@CBSiteSecurity wrote:Do you mind forwarding a copy of the email in question to us?
I'll send the original, but I'll need your address. I'm not going to install Outlook on my PC to do this.
Here's the text of what I received:(*Note: My e-mail address is not the one shown. It was my error to not recognize this in the first place, as it's obviously a cover for a bulk mailing.)
[email protected]Sent: Tue 9/24/13 4:11 PM
[email protected]?? wh?m it m?? ??n??rn,
Dir??t ?m?l???r: S?l?s, ?r?ding ?nd L?gisti?s ??m??n?
??st ?itl?: Su??l? ?h?in ???rdin?t?r
?m?l??m?nt F?rm: Full ?im? ?nd ??rt ?im?, W?r?-?t-??m?
W?g? R?ng?: $62,800.00 - $86,300.00/???r. ?h? s?l?r? is highl? ??m??titiv? ?nd ??rr?s??nding with ????ri?n??
S???i?liz?ti?n: ??n?g?m?nt
??n?fits ?????g? ?v?il?bl?: ???lth, D?nt?l ?nd Visi?n Insur?n?? ?v?il?bl?; ??lid?? ??? ?nd ??rs?n?l D??s
R?l???ti?n N???ss?r?: N? R?l???ti?n r?quir?d
?n? ?f int?rn?ti?n?l f?st?st gr?wing distribut?rs ?nd m?r??t?rs ?f ?l??tr?ni? ?r?du?ts f?r th? r?t?il bu??rs is s??r?hing ? n?w ?m?l????s. ?h? v???n?? is r?s??nsibl? f?r m?int?ining ?l?s? r?l?ti?nshi?s with ?ll m?n?g?rs in?luding s?ni?r m?n?g?m?nt t? r?s?lv? d?liv?ring issu?s r?l?t?d t? th? ?ur?h?sing d???rtm?nt. W? w?r? ?l?s?l? with ?ur ?li?nts t? bring th?ir ?ur?h?s? g??ls t? fruiti?n b? ??nn??ting th?m with th? ????rt ?r?f?ssi?n?ls wh? will h?l? th?m m??t g??ls.
In this ??siti?n ??u w?uld b? su???rting th? ?ur?h?sing d???rtm?nt with ? v?ri?t? ?f t?s?s ?m?ng ?th?r ?ur?h?sing r?s??nsibiliti?s:
- u?d?ting f??tur?s lists
- ??n?g? th? d??-t?-d?? m?in r?quir?m?nts ?f th? ??m??n?
- W?r? with fin?n?? in ?r??ur?m?nt ?f s?rvi??s f?r ?l?nt ?ur?h?s?s
- ??mmuni??t? with v?nd?rs ?nd ??-???r?t? d?v?l??ing ?f s?f?t? st??? l?v?ls
- Dir??t n?w it?ms ?nd ?r?du?t lin?s
- Id?ntif? ?n? ????unting issu?s
- Su???rt s?l?s t??m ?dministr?tiv?l?
?h? minimum:
- ????ll?nt ?r?j??t m?n?g?m?nt s?ills
- ?bilit? t? w?r? in ?l?s?-?nit ?nvir?nm?nt; with limit?d dir??ti?n ?nd ??nst?nt initi?tiv?s
- ?bilit? t? multit?s? in ? d?m?nding tim?lin? driv?n ??siti?n
- ?bilit? t? w?r? ind???nd?ntl? ?nd ?s ??rt ?f ? t??m
- ?bilit? t? writ? r?utin? r???rts ?nd ??rr?s??nd?n??
- ?ust h?v? ????ri?n?? in fin?n?i?l d?t? ?nd id?ntif?ing issu?s f?r ?r?bl?m s?lving
- V?lid driv?r's li??ns? is n???ss?r?
- G??d ??m?ut?r s?ills, in?luding W?rd, ????l, ?d?b? ??r?b?t; ?????it? t? ?d??t t? n?w ??m?ut?r ?it ?s n???ss?r?
?h? ?n? m?nth tr?ining ?r?gr?m will ?ff?rd ??u th? ?n?wl?dg? ?nd h?l? ??u b? ?m?l???d.
?ll ???li??nts ???l?ing f?r j?b ???ning must b? ?uth?riz?d t? w?r? in th? Unit?d St?t?s, must b? ? US N?ti?n?l, must b? ?v?r 21 ???rs ?f ?g?. ????gr?und ?nd drug s?r??n r?quir?d.
?? find m?r?, ??u sh?uld r??l? b??? t? ?urr?nt ?m?il ?nd might ?tt??h r?sum? with bri?f ??v?r l?tt?r in?luding w?g? v?lu?.