What's new in the world of scams and ScamWarners.
by jolly_roger Mon May 20, 2013 11:27 am
To anybody that is afraid a scammer may retaliate. It’s been my experience they will not. They may talk harsh words, threaten victims and their families but scammers WILL NOT do anything. It is all a bluff so they can continue their scamming ways.
So please - don't be intimidated by what your scammer says it will do to you. Scammers are telling lies.
A member of the forum will write about and post information regarding an Internet scammer. Then some members will refrain from adding useful or updated information about the trickster. Some members may even remove the post altogether. Sometimes the victim will confront the slimy scam artist and / or the ignorant scammer will view the posting. The scammer then becomes angry, abusive, and very unpleasant whereby they may even make threats about your family members. All this being to simply unsettle you and it sometimes works. Please keep some facts in mind. (a) Firstly, the scammer is very likely overseas in another country and will not go looking for you. If the scammer were to visit you, it’s real identity would quickly become known and they do not want that. The Police and the Fraud squad would soon be involved. During their investigation, the fraudulent trickster would soon be discovered and this being what the scammer will avoid. That is why they hide behind fake names, throw away e-mail addresses and the like. The trickster knows it is far better to not venture anywhere near you. The life of a scammer is all about stealing money from people under false pretences, not about spending money to visit you. (b) Secondly, they do not want to visit you because their doing a good job of stealing lots of money whilst utilising their internet cafes and internet scam syndicates. Scamming people is their job and like a way of life. Scammers have no feelings for their targets because the victim is only seen as something to gain monetary revenue from. When they realise that you are no longer an automatic teller machine for them, they show their ignorance by making out the target to be the bad person.
Don't let them effect you emotionally any more than they already have!!!
Victims have enough to deal with once they realize all the lying and were simply being used in the scammers’ deceptive game. The more information that can be posted is better, such as email addresses, pictures the scammer used, their method, the text where money is asked for, phone numbers etcetera. It is better to share the information to try and save others from the same demise as you.
There is no reason to be afraid of the scammer in any way. They are simply fraudulent liars!
They got what they wanted from you.. and they simply will move on to the next unsuspecting innocent person, and unfortunate to say with the whole cycle repeating.
But if people report the scammer, honest folk can get on top of the problem and the chances of someone else falling prey is greatly reduced.

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