by smcbadboy
Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:13 pm
Beware of this website!!! is a new website created on 7/28/2015. It will ask you to input your gift card number and pin to give you a quote on what they will offer you. After you input the info requested and hit enter it is suppose to generate a quote, it does not just a blank page. I thought this strange but LIKE AN IDIOT thought there was something wrong with the website( Although I did check my gift gift balance after just in case) still $100.00 Target gift card. I bought 4 $100.00 gift cards using my Target store card, hey I was short on cash so I bought them to sell online. I ended up selling them to another reputable online giftcard buying store. I get an email from them telling me that one of the gift cards had a zero balance. I knew immediately what happend I called target got them info where it was used. I called that store talked to asset protection informed them what happened and had them pull the video survalliance footage which they did ( Target gift card center gave me the time, date and reg#) I also filed a police report with local law enforcement. I then Contacted IC3 Internet Crimes Division FBI via Internet and filed a report. I also contacted ENOM informing them they about this since in WHOIS. com they are shielding the domains name and number. What pisses me off is this website is still up and running REALLY REALLY!!!!!!!