What's new in the world of scams and ScamWarners.
by legionlady14 Fri Sep 25, 2015 9:11 pm
I received the following from my cable company on 9/24. I was not sure where I should post it:
" Dear Cableone Customer, Please dis regard any email you receive that contains the following message, as it is a phishing scam: 'Due to the congestion in all cable.net users you need to update your account with our released F-Secure Internet Security 2015 new version of a standard resource to avoid spam and viruses.

If you have not upgraded your account, reply and fill in the columns below to send it back to us for fast update of our database account instantly. Warning: Lack of update will process your cableone.net mail account being temporarily blocked or prevented from our network and may not be able to receive or send e-mail due to the update. You are officially inform to send us the below information via email below: first name: last name: e-mail address: e-mail Pass-WORD; confirm email Pass-WORD.'

I was not able to copy the message so I retyped it just the way I received it. Cableone.net indicates that this email falsely indicates that it is coming from Cableone. They are investigating this and working to have the e-mail sender blocked from the Cableone.network. They are warning customers not to respond

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