If you have been scammed, please post here and share your experience; it may help others avoid the same situation!
by Dutch Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:23 am
I was selling my sofa via Ebay or Marktplaats to a certain person called himself: Scott Malan ([email protected]). Of course I was very happy to sell my sofa for 50 EURO. I thaught I had sold it to a foreign student in the Netherlands (because I also live in the Netherlands). But the person said his hometown was in England and the sofa would be tranfered by ship. He was planning to take care with that.

He asked me if I had a PayPal account and he wanted to pay the money. This was his e-mail:
Ok,good..I'm quite satisfied with the condition and price. I will be paying the PayPal charges from my account and i will be paying directly into your PayPal account without any delay, and i hope you have a paypal account. If you have one already, just send me the address to send it to, which is the email address you use for it or you can send me a paypal money request, so once i receive the details i will go ahead with the payment through PayPal and then i will contact my shipping company after you get the payment. I will need your home address for it to be Picked Up by the Shipping Company..

So I made a PayPal account and did a money request for 50 EUR. After this he said he was willing to pay very fast.. and he did actually. But not the 50 EUR I asked for the sofa, but 1.000 EUR!! I was wondering he made a mistake, but I could not believe that. After this he messaged me he paid 1.000 EUR indeed, because of 950 shipping costs. I had to transfer the money to the shipping company.. Of course, at this point, I did not thinking it was safe anymore.. I was expecting a scam... So I copy, pasted his e-mail adress into Google's search engine.... The search results are as expected.. the person Scott Malan is a scammer. There are many posts about this guy.. and of course he also uses other fake names and e-mail addresses.. but all with the same goal.. getting money..


I got a confirmation message from PayPal the guy paid 1.000 EUR. But when I signed in into my PayPayl account, my account was still at 0,00 EUR. The confirmation message was fake! After this message I got another message.. the 1.000 EUR was set into hold, so I could not reach it. I first had to pay 950 EUR to the shipping company............ of course this is bullshit.. and a pure scam.......

I hope I can help other people.. just don't trust people on the internet and be warned for this guy.

by decoff Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:13 pm
I received the same emails from the same person named Scott Malan. This is obvious fraud for anyone that is smarter than a 5th grader and knows what to look for. The simple truth is, don't ever click or use any of the links that are embedded in the emails. Simply go to your paypal account thru your web browser and log into your account. If the funds are not there, then simply they don't exist. Paypal is simple and the complicated emails from this FRAUD is to deceive you. Don't be fooled. Be smarter or be a TOOL.

Here are his emails.

email #1

Powered by

You've received an instant payment

Dear ,

This e-Mail confirms that you have received an Instant payment of $1,100.00 USD from Scott Malan via PayPal MERCHANDISE Payment Service.

Reversals : This method of payment can not be reversed.

Status : Pending - Transport Company Awaiting Payment.

View the details of this pending transaction below
Summary of this transaction

Sent From Scott Malan
[email protected]
Sent to

Transaction ID 3CP879375C758570E
Item Amount $650.00 USD
Transport Charges

Total Amount

Item Title
$450.00 USD

$1,100.00 USD

Samsung LN (LCD TV) - Purchased

Transport Company: " Asped Express "

Courier Details: Name : Kent Freeman

Address: 2270 Markham Road

City: London

Post Code: W1F 7BR

Country: United Kingdom

Address Status: Confirmed

NOTE: This is to confirm to you that the mentioned amount has been successfully transferred by the Sender and been deducted from her Account which is ready to be credited into your account and this Payment has been subjected to be a Payment for a MERCHANDISE purchased from you, we reserve the right to make sure this transaction is 100% Safe and Secured also to verify the legitimacy level on this transaction.

The above sum includes the transport charges and taxes as we and the Transport Company quoted for the buyer (as per PayPal MERCHANDISE PAYMENT POLICY). You will receive a Message from the PayPal Customer Verification Department Shortly informing you on how to send the Transport Fares and Taxes to the transport company with the above Courier details as soon as possible.

You may contact PayPal customer service by Clicking Here or reply directly to this email by using the
reply button in your e-Mail Box and Quote the Above Transaction ID for quick recognition of this transaction.

Copyright © 2012 PayPal, Inc. All rights reserved.

PayPal Email ID PP307

email #2

Dear ,

This message is originated from PayPal Company. The payment we received from "Scott Malan" has been made successfully and the money has been credited in to your PayPal account but it will not show in your PayPal account. However, since this money is meant for a purchase or a service that involve a Shipping Company.We have to receive a confirmation that you have sent the pick up cost to impediment shipping company before the money will be available in your PayPal account for spending. This is due to the large increase in the rate of the online scams recorded last year (2011). We have changed some of our rules and regulation to make sure our clients, are safe from scam, PayPal in conjunction with The FBI and The EFCC has invented certain preventive measure to ensure the safety of our customers. As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in the our system and discovered that the transaction ID-3CP879375C758570E is legitimate and confirmed. So we will require you to send us the Money Transfer Control Number [MTCN] as measure i requested and as soon as we have confirmed it,your money will be automatically transfer into your account immediately.Please understand that this is a security intended to help protect you and the buyer. We apologize for any inconvenience.

We also want you to understand that we have choose this customer care email address as to monitor the transaction between you and "Scott Malan" and we want you to know that we have to receive the western union details so that we can have your account credited with the fund pending. We want you to know that we have many people on our desk that we attend to and many may not understand the new safety policy that is why we have choose to use email to monitor some transaction...So we will greatly appreciate if you could get back to us here so that we can process and credit your account fully.

Be informed that this transaction is only available and can only be tracked and traced via email,so do reply back to us if you have any question about the transaction and not via phone call.

Questions? email us at: [email protected]

Please do reply to this email. This mailbox is monitored and you will receive a response. For assistance, always reply to this email as is use to monitor this transaction between you and Scott Malan.

The Transfer Approved.
Scott Thompson
PayPal, Inc.

PayPal Account Review Department
Thank you for using PayPal online services.

•this one is easy to prove fake simply be looking at the leadership team at Paypal where Mr. Scott Thompson does not exist.

email #3

I have just completed the Payment and i am sure you have received the confirmation from PayPal regarding the Payment.You can check your paypal e-mail for confirmation of payment.a total of $1,100.00 USD was sent, $650.00 USD for the Samsung LN (LCD TV) and the extra $450.00 USD for my shipper's charges,which you will be sending to the address below via western union:

Name : Kent Freeman
Address : 2270 Markham Road
City : London
Postal Code : W1F 7BR
Country : United Kingdom

All other documentations should be prepared by my Pick Up Agent. You should send the money soon so that the Pick Up would be scheduled and you would know when the Pick Up would commence, make sure you're home. I advice you to check both your inbox or junk/spam folder for the payment confirmation message..My shipper would be coming around to your area to have the Samsung LN (LCD TV) picked up once you have sent the shipping charges fee to them, as i need you to let me know what time you want them to come and where (your address & phone # you can be reached on)

I will be waiting to hear from you once the money has been sent to my shipper.

Thanks for the business.

People please don't be naive or ignorant. Do your research.
by vonpaso xlura Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:28 pm
Welcome to Scamwarners! PayPal does not hold money waiting for something to be shipped. Any email appearing to be from PayPal claiming that the money will not appear in your account until you pay the shipper is a fraud. In a real PayPal transaction, money will appear in your account in at most five days; it takes five days if the money is coming from a bank account and a weekend or holiday falls in the interval.

... ni los estafadores heredarán el reino de Dios. 1 Cor. 6:10
by natalieeex3 Sun Mar 17, 2013 6:02 pm
I have also just had an experience with these people.

I got an email from Jessica James saying she would like to purchase my kitchen (from Gumtree AUstralia) straight away. I said that's great! She asked me for a paypal email. She then said that she had paid me not $2700 (the amount for the kitchen) but $3650 ($950 extra). She said I had to pay $950 to the shipping company (IMPEDIMENT SHIPPERS). She sent me a confirmation email from paypal showing the payment. It went to my junk folder which does not happen to paypal emails. At this point I was suspicious so I checked my paypal account in which the balance was still $0.00. Also, the shipping company's payment was to go to Kuala Lumpar in Malaysia.

So please, BE AWARE!

Thanks for the mail...I am wanting to purchase it for into my new home right away, however due to my job, calling and surfing are almost impossible but i managed to check the advert and sms'd you.I would be glad to pay for it as soon as possible though i will not be available to come for an inspection due to my ever busy lifestyle. Kindly answer the following questions;

- Are there any scratch on it?
- Are you the only Owner?
- Your phone Number?
- Your address for me to pass it to the pick up agent for them to arrange time and the date for the collection?
- Your Registered PayPal name and email for me to proceed with the payment?
- If you do not have paypal, I can still transfer the funds directly into your bank account through paypal, so kindly supply bank details.

I would be glad to process payment immediately so kindly get back to me with your details for me to proceed with the payment as soon as possible. You need not to worry about packaging or wrapping prior to collection cos the shipping people will handle that therefore in order to complete the transaction, you just need to get back to me with your payment details and confirm the total cost so that I can make the payment asap. I will be waiting for your reply

Kind regards,

I'm done. This is just to get you informed that i have finished sending the payment through paypal and i know you should have received the confirmation messages from paypal and the shipping company by now in the email you sent to me {[email protected]}so make sure you check your inbox and junk message folder for the confirmation email because i have received the receipt here and the money has been completely removed from my paypal account. According to paypal's instructions, I have added extra $950.00 AUD to take care of the shipping bills(had to do that because you are the one to pay the shipper since you are the seller and they are going to pick the item up from you), so email me immediately you receive the confirmation and kindly make sure you read thoroughly through the payment confirmation messages as they should contain guidelines on how to clear your funds into your account immediately. Thanks for the business and get back soon.

by Scott Mitchell Sun Mar 17, 2013 11:34 pm

Thank you for posting. This is a very common scam and I'm glad you spotted it before losing any money. If you have the email address of the scammer please post it, as it will serve to warn other victims.
by Howso Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:46 pm
I received one from Tylar Burnett, who supposedly deposited $4700 into my PayPal when my sale price was only $4000. He said the extra $700 was so I could pay his shipping fee for impediment shopping before the money would clear through my PayPal. His email is-

[email protected]
by Bryon Williams Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:53 pm
Welcome to Scamwarners Howso,

Thank you for posting this information. The email address will be very helpful and will warn others.

Can you please post his emails or text to you. Sometimes scammers will change their scripts. We will like for people to search parts of their script and land here.

Please contacta moferatorstor if you have a question or information about this post.

Please do not tell the scammer he is posted here.

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