What's new in the world of scams and ScamWarners.
by roadglide Fri Oct 10, 2008 7:29 pm
Very recent scam with UPS overnight delivery of bank draft checks on US companies, asking you to cash check and send money orders to 1-2 individuals who are in the states. Amounts vary from 2000, to 2200, staying under the 5K bank hold limit. Once the MO's are sent to designated persona, that person forwards the money via MO to Nigera. Company is using WINGAS as cover and the name of the real marketing director. Be wary.

by Dan Jones Fri Oct 10, 2008 7:37 pm
Hi, welcome to the site.

This is a variation on a standard cheque scam. The people you send the MOs to will usually be mules (victims of job of love scams) and will act as a buffer between the fake cheque and the scammer.

The mules might send it as a money order or instant transfer to the scammer (They are in many countries, not just Nigeria) or they will use it to buy products which are then sent to him.

Please post any more information you get including names, email addresses and scans of documents, cheques, or envelopes. Please watermark the pictures so they can't be used by scammers. www.scamwarners.com is a great image hosting site as it can auto watermark.
by roadglide Fri Oct 10, 2008 8:00 pm
the e-mail are originating from [email protected], people involved so far are Thomas Dada 11 Ladipo St. Ikeja, Nigeria, zip 23401, (mod edit to remove names of possible victim/money mules -Jillian) Still playing with the scammer, he is sending a third check now, second was from WI drawn on a business account in SC. Makes sense what you say about the love scheme thing, He is getting angry with me because I haven't wired more money yet, have lost 4982.00 so far, my money.

by Dan Jones Fri Oct 10, 2008 8:21 pm
OK roadglide, thanks for the info. I'm going to ask a mod to remove those Us details in case they are victims.

Am i reading that last bit right and you have lost money. I'm sorry if this is the case, but if it is then there are a few things you must do.

Firstly, stop all contact with the scammer. Block him and never reply again. Do not tell him you know it's a scam, there is no point. It's better to leave him hanging. Do not accept any more cheques. Do not cash any cheques, they are fake and will bounce. Do not delete his emails or have your account closed.

If you haven't wired any money, how did you lose it?

If you have cashed any previous cheques. You must go and have a chat with your bank manager, you may want to have your account details changed.
You will also want to go to the police. Take any correspondence with you.

Lastly, whilst you are the victim of fraud, you have broken the law by passing bad cheques. I know you didn't mean to and all, but it's you who has to foot the bill. Your bank manager might be able to help with a payment plan.

I will try to get a mod or someone in here soon who can be of more help.
by roadglide Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:44 am
Have done all the above. Yes wired money via western union instant money, haven't cased more checks although have some and more due in. e-mail account open but not being used. have talked with local police and FBI and police in cities where mules were located.

by Dan Jones Sun Oct 12, 2008 4:11 pm
Excellent, it's good to hear you've been pro-active.

How are you doing though? Don't beat yourself up over this.

by Ted Baker Mon Oct 13, 2008 9:47 am
Hi Roadglide.

Sorry to hear about your loss of money.

Have you checked in with our sister site? www.419eater.com ?

Its just the place if you want to help, and to obtain some sort of vengance :wink:

by Ralph Tue Oct 14, 2008 5:23 am
Hi Roadglide,

Welcome to Scamwarners, I have nothing of value to add to Newdonym's advice but wanted to express my sympathy at you losing money to internet scammers and to thank you for raising it here, any details you provide here can be searched on so a potentail victim who does some google searches is more likely to find it is a scam before losing any money.

If you are so enclined, we could teach you to get some revenge by wasting a scammers time and resources which is great fun but it does help prevent some of the unsuspecting people of the internet from becoming scam victims

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