding and will support this decision...

I love you and I will love you eternally while my heart fights in my breast!! I need you in my life forever xxxxx!!! i miss you very much xxxxx!!

With impatience I wait for your answer,
With love for ever yours and only yours Elena.

Hello my dear love xxxxx and my loving man xxxxx!

I am very happy to see your letter and it is very pleasant to me to read your gentle words!
I was glad that we can together very soon and I am very grateful to you that you have agreed to help with it to us.

xxxxx I learnt about that what ways are available for remittance and have found only Western Union, it is the most convenient and fastest way to transfer a sum of money, also it is the most reliable way.

It it is located almost in all nearest cities about my city.

That you could help me, you should know only my full name and the country in which I live.


That I could receive your help, I should know your full name, your home address, branch Western Union address the sum of money or a city of departure of a sum of money whence will be sent, also should know the exact sum and in what currency it is sent, also I should know money transfer control number (MTCN) which consists of 10 figures.

My love xxxxx I also cannot wait for this moment, and I already represent this moment when we together go to restaurant and we have a remarkable supper together, dance, a kiss both whole night pure and big love!

I also am very excited and I hope that all it happens very soon for us and we will be together!
I send you my most sweet, gentle, warm, sensual, passionate kisses and embraces!

With impatience I wait for your answer,

With love for ever yours and only yours Elena

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