Information on romance scams and scammers.
by anjilwings Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:52 pm
Unfortunately this one is smarter than most scammers, he refuses to email me instead he leaves me offline messages on my IM. Now I only chatted with him one time and he caught me when I didn't have my IM up so I could save it. That was yesterday, he bored me really fast he sounded like the same scammer I talked to the night before. He divorced 6 years ago. He is quote a film director for Paramount Pictures, yeah right. His wife ran away with one of the help with around $46,000 of his budget money. Left him to raise his son alone. Meet him on he has since deleted his page but not before I could save the pics. Says he is in Texas. He left me 2 off line messages which I saved to word pad so I could post here. He is using the email address [email protected] He left me the first message before we even chatted. Dated 07/03/10 @ 5:46am

Good Morning Love And how are was your night and i really think about you also want to know that i feel in love with you and really want you in my heart and bed...Because The day you came into my life will be cherished always.An angel sent from heaven above for my lonely heart to hold.My heart is no longer lonely, but instead filled with the wonder of a love like I've never known. Because there is only on happiness in life, to love and be loved. When you first held me, it was magical A touch no other but my soulmate could provide. Truly the passion needed no words. Your kiss on my lips is something I long for each day. With a single kiss the intensity of your live so incredibly clear...Your eyes melt me with emotion so intense it is beyond belief.A caring and unconditional love that shines from them that makes me shiver with excitement for our life to come.

The one he left today.

What a grand thing, to be loved!
What a grander thing still, to love!
Love comforteth like sunshine after rain.
There is no remedy for love but to love more..And love you So Much.
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things....
I want you to know that What that What therefore God has joined together let no man separate...
Love is patient, love is kind.It doHello How are you Doing this morning
es not envy, it does not boast,it is not prod.It is not rude, it is not self-seeking,it is not easily angered,it keeps no record of wrongs.Love does not delight in evil but refoices with the truth.It always protects, always trusts,always hopes, always perseveres.Love never fails. Honey i want you to know that All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worth while.So when you are lonely, remember it's true Somebody somewhere is thinking of you.that is me..The bond of two peoples love cannot be broken,Bend it, twist it, do what you will with it;If it is true love then the sun will rise another day. When I look into your eyes,it's like falling in love all over again. The only way to navigate Love Is to be lost within it
It is neither a beast to be conquered Nor a thought to be cornered You are a guest in its presence A voyeur in the dark So feast not Rather be the feast Worthy of legends For there is no sweeter ecstasy Than the nectar That is the yearning of your heart Come into my heart dear one,Fill it with the warmth of your love,Brighten my days with your sunny smile,And fill my nights with unbridled passion. Lay with me under the starry skies, Whispering into my ear, "Those sweet words of love, That only we two understand, Gently caress my trembling Body, with deliberate, knowing hands,And cover my mouth with passionate kisses, That draw the very soul from my body.I live to be near you, To feel your gentleness.My world begins and ends in your arms.You give me such unbelievable joy and bliss.My heart, my wonderful, but secret lover.



by GomerPyle Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:28 pm
I think you're dating William Shakespeare :shock: :=)

William Shakespeare - "Love comforteth like sunshine after rain" It's not from one of his plays, but from his poem Venus and Adonis

You are at least into the premium end of the scammer market - one that reads books. :lol:

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer
by anjilwings Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:26 pm
It seems the more I play hard to get with this one the more determined he is. So today my Mister Poet wrote:

Hello honey how are you doing today? You and I are connected in a way that goes beyond romance, beyond friendship, beyond what we've ever had before. It has defied time, distance, and changes in ourselves and in our lives. It has defied every explanation. Except one pure and simple, we're soul mates. I can't explain, I just feel it. It's there in the way my spirits lift whenever we talk. The sound of your voice brings me home, in a way I can't explain. It's in the delight I feel, when we laugh at exactly the same things. When I'm with you, it's like a tiny piece of the universe shifts into place. A place it's supposed to be, and all is right with the world. These things and so many more, have made me understand that this is a once in a lifetime, forever connection. A connection that could only exist between you and me. And deep in my soul, I know that our relationship is a rare gift. One that brings us extraordinary happiness all through our lives.
by rooblina Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:06 am
Dickson Stewart Bernald <[email protected]>
to [email protected]
date Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 12:26 AM
Images from this sender are always displayed. Don't display from now on.
hide details Jun 8
Am Dickson Stewart I hail from aberdeen UK,I attended university of Dundee,where i studied geological sciences,Am 38years old single and work as a marine engineer in the submarine section.. Am elegant,vibrant,vigorous and full of life I was opporturned to glance through your page and personnality profle.You seem to be the woman of my choice..You scarlet lips,ebong hair,well biult physique charming face,sedycing eyes are of great intersest to me.In fact,your entirety commands my variety of interest

I just received a mail with this context. Can you help me to identify it as a scam. Thank You very much for the help.
by rooblina Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:14 am
These are the emails I send. Unfortunately I send my actual cellfone numbers my bank account number and my address. He said he will be coming next week.please help me... thanks

from Dickson Stewart Bernald <[email protected]>
to [email protected]
date Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 5:48 PM
subject Hon i must come ok
hide details 5:48 PM (18 hours ago)
Hello hon, how are you? i guess that you are ok, for me, am ok, am so sorry for have not written to you for some time now,it was just that i have been so busy here pls,What I feel for you,is really true. You need to know that i really need you in my whole life, When you are gone,I can't go on. Can't you see, that you are
the only one for me?

Love is like a golden chain and it has linked/bind our hearts together and if
you ever break that chain you will break my heart 4ever, hon i liked many, but loved few, yet no one will be as good/nice as you are,i have waited for so long time finding/looking for a good and nice Asian lady, but am so happy to have some one like you in my whole life whom i will share my pleasure of moment with.
Hon do you know that my eyes gets jealous of my heart , you know why, because you always remains in my mind and as you can see you are far from me, that why i have decided to visit you and spend my vacation with you, i would have been there by now as i told you b4, but my family Doctor just came back from his travel, cause he need to check mum very well and give her her medications, but that has been done already ok, so i have booked to be with you on Monday morning pls ok, i will be so happy if you can understand with me about the delay, but if you do not understand it with me, i will not be happy with you ok,

honey i am so happy that GOD above created you for me to love and to be loved by you,cause i was meant to understand that he picked you out from the rest, cause he knew that i would love you the best, just wait for my arrival there by Monday ok, but pls my hon, i will not like you to tell any of your friends about my coming pls, just for security purposes ok, i love you and i promise to love you till death parts us, i want if i come, we cool down and plan our wedding ok, after i settle every thing about ur marriage rites, i will then let my the let my mum know about the wedding date ok, am so happy to meet some one like u hon, you are indeed welcome in my whole life ok, Byee for now till i hears from u, Hugs and kisses from me to you, cheers and always have nice moments, Urs Dick.

from Dickson Stewart Bernald <[email protected]>
to [email protected]
date Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 12:55 AM
subject am tired of being alone
hide details Jun 30 (9 days ago)
Hello hon, how are you? i hope that you are ok, for me i am doing ok, hon am so worried about my condition/situation for now as am always alone, i need only you by my side whom i can talk with, stay ,laugh,eat lunch or dinner with,then chat with on the bed, hence forth i have decided and concluded that its only you that i want to be with till the last day of my life, age can never be a barrier to our marriage, mum already has accepted you as her daughter in law,
Am tired of being alone, and flirting as you know can never help my life,my mum keeps on telling me to find an Asian lady because i can't live the way that am living now for ever,after work i gets back home, and on my day of still alone,i wish you are on my shoes to see all that i have been passing through since i lost my wife,but in all, GOD knows why and i can't question him,hon i love you so much that i can never do to hurt you ok,there are so many ladies in this world but i want only but you in my whole life,one thing that you must hv to know is that we are meant to be and we must be ok, i love you from the bottom of my heart,Delight ur self in the Lord and he shall give you the desires of your heart, Luke 12:13 You should know that a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, but the wealth of a sinner is stored up for the righteous ps 37:18-19, i love you so much that i can't afford to loose you pls, do not listen to people. some times devil do come inform of a friend,working mates etc, i was the one who came for your hand in marriage,
as it is now, i have concluded to get you over here so that we can be together ok, all i need to do is to get your letter of invitation and approval letter from British Embassy here in UK so that they will issue you a visa, pls hon have you had a police case before, have you been deported from a foreign country before, cause if you have all this problem, they may deny you of visa ok, but if you have not committed any of the above, your visa is 100% guaranteed ok, am here to take care of every thing for you as my hon ok, so pls my hon, i need only your PASSPORT OR IC NUMBER, THE REAL NAMES IN YOUR PASSPORT OR IC, YOUR CURRENT CONTACT ADDRESS AND YOUR MOBILE NUMBER PLS,
then you must have to get two recent passport and keep it to your self ok, my uncle works with the British embassy, we had a family meeting with him, he assured me that he will have to prepare all your documents ready in less than one week it must be ready. i will cherish after all these my effort you come over here and start moving with another man, you must have to promise me that you can never go for another man when you gets here please,i love you and i can't afford to loose you pls, am tired to be searching pls, i love you but i really want to be with you till death part us, always know that there is life after death which we must account for how we lived while on earth, i need your urgent reply so that i can proceed to bringing you here as my wife pls, always pray, eat well and always have time for your self ok, byeee for now, till i hear from you, urs ever Dick.

Dickson Stewart Bernald <[email protected]>
to [removed]
date Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 9:22 PM
subject am urs for ever
hide details Jun 29 (9 days ago)
Hello my dearest, how are u? i hope that you are ok, for me, i am ok, hon am so sorry for have not been able to call you for some time now, it was just that i hv been busy here with my work,we went for an outside work and i was busy all through,i only make sure that i tried to send mail to you through my cell phone,cause there was limited service pls,friend is sweet when it is new, sweeter when its true but always best when its you, when i got you, i concluded that i have gotten more than my share,you may hear nothing from me on how i appreciate you , but beyond that silence, my knowing you has created a hole in my heart that no one has ever created, each day is never a waste to me as long as i remembers u in my mind, we have become friends by choice, decision and when we call our selves honey or darling that is definetly a life time promise.i strongly believe that my life ends when i stop believing in you, that is why i must be caring for you so that my love for you will not end, each night i sleep alone thinking of you with lovely heart and silent tears, all i wish is for you to be by my side in every day of my life,hon having you is the best thing that has ever happened to me,and loving you is what i plan to do forever, bye and always take good care of your self pls, i like you but i want to love you more and more till the last day of my life,i hv applied for my vacation, as soon as the management approves it, i will let you know about it,cause i must hv to spend my vacation with you, hope to hear from you,,,,,,,,,,,Urs Ever DICKSON.S

Removed 'to' address - CF
by Dotti Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:42 am
First of all, it is definitely a scam. The person writing to you is not an English man, but is actually a young African man (who might actually be married) pretending to be the man you are looking for in order to get money from you.

You should drop all contact with this scammer immediately. Do not exchange emails with him, or call him again, no matter how convincing he sounds.

The bank account info is the biggest concern. You need to contact your bank as soon as possible, to let them know that your account information has been compromised. Your bank should help you to take appropriate action. As far as the address and cellphone number go, don't worry too much about those. If you start getting strange calls or calls from unrecognized numbers or strange countries, you should ignore them.

Giving your phone number and address are not ideal, but really the only thing that will happen is you will receive more scam attempts in the future. Again, just don't respond and they will go away.

Need to post photos?
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by anjilwings Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:10 pm
Oh my goodness, the poet has struck again. Be still my heart.

In my thoughts of you there is an underlying love that is present in every word, every glimpse I hope you feel it as I do, for it is what I am and ever I will be. I am thinking of you, In my sleepless solitude tonight. If it's wrong to love you, then my heart just won't let me be right. Cause I'm drowned in you, And I won't pull through without you by my side. Even though you're not here and nowhere to be found, my heart says your're still here and everywhere to be found.

Isn't that words to a song.
by anjilwings Wed Jul 14, 2010 6:18 am
We all know sooner or later they will slip up. I sent him an email last night apologizing for not being available, and he answered. Busted, Lagos Nigeria (]) and he left me another IM message.

James Williams (7/13/2010 10:20:12 PM): Some say it is a sin to love, I never did ask why, But, if I sin in loving you, I'll sin until I die
James Williams (7/13/2010 10:20:43 PM): I will love you all my life and when I die I will still love you through eternity and beyond
James Williams (7/13/2010 10:21:06 PM): Loving someone is like caring for a garden, love it too much or too little and it dies, but love it just right and it will live forever.
James Williams (7/13/2010 10:21:50 PM): Time will prove my love to you and cement my place in your heart forever. For time will give me the credibility and the believability that I need to convince you to want to spend the rest of your life with me. That I am worthy of such a commitment from you
James Williams (7/13/2010 10:23:56 PM): You made my life easier with the softness of your eyes.
James Williams (7/13/2010 10:25:06 PM): I'll love you forever, and a night
James Williams (7/13/2010 10:26:07 PM): I know that you are not perfect and nor can I claim to be either, but please believe me, when I say that I want to be by your side, to hold your hand, to treasure you in the morning and in the noon-tide, to be next to you, to be held close to your heart now and for the rest of my living years, to comfort you, dry your tears and calm your most frightening fears, to fight your battles and show no shame to scream my love for you out loud all over the land.
James Williams (7/13/2010 10:27:23 PM): If I die before you then my love will linger forever around you. And when you change your mind, and wish to be with me, I will greet you at heaven's gates with the same love and the same loving arms we knew in life
James Williams (7/13/2010 10:32:00 PM): Because i want you to know that Your heart and mine are forever one

Almost hate to end this one he can actually google. :laugh-s:

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