by KLH
Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:20 am
He claimed to be Sgt. Robert Jenkins. I had been chatting, emailing, and receiving texts from this scammer who claimed to be a sgt. in the US Army, in Baghdad, Iraq. Love was exchanged and high hopes and dreams. Promises were made and after time I released my new love to my friends and family. Still another 3 months down the road, I am feeling happy and continuing to fall in love. He sent me pictures of him in his uniform, him at his house in Ohio, and a close-up before he was deployed Jan, 2010. After reluctantly sending him $300 to fix his laptop there was still a lot of communication and more feelings shared. Then he claimed his 2-month leave was approved but need wired money for his plane ticket. I varified with some Army friends that the cost on leave is up to the soldier's family. I wired $1,900 to him. He was grateful and claimed to obtain his ticket flying out from Israel to Sweden. Once in Sweden he claimed the authorities needed him to get his liberty pass which he needed another $1700. He was so called stranded. With the love I felt for this soldier, I went to the bank and had wired that money. I was expecting him to be on a plane headed for MN. I got a text from him late that night and we chatted for about an hour. He said that he couldn't make his flight because some paperwork for his "honorable discharge" and "stap duty" wasn't with him. I already knew that discharge was not used when referring to leave, so I looked into the other terms he used. That's when I found out that his so called secured email thru the Army was used by many scammers. My heart sank to the ground and I cried my eyes out. I had sent every penny that I had and even maxed out 2 credit cards. Now, I am faced with the embarrassment to my friends, family, and children. How can I ever trust again?? I never thought in a million years something like this could happen to me. I am currently full of hurt, fear, anger, and tears!