If you have been scammed, please post here and share your experience; it may help others avoid the same situation!
by ABscam Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:01 am
Just wanting to inform ladies that this guy is out there again. I have looked at a few websites and even googled his name and it comes up as him being a scammer. He tagged me on date a cougar website but immediately after I started talking to him, he removed his profile within a few days. Most of the times I will print them out but I screwed up and didn't so I cannot report him to that site. It all started as follows:

He's 56, divorced, daughter died, moms 80, 3 grand kids and lives in Prince George BC. Heading off to Scotland as he is an renovation/installation contractor for oil rig facilities and has travelled all over the globe just as his Austrailian father did. Mentions about wanting a serious relationship, love is like dancing to the rhythm of a copy machine. When he is in Aberdeen, he tells me that he is 100% honest with me and that he wants a woman to be his partner in crime and who you can tell everything. Describes the colours of his home, "I love to make my home beautiful, it is a place where I express my feelings with color, peaceful colors, lots of cream and pale sea foam green, pinks, silver, and magenta." Than speaks about having glow in the dark stars on his ceiling so when he wakes up iin the night I see the stars and feel so loved. Speaks about his marriage failing. Sends pics of him skydiving, in the mouth of a shark, posing with a oil shiek, pic of his daughter with 3 kids and a pic of his mom.

His next emails tell me to take care of myself, that it was time someone took care of me and he wanted the job. And of course the proposal about meeting this woman, scared about how she has gotten his attention so soon, a man who wants to fly must learn to stand, take her hand and promise her forever. Her worries are his and to find such a woman go to her dressing mirror and you will find her staring back and so on.

Of course he mentions his friend Bishop Nelson and wife Debbie and how they met on the internet and he thought it would never happen to him but low and behold he did find love. Kept sending me emails with poems and long emails about how he loved me and what our life would be together and could I pick up this old man at the airport. Than of course the accident happend there was the one fatalitie and 4 others were injured. Was going to cost him 52,000 euros and how he would have to borrow money. Than the emails came with how they needed donations for the family as he left behind an aging mother, wife and 2 kids and as Debbie commited $1750 would I be able to donate. The flags came up then and I emailed him saying that I had not met him and did not feel right about sending money overseas. His reply was that hurt him and that the money was gong to the family.
This went on for about a week and when I did say I would send money but only by bank transfer he kept saying send it by Western Union as it takes longer with a bank. Now I knew he was a scammer and I called him on it.

This is the info he gave me for sending the money: Receiver's Name: Albert Sverensen
Receiver's Address: 50 Urquhart Road, Aberdeen AB24 5N, Scotland, United Kingdom and of course he wanted me to send the details of the senders name (which you would think he had by now), senders address, the amount, money control transfer and test question and answer (if any).

His number is +447700074801 and said I could call him anytime. Also all his email ended in: Sve.

I of course have not heard anything from him since July 21 . He was shocked that there were scammers out there they are praying on innocent people. Also I finally got a answer about who he worked for and he said Cube Consults.

by Dotti Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:42 pm
Welcome ABscam!

I am just getting caught on some messages, so I'm glad you found your way into the right place to post this information! The storyline is typical of an African romance scammer, all the way from the "working on oil rigs" to the (undoubtedly stolen) romantic letters/poetry.

If you still have some of his emails to you, posting them may help others, as it is likely he will reuse the script on other victims, even after he changes names. If he does contact you again, don't respond--it is best to walk away since he has some of your real information.

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by ABscam Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:25 pm
"Subject: Within you pages
Hi Love,
Thought you would love to read this:

I'll be your pen, if you'll be my journal
And within you I'll compose a song of love/
Within you I'll jot out m own sweet memories,
Like the adventures that have brought me
To the here, to the now,
And have created the person I am.
I am trusting you with my love to conquer my hatred.
My words are my promises,
And I won't conceal any thought from you...
For within your pages I'll inscribe
Everything I can transmit from my mind
And all the words that will always be
From the heart,
From the soul,
All the words I've never told
To anyone else ever before.
My love is your gift
Keep it same and warm.

With love,

This guy is very poetic and good. I will be sending more of his emails that he has sent to me in the next few days.
by ABscam Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:46 pm
Here's another letter from the subject scammer after I spoke to him personally:

"Subject: Hello my wonderful angel!
Hello my angel,
Hope you finally got out of bed and about the business of the day, LOL! I can't seem to get your voice out of my head. Will have a wonderful night rest, having you closer to me tonight.
Thank you for another wonderful e-mail you have sent across to me, to bring a smile to my face once more. Am always thinking about you and the day I will stand in front of you in person and feel the first breath from your nostrils. How did your day go? Hope you did not stress as much as yesterday? Hope you dreamt all about me all day, LOL. I am here and when we do meet you will have all of me, I mean ALL OF ME. I will make you feel so wonderful with yourself. You wouldn't believe that your body will do things I will make it do. It will dance to the rhythms of my touch. Sex is very vital like we both agreed and will not compromise in my duty to fulfil your every desires, I tell you, you can't imagine what will be done with your body. I had you in my thoughts all the time after we finished our conversation on phone that it was almost impossible to think of anything else. I don't know what I have done that I deserve a second chance. How did I become so lucky. I trusted my instincts and got only you from that market and you turned gold. My instincts still direct me to move ahead with her in my journey. I really thank God. I mean to ask for something good and he gives me the best.
Hiding from the whole past, rains and snow, for I may be reminded of some memories, trying to forget yet I won't let go. Walking through a crowded street, I could still hear my own heartbeat. So many people around this world my dear, tell me, where did I find someone like you? Please take me to your heart, take me to your soul, show me that wonders can be true. They say, nothing lasts forever, we are only here today, Love is now or never, please bring me far away! Give me your hand and hold me, show me what love is, maybe I haven't got a clue, be my guardian star. I could go be with some friends to have fun, but they don't really comprehend. I don't need too much, talking, without saying anything, all I need is some one who makes me want to sing. And you do a great job on that. I have written a song I would sing for you when I get to you. In a weeks and probably a few days I would handover and come see you. Would you mind picking this old man from the airport? lol.
Have you ever danced in the rain? Give it a trial and see how free you soul really is. We should really take this to another level. Now I can hardly get you of of my mind. Good night my love, it's past 11 pm here and need to get some shut eye as I wake up pretty early.
Hugs & Kisses,

I'll keep posting as many of these as I can.
by began steele Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:41 pm
I am fairly certain we have this scammer here.
There is a complete history about this scam there

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by ABScamU Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:42 am
Mod note: This was written by the scammer, who was attempting to discredit and scare the victim by posting this accusation and including her real name. We have left it intact to show you just how far scammers are willing to go.

what an interesting turn of events going through these post. please can you enlighten us on how actually you were scammed? And by the way why would any one want to be on a "date a cougar" site if not to prey on younger individuals. I am totally against that, wont you agree Miss (removed--nice try scammer!).....
by began steele Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:17 am
OP you are well looked after here by all of us. Thanks MOD.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by Justin Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:50 am

Hello Mr Scammer. Nice try but not good enough. I thought you might enjoy a poem yourself.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
"Albert" is a lying scammer
Yes that’s right I am talking about you

by Arnold Fri Jul 29, 2011 11:20 am
ABScamU wrote:[please can you enlighten us on how actually you were scammed?

That's what the following bullshit was intended to do.
Than of course the accident happend there was the one fatalitie and 4 others were injured. Was going to cost him 52,000 euros and how he would have to borrow money. Than the emails came with how they needed donations for the family as he left behind an aging mother, wife and 2 kids and as Debbie commited $1750 would I be able to donate.


by ABscam Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:30 pm
Here is another email he sent me:
"Subject: My love!
Hello honey,
Hope you are feeling better by the time you are reading this. I worry for you and I will like if you don't stress yourself much, I feel in my heart and in my soul joy each time that you write to me. It is something amazing because I think that you know so well, it as if we have been together for such a long time. I think of you more than I usually do with each passing day. Your words show me how much you understand me you love me and how much we are connected to each other even with the distance between us, I realize each time more that we were born to each other. It was wonderful to hear your angelic voice, your voice sweetens my heart. I am so comfortable and relaxed with you.
Maybe I dream too much but when I think of you I long to hugs you, kiss you, feel your touch, make great love with you, to whisper in your ears words that only you would hear if only you were mine. There is love so deep inside of me, my love, and in every part of me there is a part of you. You are everywhere I am and be sure that I will be standing by your side praying that you will always have a beautiful life.
Like, a star, you are already the star of my life, my sky, and my ocean. I will always need you because I cannot live without air, without water and without my soul, and you are all this for me. I love you and forever I love you. My body is still wanting to feel you and your hug and I will pray that this day won't come so late, but if it comes late, even this way I will be here for you and only you. All my kisses to you my love, and dream of me... from a man lost in love for you.
Do you have the yahoo account and messenger set up? I received your test and don't understand why you didn't get mine... Maybe you should call your mobile company and inquire if you can receiver international text messages. Will give you a call sometime tomorrow during my lunch break.

Love always,
by began steele Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:51 pm
Followed by a further dollop of bull. I wait the next sob stories and lies.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by ABscam Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:55 pm
Here's another long love email:
"Subject: RE: Hi My Love
Hello -name removed -Jillian- sweetie,
Thank you for your wonderful emails to me. I was so glad to get them. I feel warm just reading from you. I loved what you wrote about meeting now; yesterday is gone and tomorrow might be too late, hope I got that write, LOL!
I just had to let you know that these past few weeks of so much as talking to you have given me a lot of time to think about how I feel about you. I have decided that I am definitely, hopelessly in love with you. What made me realize this is not so much that I think about you all the time, though I do, it was how I think about you. Not only do I think about how much I love you but why and mostly do I deserve to be loved by you?
Honey, you are so far and yet so close. You are many miles and so many moons away and I get lonely just thinking of the distance between us, yet in my heart you are just a beat away. When I feel blue, I picture you with me on a moon-lit night holding hands and planning our great future together. I think of the good times to come when I will be embraced by your love. I will be patient, my love; because I know good things come to those who wait.
Each day that passes I am aware that it means that it is one day closer to being in your arms. Each night is spent dreaming of your face and wishing you were next to me. I love you with more than just my heart; I love you with my entire being. Meeting you was fate; this distance is just unconvinced set back.
I just want you to know that I am fortunate and very lucky to have you in my life. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. You made me very happy and made my life complete. You taught me how to love again, keep in mind always that whatever happens, I know we're a thousand miles apart right now, but I'll be right there with you soonest. You were just a pixel on a screen like me. We talked more and I become so confused. "How I could have real feelings for a person I've never met?" I'd ask myself. Since then we have known.
I can hardly believe that we have only known each other for a few weeks. The more we talk the more I get to know the real you. You take my breath away with the feelings you have for me and I have for you. I look forward to seeing you. I know that our feelings will only grow with each passing day. I hope that no matter what happens to us that you will be happy. That would mean more to me than anything. Your happiness makes me feel whole and happy too. I need to know that you are okay. I know our life will only get better once we meet and when we meet, I will like to spend time with you, this will be my first fantasy with you as a start before having emotional sexes, lol.
If it's a warm day, a private, outdoor setting like under a tree in a meadow would be an ideal location for breaking out a few different colored ball point or fine-tipped felt pens. I begin drawing on your shoulder. Before long, not many clothes will be left. The sensations of a pen being grazed methodically up and around your nape of your neck to the small of your back and than along your hip to your innner thigh will, let's just say, yield the desired response. An added bonus to get doodled on is, at home, in a shower, while you are washing off the abstract art, you get to smile and feel it all over again.
Or we will get to watch a funny movie. Rent a movie that we both agree is hilarious (Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail is my suggestion). Start watching it and agree that each time one laughs, he/she has to kiss the other. Whoever laughed the least gets to choose a romantic idea to do after the movie.
There is just something about the autumn air that makes me feel at ease and open to love. It's hard to describe the emotion booming inside my body. It is like a delicate thunderstorm. With every kiss the storm gets stronger. The lighting strikes and my body yearn for you. The thunder roars and memories of your kiss, your touch, your taste.... they are overwhelm me. All I can do is close my eyes for the few seconds that the memory lasts and savor it as it fades away.
That will be my first move, keep that fact in mind continuously, beccause it shall come to past.
I am up but still feel like sleeping in today. I will need a lot of rest this weekend but do not think I will get it. I will be making a short trip to Dundee here in Scotland and might not be able to get to my mails or even on messsenger. This makes me sad that I might not be able to correspond to you over the weekend. Please do take care of yourself my love will miss you.
Your Love,

And the story will continue....
by Zeldasmith62 Sat Jul 30, 2011 6:56 am
Hi ABScam,

Well where do I begin.... you and I have been lead a merry dance by this person. I cannot call him a man, because that he is not!! I am a South African living in NZ, I warned him initially that I am very good with accents, so when I spoke to him, the flags were up and bright red!! I know accents, I am a bit of a linguast..(sorry about the spelling)... and I said to him that his accent was African, we had words... but he kept coming back... he tried the money angle, told him that I had worked for lawyers back in SA and that my daughter is in Fraud here in NZ and my son-in-law is a lawyer, and that there was no way I would part with one cent withou me verifying anything he said... all this time I was really uneasy... but I played the game. I still cannot believe that I did not put him off!! I am truly amazed that he just seems to be that thick, the only thing that I lost there for a wee while was my heart, or the idea of my heart being taken. Here are some of the emails he sent me... to all the ladies out there... please do not be taken in by ANYONE who says they want money.... a true love or person who really loves you for you will not want your money... as you would not ask for any. And that is the premise I was working from, would I ask a stranger for money because I may need tyres for my car? or want to buy a house... come on what are we women Idiots.... he has got to be stopped, as there really are some very soft hearted people out there.

Here are some the emails.

Hello my angel,

Thank you for another wonderful e-mail you have sent across to me, to bring a smile to my face once more. I have been thinking about you and the day I will stand in front of you in person and feel the first breath from your nostrils. How was your day? Hope you dreamt all about me, LOL. I had you in my thoughts all through the night that it was almost impossible to sleep. I don't know what I have done that I deserve a second chance. I lost one and yet I found another angel. How did I become so lucky. I trusted my instincts and got only you from that market and you turned gold. My instincts still direct me to move ahead with her in my journey. I really thank my God. I mean I ask for something good and he gives me the best.

Hiding from the whole past, rains and snow, for I may be reminded of some memories, trying to forget yet I won't let go. Walking through a crowded street, I could still hear my own heartbeat. So many people around this world my dear, tell me, where did I find someone like you? Please take me to your heart, take me to your soul, show me that wonders can be true. They say, nothing lasts forever, we are only here today, Love is now or never, please bring me far away! Give me your hand and hold me, show me what love is, maybe I haven't got a clue, be my guardian star. I could go be with some friends to have fun, but they don't really comprehend. I don't need too much talking, without saying anything, all I need is some one who makes me want to sing. And you do a great job on that. I have written a song I would sing for you when I get to you. In less than few weeks I would handover and come see you. Would you mind picking this old man from the airport? lol.

Have you ever danced in a rain? Give it a trial and see how free your soul really is. We should really take this to another level. Now I can hardly get you out of my mind.

And another

Hello my sweetness,

How are you doing my dear? I just got back from Dundee where we went for a meeting here in Scotland and have to first say hello to my beloved and most wonderful angel; How was your night? And how is the situation over there? If ever you think of me out of the blue, just remember it's all the kisses I've blown in the air finally catching up with you! In my thoughts of you there is an underlying love that is present in every word, every glimpse I hope you feel it as I do, for it is what I am and ever I will be, LOL! But Hey! seriously, I must admit without second thoughts, being in love is what makes working all week bearable. It makes cruising with your windows rolled down feel like you're riding in a convertible. It makes you dance to the rhythm of the copy machine and makes Friday night really feel like THE WEEKEND, LOL!

There's no time to rest so I am back to work as usual, I got the final footings going on. I am late right now because I will be meeting with Nelson to brief him on how the meeting went and also concerning the final installations so we can finalize but I still don't want to go because I wanted to write a long note, but then, I know I will carry you on my mind all day. Please know that I cherish you so much. Happiness is not found at the end of the road, it is experienced along the way. So take not for granted each moment of your life and you will find a reason to be happy each day.

You are my shinning star. I know you will never fade. You will be my light to help me read my map of happiness! Please have a good day, and please dear don't stress yourself, my most wonderful.

Your Man,
With all the LOVE in the world,

I can go on... as this has been going for the past 3 months... I was very determined that he would not get a cent out of me and I think he was equally determined to give it his best shot. In fact I stopped all correspondence and have had an email asking why I am so quiet... to which he will get no reply... will report as spam.

Good luck and be safe
by ABscam Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:05 pm
Hi Everyone, here is another email from him:
"Subject: Hello my love
Hi my love, queen of my heart, my angel, sweetheart, honey,
How are you today my LOVE? I guess we both had a very busy weekends. I could use a massage. I miss chatting with you and so sorry we could not chat for long yesterday, was really tired. I have been thinking alot and decided to write you this mail.
You know God gave us two arms, two legs, two eyes, two ears, but only one heart so we can find the other pair. And as I have learnt that Love is the soul recognition of it's counterpart in someone else. I loved the fact that I go this much mails from you. I feel special.
What a wonderful way of life it is to find joy and happiness in someone else. I would ask you some few questions which requires a minute before you answer each.
Do you believe in Love, even admist this crazy world we find ourselves in?
Do you believe that happiness has value more than every material things we may get in life?
Do you belive that you have a good heart to care for people unconditionally?
If you found a hundred dollar bill on the road and see a hungry orphan, would you feed him/her?
If you get into an argument with me, and I pull you close to kiss you, would you kiss me back?
Would you love those close to me as I would love all those who matter to you?
If I bring you breakfast to your bed would you kiss after saying thanks?
Do you love to run away with me sometimes where we would be out of business environment to spend quality time together?
Do you believe the world should concentrate more on peace projects than war fundings?
Do you have faith that every man is the architect of his own destiny?
Do you believe that Life without Love is like a harp without strings?
Do you know that, You can't make someone love you, all you can do is be someone who can be loved, and the rest is up to the person to realize your worth?
If God is the DJ, then Life is the dance floor; Love is the rhythm, and You might be my rhythm?

If you have said YES to all these and you say no to my next question than you might not really know what you want than, lol.
I know the possibility of thinking, this man I have not met, how can there be these feelings? what does he know about me? But I can tell you the truth about life. The people you have met and probably fallen in love with them, what do they know about you that you think I don't know. Probably, just some physical things, like smell, sense of touch, and body physics, and that is all. But these few things are the least things to love her. These are just sentimental values that are found in many at good length. The main things to love for are the abilities to agree on phenomena, and sense of directions. The unexplained attraction to someone's words, which is life itself. These are the only things that matters deep down. How best can one get these things better than meeting in writtings? where you can escape the sentimental factors I mentioned earlier and once we meet, the biggest sentiments is there and one would not be able to help but start the feelings from there. I can tell you that Internet is the best and also the worst way of meeting people. In the sense that is is the best if two people meet and are as open as a book with each other with no lies. I promise it can't fail. The worst in the sense that if these two met and there is even a single atom of lie in between, there comes disappointments, which is like a small stone that can bring down a big wall. Did you ever lie to me? Because I would not ever lie for anything. My mum brought up a better man that than, LOL. Go and do the research about what I just said and you will find out whether the maths is good or not.
As food is needed for the body, than same way love is needed for the soul. Food strengthens the body while love strengths the soul. A person is incomplete with love. I will never give up the fight and will of love. My sight seeing was fun, I went on a boat cruise today, and laughed so much as usual. I can't wait to be out of here for a longer vacation.
I talked to the pilot for a while and he asked me if I had a special person in my life, and I said , YES, I told him your name and he sang for me and put your name in the song. You know I work all day expect for Sundays for us. I did picutre you with me on the cruise laughing so hard in my arms, lol. Love is a noble act of self-giving, offering, trust, faith, and loyalty. The more you love, the more you lose a part of yourself, yet you don't become less of who you are; you end up being complete with your loved ones. I do cherish your presence in me.
Please take good care of yourself dearest wonder.
Your Man,

And there are more of these to come.
by ABscam Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:31 am
"Subject: Hello Queen Of My Heart
Hello Sweetie,
How are you today? Did you feel me running my fingers through your hair while you were sleeping? LOL. Yesterday was OK dear. We started final installations of equipments. I could notice the joy of relief up front on the faces of my men. Even the locals are beginning to admit that they will surely miss us. They say we have become more of a family, lol. I love all my men, be it professional, acquired expatriate, and locals. While working I try to build a personal relationship with each and every one. I have over 50 men on this location.
I must confess, I miss mum, but then she is a strong woman my dear. Sometimes I call her Jesus mother, lol. She has a good heart and also I can tell you her instincts are like oracle. She did say she likes you.
As I have said, I don't feel negative about any feelings I have right now, because it can't be failed except for lies. Truly, Love needs no map, for it can find it's way blindfolded. This kind of certainty comes, but once in a lifetime. Guys always seem to wonder what it takes to get a girl. Like, what do we have to do to make a girl notice them? Guys have to realize that they have to be sweet, caring, gentle, honest and still have that sweet little thing about them that drives any girl crazy: and that's reaching her heart. No matter how much you try, if you don't reach her heart, it won't ever be worth-while. And really now did this happen if I have a space of your heart now and you haven't met me to feel sentiments. It means I have gotten the most important part of the journey up front, lol.
Who shall say that the maiden so pretty and fair shall always have the greater man; and the ogre who walks to the beat of thundering clouds will never find her prince? In reality, love is destiny, and no one can really explain it. I hope your days are good. please keep me updated with events around you. The illustrations in your second email made me feel like getting into a plane and meeting you at the airport right away. Please hold that thought and I will as well, that will be a great way to a first meeting. You are such a darling. I love you so much and would like for you never to see yourself as going to be a dispppointment when we do meet. And also don't be bothered by your kids not wanting any part of what you had to say about us. I will assure them that they will see the magically experieience of love with us and that time they would definitely what to know more about us. I would if for now you keep us confidential so we don't get distracted by what people say or might feel. I have decided to do this has I have not got the required support from my friend recently. So I decided that it will be in our best interest if we keep confidential matters between us.
You are always on my mind.
Hugs & Kisses,

And there are more of these to come.

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