by laya
Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:15 am
First of all, I feel like a fool! Now I am mad as h?>"! I was on and got an email from this James Boyd Dec 2, 2010 wanting to chat or IM on Yahoo. Never chatted before but it wasn't too difficult to get set up and he was more than willing to help. I wonder why!!! Anyway, we exchanged a few emails before he suddenly had to leave for Ghana to train someone on the ins and outs of buying and selling gold. He took his son "Fred" with him and had an assistant named Derrick Boateng. He said he was widowed and that his wife and daughter were killed in a car accident a few years ago and that "Fred" was his world or light of his life. "James" said he was Norwegian and grew up an orphan until being adopted by a couple, who of course are deceased. His only brother is deceased as well, but his birth mother still lives in Canada. After he arrived in Ghana, he started asking for money because his credit card didn't work in Accra. Stupidly, I sent more than I care to reveal for his business venture of opening a jewelry store when he moved to my town. He would ask for varying amounts to help pay for treatments against malaria to paying for a contract to buy and ship gold. He assured me he would pay me back with interest once his contract money came through. He was set to come see me on Thursday, Jan. 13, 2011 when I get a phone call at 5:00 am, from his phone, saying he had been in an accident and would require surgery. You can imagine the emotion I felt. I couldn't believe it! On his way to the airport to come see me and he gets in an accident. I wait by the phone for a call and finally I find out he is out of surgery and resting at Manna Mission Hospital. I immediately get online and search for information using his name and the hospital name. My first search pulls up a scam warning. I read it and it is a mirror image of who I have been chatting with. I was and still am beside myself. I was so naive to this ever being a scam. My eyes are wide open now! Anyway, guess who needs money to pay for his hospital stay? OH he has managed to cut the bill in half and I only need to send him $3000. I told him no. The charm kicked in and he pleaded "I want to come home. Please won't you help me? If you leave me the next thing you'll hear about me is that I've killed myself." I have not, nor will I, send him the money. I have saved over 400 emails, have pictures, an email address, Accra addresses, and a phone number. I don't want this jerk hurting someone else.