by Dakeestal
Thu Jul 16, 2015 2:39 pm
Sometime last year, I got a phone call from a man (there were three men working together on this) who said that my laptop sent out a ticket claiming there was something severely wrong with it. The guy had my personal information. He claimed there would be a fee to fix the laptop. It apparently had a lot of viruses and one particular virus that was damaging the laptop's memory.
Long story short, I give him remote access to the laptop, which then he stops talking to me and types on screen through notepad.
I was skeptical about the whole thing so he had me go through Run and look into the laptop information fir a rather long serial number. I didn't know back then that the serial number is for that brand of laptop and not a number for my personal laptop. (he was bullshitting me).
So now he has remote access and has me go to a website to pay for servixes before he does his job. I look into the website and it's poorely made. He said when I buy the $100 package, I'll get all these great virus protection services as well as a general computer cleaner to keep my laptop running smooth.
I told him I'll just take it to a loxal computer repair because my fiancé wanted to have it thoroughly checked. He got nervous and upset. I told him to cut off from local connection so I can shut down my laptop but he had control of the mouse and wouldn't let me click shut down so i hard shut down the laptop by pressing and holding the power button.
I cuss him out and hang up. This man calls me back three more times but I don't pick up.
I turn on my laptop and choose the option to run it WITHOUT INTERNET CONNECTION.
I look into all my files to make sure he didn't install anything new.
He did.
In short: he downloaded a very dangerous virus onto my laptop that would collect my information every time I log into my online bank accounts or anything personal that dealt with money.
Here's the kicker.
The virus had an icon for a simple laptop virus cleaner but the virus itself was implanted into my printer's program. So every time I would activate my printer, the virus would activate.
I had to google virus removal and everything because simply removing it from my programs wasn't fixing it. I finally got it removed and THEN ran a complete factory reset and reinstall of windows twice to be sure, before I ever got back online.
I rwported the phone numbers and names to the non-emergency police phone number and I haven't heard from them since.
Long story short, I give him remote access to the laptop, which then he stops talking to me and types on screen through notepad.
I was skeptical about the whole thing so he had me go through Run and look into the laptop information fir a rather long serial number. I didn't know back then that the serial number is for that brand of laptop and not a number for my personal laptop. (he was bullshitting me).
So now he has remote access and has me go to a website to pay for servixes before he does his job. I look into the website and it's poorely made. He said when I buy the $100 package, I'll get all these great virus protection services as well as a general computer cleaner to keep my laptop running smooth.
I told him I'll just take it to a loxal computer repair because my fiancé wanted to have it thoroughly checked. He got nervous and upset. I told him to cut off from local connection so I can shut down my laptop but he had control of the mouse and wouldn't let me click shut down so i hard shut down the laptop by pressing and holding the power button.
I cuss him out and hang up. This man calls me back three more times but I don't pick up.
I turn on my laptop and choose the option to run it WITHOUT INTERNET CONNECTION.
I look into all my files to make sure he didn't install anything new.
He did.
In short: he downloaded a very dangerous virus onto my laptop that would collect my information every time I log into my online bank accounts or anything personal that dealt with money.
Here's the kicker.
The virus had an icon for a simple laptop virus cleaner but the virus itself was implanted into my printer's program. So every time I would activate my printer, the virus would activate.
I had to google virus removal and everything because simply removing it from my programs wasn't fixing it. I finally got it removed and THEN ran a complete factory reset and reinstall of windows twice to be sure, before I ever got back online.
I rwported the phone numbers and names to the non-emergency police phone number and I haven't heard from them since.