If you have been scammed, please post here and share your experience; it may help others avoid the same situation!
by MichaelDakic Sun Sep 11, 2016 2:19 pm
I received this e mail from a sender Frederic Bonfoh.The text is in Serbian language , I'll translate it into English

Dear (my surname) ,
I am personally counsel for Mr. K. D. (my surname) ; who died as a result of traffic accidents with loved ones. And as at this moment , there is no living relatives . I contacted you in this issue because of the same surname with my late client. I need your assistance and cooperation in the repatriation of claim unclaimed fund
( $ 8.2 million ) on his detention , before being confiscated or declared unserviceable by the ( Finance Company) here . To continue forward, I need your personal e - mail address to enable me to send / make all the necessary information to know understanding.
Contact me through my private e - mail :.
( [email protected] ) Contact me for more details Thank you.
Barr . Frederic Bonfoh
I have printscreen:[img][img]http://www.upslike.net/imgdb/tumbs/forumi-67d6e5.png[/img][/img]

Please help me!

by Mike Wilson Sun Sep 11, 2016 2:31 pm
Hello MichaelDakic and welcome to Scamwarners,
This is a scam in an attempt to steal money from you. The money does not exist and everything in the email is false. Just ignore the email and do not respond to this criminal.
If you have other questions please ask.

It is ALWAYS a scam
If the pet seller or shipper asks for money to be sent via Western Union, Money Gram, any brand of gift card. Walmart To Walmart , Zelle , PayPal friends and family option, or mentions Cameroon
by Mike Wilson Sun Sep 11, 2016 2:37 pm
[email protected] This sent in May of 2016

Dragi xxx,
Ja sam Lično zastupnik gospodina KD xxx; koji per Umro kao rezultat saobracajne nesrece sa najbližima. I kao što u ovom trenutku, ne postoji dnevni rodbinu. Kontaktirao sam te u ovo pitanje eg of the abovementioned te Imaju isti prezime sa mog pokojnog klijenta. Potrebna mi je tvoja pomoc i saradnju u i Tvrdé repatrijaciju ove neostvareno fonda
($ 8.2 million) na svoj pritvor, pre nego što se oduzeta ili proglasio neupotrebljivim strane (Finance Company) ovdje. Da biste nastavili Naprijed, treba mi tvoj privatni email adresu kako bi se mi omogucilo pošalje / napraviti sve informacije potrebne poznate na razumijevanju.
Kontaktirajte me preko moje Privatne email :.
([email protected]) Kontaktirajte me za više detalja Hvala.
Barr. Frederick Bonfoh.

It is ALWAYS a scam
If the pet seller or shipper asks for money to be sent via Western Union, Money Gram, any brand of gift card. Walmart To Walmart , Zelle , PayPal friends and family option, or mentions Cameroon
by MichaelDakic Wed Sep 21, 2016 2:14 pm
Thank you,Mike.I wonder if anyone else comes from the wrongdoer this e mail?What puzzles me his e mail address that he cites in the text:[email protected],a text which he believes is sending different e mail address bonfohfred62@gmail,com.Thanks
And,on this page I've found the same text that I received only what is different e mail prevaranta.Ne know what this means in the description text

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