by Ralph
Thu Jul 24, 2008 8:36 am
Mr Collins Weaver is the name used by a Nigerian scammer, he may have some legal problems and need his Lawyer to help him.
One of the email addesses that is used by this scammer is [email protected] but I am sure he has many others
Here are some more email addresses used by this scammer
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
I would think this link will take you to a profile for our friend Collins Weaver I cant wait to see his photo album
This search result shows even more examples of this scammer in action, how many dating profiles does one man need
You could check out more of his pictures by going to and look at the High fashion male model called Mike J,
One of the email addesses that is used by this scammer is [email protected] but I am sure he has many others
Here are some more email addresses used by this scammer
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
good day madam.i am barister J.A Smith.i am Mr Collins Weaver's attoney.we spoke yesterday on phone.i have been busy and i did not have the time to call you.Mr Weaver was to be released today but due to some constraints he shall be released tomorrow morning hopefully.i am sending you this as an agreement to let yoiu know of the happenings with the situation here and i want to tell you that by tomorrow Mr Weaver wikll be released.i want you to understand that the case is more than what we bargained for and he is being released on bail and to have a trial.i want you to take it easy but i feel i owe you an explanation on the happening here.i was at the judge today and Mr Weaver will be released on the agreement that his passport will be confisticated while the trial lasts,so he does not flee tye country.
he was arrested with a priceless diamonds that he did not declare on leaving thge countrry but i understand that he bought it at the UK.he claimed he did not know her was to pay export duties on them and wheh it was learnt that he bvrought them into the country it became a doudle count charge.Also added was that he triedv to resist arerest but when we spoke he clearly told me that he did not know anything like are free to call by 12 noon tomorrow Nigerian time to talk to him,because by then he should be released.
i was too busy today t the court and i jsut left him.i related your messages tohi8m and others about some peopolewanting to know his whereabouts.
thank you for your patience
I would think this link will take you to a profile for our friend Collins Weaver I cant wait to see his photo album
This search result shows even more examples of this scammer in action, how many dating profiles does one man need
You could check out more of his pictures by going to and look at the High fashion male model called Mike J,
Last edited by Ralph on Sat Jul 26, 2008 7:17 am, edited 2 times in total.