If you have been scammed, please post here and share your experience; it may help others avoid the same situation!
by Dotti Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:44 pm
I would if for now you keep us confidential so we don't get distracted by what people say or might feel.

What he really means:
The more people you talk to about this "relationship," the more likely you are going to run into someone who recognizes it for the scam that it is. If I can keep you from talking to others, I am more likely to get (and keep getting) money from you.

Any time you are in contact with someone online, and they suggest secrecy, it is a likely scam.

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.

by ABscam Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:10 pm
"Subject: Good day my wonderful woman!
Hi Honey,
I am so thankful I met you! You are one of the most important people in my life. I never thought I would find someone like you to share my life with, and now I don't even want to imagine what my life would be like without you in it. I love the way you make me feel when I read a mail from you, how we tell each other the depths of our hearts. Wherever you are is where I want to be. You make me feel likes its just me and you in the entire world, there's no one else on earth. It feel like we're the only ones here. I fall madly in love with you more and more each day. If there's one thing in this world I know, its' that I AM SO IN LOVE WITH YOU!!.
I am not religious but spiritual. I believe there is an higher being than humans which control other parts of the world that we can no directly influence.
I will be making a short trip to Dundee, for a two-day meeting with the contract award committee and the Scottish yard. I may not send you an e-mail/chat with you via messenger till I get back. We are going to be discussing work done so far and what is left to be done by both parties. I can say 85% of the work here as been done. So I will soon be out of here, once we do the final installation than I am through.
Hope you are having a good night rest tonight. I am giving you a tender kiss on your forehead so I don't wake you up.
Have to head back to work. I will check to see if I have got an e-mail from you before I leave tomorrow. I love you xxx. Hope you had a great time line dancing for such a large number of people by the way. I am proud of you sweetie.
Hugs & Kisses,
Your Albert."

And again I have more to come.
edit by dotti - removed your name
by began steele Thu Aug 04, 2011 3:49 am
I don't know where they get the crap from originally. We have seen it all before but where was the first one?
One thing to note is they never address you by name. Always ANGEL/MY QUEEN/
my love, queen of my heart, my angel, sweetheart, honey,
ALL THE CUT AND PASTE ONES IN ONE LINE. That's because they don't actually know it and churn out emails at the rate of 100 an hour so don't have time to look it up, not that they care anyway.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by ABscam Thu Aug 04, 2011 10:43 am
Here's a couple short ones.
"Subject: Hi Honey
Hi Honey,
I got your mail and really enjoyed reading it. But this will be short as I am off. And will write more on Monday. I just wanted you to know that we are not doing anything wrong here. It is normal to get scared but no to go way over. I know I don't be disappointed when I do meet you so throw away any fears you might have about that. I love you, it's me and you now, no going back. Have a wonderful day my love and do not worry about a thing.
Love always,

"Subject: For my love
Your voice echoes so sweetly, it is a sound I love to hear
The tears that come my way, your voice takes away every fear
Like the melody of a songbird, a harmony so incredible
Your voice fills my heart, forever now sounds so wonderful

Your beauty I cannot describe, it simply blows me away
Blessed beyond belief, your beauty amazes me each day
Like a picture perfect painting, a masterpiece just for me
Your beauty is my treasure, forever our love will always be

Your love captured me, it feels so magical
Into my life you did come, now you have my heart and soul
Like a rainbow with it's colors, a miracle only God could bring
Your love that you so share, forever you will be my everything

Hope you enjoyed this. It's quite busy here having one meeting to the other. I think about you all the time and miss you so much.

And it continues....
by ABscam Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:32 pm
Here's another one:
"Subject: RE: Good Day Sweetheart
Hello Honey,
How are you doing my dear? I just got back from Dundee where we went for a meeting here in Scotland and have to first say hello to my beloved and most wonderful angel; How was your night? And how is the situation over there? If ever you think of me out of the blue, just remember it's all the kisses I've blown in the air finally catching up with you! In my thoughts of you there is an underlying love that is present in every word, every glimpse I hope you feel it as I do, for it is what I am and ever I will be, LOL! But, HEY! seriously, I must admit without second thoughts, being in love is what makes work week bearable. It makes cruising with your windows rolled down feel like you're riding in a convertible. It makes you dance to the rhythm of the copy machine and makes Friday right really feel like THE WEEKEND, LOL!"

I had wondered why he repeated the last 2 sentences, because he had sent them in an earlier email, live and learn.

"Tomorrow I will back at work, I got the final footings going on. I am late right now because I will be meeting with Nelson concerning this so we can finalize but I still don't want to go because I wanted to write a long note, but then, I know I will carry you on my mind all day. Please know that I cherish you so much. Happiness is not found at the end of the road, it is experienced along the way. So take not for granted each moment of your life and you will find a reason to be happy each day.
You are my shinning star. I know you will never fade. You will be my light to help me read my map of happiness! Please have a good day, and please dear don't stress yourself for me, my most wonderful.
Your Man,
With all the LOVE in the world,
by ABscam Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:09 am
Back to my computer so I will post more of these emails from Albert, this is the one about the rig accident about 2 weeks into conversing with him.
"Subject: Hello Honey!
Good morning sweetheart,
How was your night? Hope had pleasant dreams. Thanks for your lovely notes to me. I had not been on the computer and it's not because I intentionally ignored you. The reason you didn't hear from me was because of a rig accident which occurred yesterday. I write this email with sadness in my heart as a result of yesterday's incident. I have not been myself in the past 24 hrs. I haven't even been able to eat properly nor sleep.
You can't image what happened yesterday. When I just got to work after receiving a distress emergency call, even though a little late because I got back home in the wee hours of the morning due to working late, a severe accident had occurred and as I speak I have four locals down with serious injuries and one gone. My day started and ended on a wrong note due to the fact that one of our main machine we used for the installation, started malfunctioning. The accident that led to injuries and death of my worker yesterday must have been the cause of the malfunctioning of the machine. Now, work has been abandoned and we can't continue with the final installation. The machine needs replacement as soon as possible because it has put our work here on hold and all the remaining workers are here waiting and cannot do anything unless the machine is replaced before they can commence with the installation. I have to go buy a new machine, a few accessories, metal pipes and sheets in Beijing as soon as possible, after which I will be spending a week. This is the most painful thing I have come across. Now at the rig tow, they were rushing to fix before my arrival and it did not swing into the best place after rolling down on them before time, so they were catalyst to its best position, they did pay a hard price for this. I hate accidents on site, sometimes it makes you feel like not having to use local laborers because they sometimes make these mistakes that do not make sense. I feel bad enough to feel responsible for them. I pity the family of the deceased having survived by an aging mother, a wife and 2 kids; I liken him to myself, I am the only child like he is, still has his mother and kids. I started thinking, if this was to be me? They spoiled my mood because they should have waited for instructions before making such vital installations. These are even men who lack basic insurance for that matter, risking their lives and now I feel responsible for what has happened to them. Maybe I should have been on the rig early enough.
I can't write much now honey because I feel terrible inside, would try later. Just know that you mean a lot to me OK? I really appreciate you honey and I do think about you a lot. The joy I feel in recent days is my best because of thoughts of you. Hope to talk with you soon. Thank you for your e-mail, it helps a little... If it is possible for you to send me a text message so we could chat I would really apppreciate it.
With love from you man,

More to come...
by ABscam Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:19 am
Here's another one, amazing I didn't notice that the next day after the accident I had worked miracles on him, go figure.
"Subject: RE: I Wish I Could Be There For You"...this is the subject line I sent him.
"Good morning my one and only!
How are you my love? I feel better this morning. You work miracles with me, even you don't know it, LOL. Thanks for the chat. I wish I was with you to give you a good massage to put you to sleep. Honey, I am glad my men are doing better now, even though they have cost me personally over 52,000 euros out of budget which is present cost as of today. I am still happy that we can work things by the grace of God.
I think I need a long vacation honey and you will be with me. I suppose to hand over the project by this weekend and that is why I was summoned to Dundee by the government few days back, but they are talking about a different payment procedure, which I fear may affect us if much work is not done. Since they are asking us to pay all pending taxes and clearance before all funds are released, and now I just lured out almost all our reserve, I pray we can do something about the taxes so they can release our funds, most especially I have over 80 men and familes depending on this success, so that is giving me another headache right now."
"I don't want you to feel tired/stressed honey, please make sure you take good care of yourself for me OK? so that I will meet you in good health OK? I can't wait to ge this over with and leave here on time honey. I want you to know that you are always on my mind OK?
I try to let go and just move on but I am constantly in the thoughts of the tragic occurrence. The most painful part of it all is that I will be delayed from meeting you. I can't wait to hear your lovely voice in person.
I am off to go see the deceased family at this home right now. Talk to you soon.
Your Man,
Your Love,

Again more to follow.....
by ABscam Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:27 pm
"Subject: My Angel My Heart My Treasure My Joy My Love
Good morning honey,
Hope you had a good night rest? So you are responsible for my quite night, slept like a baby.. Do send more kisses my way. Thank you so much for you sweet and comforting words to me. I want you to know that I really appreciate all the love you're showering on me. You have such a beautiful heart honey, I love you honey. Last night I took a shower, made coffee before trying to put my head to rest pretty late. Today after seeing your email, I tried to eat something and although I was not able to finish my food, for the first time in 72 hours I was at least able to eat a little.
Honey, I re-visited the injured men at the hospital today and I am glad my men are now responding to treatments. I am looking into the possibilities of taking a personal loan from a few people to see to the replacement of metal sheets, pipes, machinery and other equipments. The inspection team will come and look at the job done so far and maybe ignore the accident and hopefully will get some amount to use to finish up.
Well, I have been very busy with the co workers for the funeral arrangements for the deceased and the discussion on how to raise funds for the family. We held a meeting on how to come up with some funds for the funeral and compensating the family of the deceased. Because I have spent my reserve paying for hospital bills, I have just little funds with me. That's why the fund raiser was started.
It's required that we get the funds from every angle of friends, loved ones and family to make the contribution substantial for them, as the deceased was a nice, hardworking and caring individual to be rewarded in such a way which I'm gladly doing and also, as he left behind an aging mother, a wife and 2 kids; the least that can be done is compensate the family. I will be very happy if you could also contribute to the wonderful fund raiser of this lovely person we lost. I would like you as my dearest and love to also have an impact in their lives, it'll mean a lot to me. I'd wait to hear from you, also let me know what your voluntary donation would be sweetie. Nelson asked his wife Debbie donate; to my surprise she voluntarily just donated C1,750. Basically, it's a voluntary donation and what ever is convenient for you to help with.
I have to get back to hospital now, thereafter I would make a call to one of the manufacturers in Beijing to try and negotiate a deal for a new set of equipments and machinerey. I wish you a lovely day ahead and please make sure you take good care of yourself for me...I'm already beginning to feel even more the need for a long vacation and of course with you. And I can't wait to put a few things in order, in a rested state, so I can leave here on time honey. I love you and thanks for being there for me at most trying time.
Hugs & Kisses.
With love from your man,

I could not answer him after this email for a few days and than I let him know that I could not help and as you can tell in the next two emails (same day) he is upset and than tries to sweeten me up.
by ABscam Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:24 pm
I sent him a text message and this was his reply.
"Subject: RE: With A Heavy Heart
I just received two of your text messages minutes after sending an email out to you. I didn't reply to you previous mail you sent to me because I was so shocked to respond immediately. Till now I lack the words. Sent you several text after receiving your today and all didn't deliver so I am guessing you might have already taking me off your contacts on you mobile. So I decided to write this mail to you. Why would you want to delect everything about me? What have I done wrong? Is is bad to involve you to my cause? I didn't think this was going to cause a big deal...To be frank I was expecting a "Yes, I will be glad to make a donation", because I so wanted to rub it in Nelson face that my love also sent some money for the family of the deceased. But even it it was a simply no I wouldn't have any issues with you. Why would you. I have also been a victim. You are not the only one blind here, I am as well, as I have not meet you. But still I gave you my all and willing to give more if there's any left that I am holding back. I am hopelessly in love with you (name) and you have to understand how I felt reading your response at first glance. I have been thrown off balance. I have not known you to be the impatient one, why start that now? Is it because about the donation? If it was my life at stake wont you assist me? I am not here to burn you, if I do that I will also loose at the end; loosing you has no price tag and I will never forgive myself if this should happen. As I type all I can think of is you. Hoping you will write back. I am the one with the heavy heart reaching out to you.
Please do write me soon my love
With heavy hearts,
by ABscam Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:34 pm
Here's another one, not sure but there are a few sentences in this one that I don't understand, assuming this was a batch letter sent out to all.
"Subject: Wouldn't have sent that email!
Thank you for your mail. Like you I am confused by your reactions. I do not want to rush to write this email to you, don't want to cause more damage so I will use my words carefully. I am hurt by you reaction as well. From what I gather from your letter there was an underlying suspicious feeling about me. If you could have just written "You have to understand this does not sit well with me and I cannot release any funds to something I know nothing about but only your words." then this would have been a proper excuse. For you to say you do not know me and will need to feel my skin to believe me is quite disturbing. Not that I am trying to compare, when you say prayers to whom do you pray to? Have you seen in flesh who you choice to send your prayers to? How have you come to believe? By words or by personal contact? This was meant to be my ending line to you but still have a urge to write a few lines more. You write about proof, what do you seek? The right words just don't seem to fall in place. After reading your email it was like my bright sun shining day has be blocked out with rain clouds. Now I am not about your feelings towards me. I do not know if I will be getting the usual 100%. If you will read my last mail to you, you will find that I did not ask you to give me money but to the family and this is not compulsory, why would you suggest otherwise? If I were to ask you for money (of which I do not foresee), will I be needing a few hundreds? Let me not push this beyond this point as I can hardly see the keys to type with tears all over. I am so sorry I hurt you if I had known this will be your reaction I won't have sent you that mail I only did because I believe you may love to support my cause never knew the reverse will be the case.
Take Care,

And more to follow.
by ABscam Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:19 pm
"Subject: Please Stop Crying
Hi Sweetie,
Well, here we are. After over a month into our relationship. I am so glad we have made it this far. From after a couple of days I have known that you were different from all of the others, with a special heart. The very first time we talked on phone my heart melt away by the sound of your angelic voice.
I love you for who you are, and for who I am when I am communicating with you. You bring out the best parts of me and you show me what it means to be truly happy and in love.
Baby, I swear I don't know what I would do without you. You mean more to me than I can say, and I hope that our relationship lasts forever and ever. I love you so much. Thanks for chatting with me, it helped me a lot. I will never do whatever will hurt you. Will be looking forward to read from you.
Love always,

Sure noticed that he didn't ask for any donation in this email and seems to be buttering me as the next email following this one he does.
by ABscam Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:24 pm
I emailed him and said there was a possibility I might be able to help and of course here the asking for the donations begin again.
"Subject: Re: I Love You Very Much
Hello my love,
I am running late so will keep this short until some other time. Good morning my love.. How was your night? I am so glad you loved the mail I sent to you. This makes me happy and wanting to write more to you. I think about you all the time despite the stress I am faced with out here. I have missed you so much. I got your text and can call me anytime you do feel like it. I would also love to hear from you. About the donation, I know you will need a couple of days so will wait until I am certain about the amount you can come up with before been able to determine the best possible way to receive it. Please honey do your best and get back to me. I want to thank you for supporting me in this time of crisis. I really appreciate you. I will end this now and get back to work, hopefully will get an email back from you when I am done work and send one out to you in return. Take care of you and I miss and love you.
With all my heart,

More enlightening emails to follow.
by began steele Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:20 pm
I wanted to paste these texts to Google in chunks but it would get far too tricky and unlock a further 99,999 scammers. Anyone who wants to can do but it ain't me. Frankly girls it is crap and if you are here to read this post, be warned of this criminal and other criminals. As for me -- :mrgreen: I could as easily puke over the bullshit- but please see it as the best warning against scammers you could possibly have, and a great lesson. And I was stupid enough to look forward to a follow up!!!!!

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by ABscam Fri Sep 16, 2011 4:58 pm
Here are the last emails from Albert.
"SUBJECT: Re: Hi Babe
I have read both your emails and somehow show on words...I can feel your love from thousands of miles away...I know you do love and care about me and would love for you to know that I love you more than words and I for no reason will disappear because of some amount you send across to me for the deceased family...I can't wait to meet with you and at this point wish that we must have met before I left for my current job. I do not know what I can say or do after all we have written to each other. Please my love try to trust and believe in me. Let me know how much you will be willing to make available so I can determine how to receive it. Thanks sweetie....Looking forward to your response...
Love always,

"SUBJECT: Details
Hello Honey,
I want to first of all thank you for doing this for the deceased family. You are to send money via Western Union to me. Please do understand that this is the easiest way to go about sending it across to me. I understand that sometimes they can be a pain in the ass. Just don't let them push you around with all the question the usually ask. Here is my detail:
[b]Receiver's Name: Albert Sverensen
Receiver's Address: 50 Urquhart Road, Aberdeen AB24 5N, Scotland, United Kingdom.

When you have sent the money out, please honey send me the following details so I can pick up the money from the Western Union outlet:

[b]Sender's Name:
Sender's Address:
Amount Sent:
Money Control Transfer Number:
Test Questions and Answer (if any):

Thanking you again honey. I will wait to hear from you with details.
Lots of love,

This is the last email I received from Albert after I sent him an email telling him I wasn't sending any money and he was a scammer.

"Subject: Re: Details
Dear Me,
Oh my! oh my!! Here we go again...What have I done this time? You do not waste time to seize every opportunity to doubt me. Do you think I love it here and enjoy going all the stress I have to face all day. Is it bad to want to get things done quickly and out of here to meet with you? If I was home with you the small problem you talk about would have been handled by me or the both of us, either way you like it. I am hurt by your email to me. How many times will I explain to you that I am not out here to hurt you are get you burnt. I won't disappear because of a few hundreds. I, Albert Sverensen, swear on my daughters grave, my mum and grand kids life that this will never happen. I can't believe this has been a must sentence is over my last three mails to you. How can it be so easy for you to just speak/think about not writing me again? I think that's bad. If the money is your problem FORGET IT. I can not stand not been in contact with you. As a professional I know that sending $500 through a bank wire is not at all resonable. Having to wait for days to have it reflect on the account. 500 British Pounds could have been a little bit fair. If you are wary about Western Union there is always Money Gram. But will still make enquires about the bank transfer. And by the way I work for Cube Consults as a contract staff. Please do not let this be an issue to come between us. Curse the day scam was ever invented!!!. Now it denies the true people the original pleasure. I will meet with you and do the things we talk about via email and chat sessions, which I look forward every day and night. I am not turning back now.
Please think about this slowly.
Love always,

And that is the last email I received from him. I have to admit I am alot smarter now with regards to this and amd glad I listened to my head and not my heart.
by magnumgirl1964 Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:55 pm
I too have been a victim of this man, however he goes by Richard Brandon but says his friends call him "RichBrand". He was on Match.com and states he is 40 and has a 14 year old daughter named Julia and that his first and only love was his wife who passed away from cancer. He did quit his profile within days as well. Coincidentlally he states he is from the same town as me and that he is returning to the states next week from London and wanted me to pick "this cool man up from the airport". He claims to be a millionaire and asked how much I owed on my mortgage and said if I agreed to marry him he would pay off my mortgage. I told him I could never allow that. He continued with his love talk and poems. In each email I told him I didnt trust him and that I felt that I was being made a fool of.

In each of my responses I did not use emotion or words that would indicate I felt the same "love" as he professed. I further asked why when I gave generic responses would he try to put a love spell on each response back. He continued to try to offer me money and called me his "Wonder" as in the 8th wonder of the world. I asked him to send me some pictures of himself and he sent a pic of some "model looking guy" from a magazine in black and white and pic of a girl in a swimsuit in a pool somewhere and that was supposedly Julia.

In my email he did in fact mention Nelson Bishop and his wife Debbie and the whole meeting on the internet thing as well. His last email to me was this past Friday, November 4th. After reading this blog, I responded to his email and said I was too nervous to pick him up but would love to meet for coffee. I almost said I would pick him up and wore a disguise to see if he would show.

I intend to see how far I can go with this until he asks for money because as of yet, he is only offering me money. Maybe he will ask for my banking info to pay off the mortgage. I will tell him I dont have an account and to write the check directly to the mortgage company.
Last edited by Bubbles on Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:09 am, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Added spacing for readability.

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