What's new in the world of scams and ScamWarners.
by MightyMouse! Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:38 pm
Today, I received the following email (edited only to remove my name):
(My 1st Name)
From: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>

Hey (My 1st Name),

I was sent this message some days ago from someone in my contacts list, and after using it, i thought i would give it along to all of my own contact list as it could be of some use to a few of you.

Basically it is about "grants", and what people are entitled to, and the range of grants available is unimagineable, so well worth reading.

Here's the page (My 1st Name)

When i first got the email, to be honest about it, i quickly closed it when i got to the grants bit lol, but the guy who emailed me in the first place followed up with another message about 10 days or so after asking me what i'd thought about the website, and i couldn't reply to him as i hadnt even went to the the page, when i got the message in the first place.

I was thinking to myself this man has taken the time to send me a follow up email, and seemed a genuine enough person, and wasnt trying to sell me something lol, so i went through my email and came across the origional message and went along to the url.... and thats my reason for sending you this email along to you now.

If its of benefit to you, great, .... send it along to your friends/contacts......

Here is the website (My 1st Name)

Enjoy (My 1st Name)

Certainly sounds innocent enough, but the phrases, "Here's the page" and "Here is the website," are links that both connect to http://digg.com/u1ZRIE, which reverts to IP (ISP, Equinix), and according to Project Honey Pot - http://www.projecthoneypot.org/ip_64.191.203.30 - is responsible for 24,160 appearances in spam e-mail or spam post urls within 5 months and 1 week.

This is a Harvester, for those who may not know, and following that link will result in a report being generated and emailed to him, that contains all of the information about your computer he could ever possibly want. I know this, because I use a similar resource to track SpamScammers.

Forewarned is forearmed,

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