If you have been scammed, please post here and share your experience; it may help others avoid the same situation!
by marygrace Fri May 24, 2013 4:21 pm
The first of April, I was contacted on facebook by a person who called himself Robin Frederick and that he was a Brigadier in the U.S. Army mission in Kabul. I wrote that it was a widower for six years and had two daughters of 13 and 16 years. He sent me several photos of both the U.S. Army officer who alleged his two daughters. His letters were sweet and kind. He seemed to be the best man in the world, often mentioned God and felt like it was a person from the sound principles. I wrote letters every day sweet. Then he said that he had been alone for a long time and that I had filled the void left in his heart by his wife. Unfortunately, I believed him and I started to have feelings toward him.
I am a woman who has lived alone for many years and who has grown up a child alone. I had many problems and I still, even now I have many many more. Every day that passed me affezionavo more and more to this man so kind that I thought was at war in Kabul. I worried about him and tried to make him feel less alone.
One day I get an email in which he tells me he had put some of the money donated by the Afghan government for having saved an oil well. Then he told me that he wanted to send them to me along with some gifts she had bought for me. I, stupid, I gave him the address. Then send me the site of a transport company and the tracking number of the package. Then he told me that the person in charge of the delivery address to my Italian was a certain Dr. Orlando Dolo.
I was convinced that the package exists and that the money could really change my life. I had so many problems and I still: they are out of work, I have a mortgage on the house, health problems, etc.. So I get a letter from this Orlando asking me to send 1,120 Euros for customs fees.
And I, I send the money stupid. Then I was told that the parcel after 24 hours would come to my home address. Instead keep getting new requests for money: € 3,900, € 4,650, € 3,920, € 28,000, etc.. And I love stupid stupid and continue to send money hoping that the package reached me. I was told that there were a lot of money in the package: € 1,560,000 which are a real fortune. I was convinced that this was true and that this money would help me change my life. In order to pay all this money I sold all my gold items and my son. I asked for people to borrow money with the promise that I would have returned the money with interest. Instead I ruined my life with my own hands and now I'm just crying.
In addition to this, I was heartbroken because I was really in love with this saying to be a U.S. Army soldier. He told me that you wanted to marry me.
I have really stupid and I believed him. He found me in a moment of great fragility. I had a bad car accident that had given me 3 fractures in the spine and I had so much need of affection and love.
But now I find myself alone with their lives destroyed. I can no longer live. I have no job, no money, my bills have gone up, and my life is of infinite sadness.
It will not be easy for me to move on. I have a broken heart, it has been trampled and injured. My life has become a hell, and I do not know what to do and who to turn to. I need help. Tell me what can I do?

by began steele Fri May 24, 2013 4:51 pm
I am so sorry Mary. However please don't run yourself down and say you are stupid.You are not, you have only been the victim of a very nasty scammer and they always are nasty. They know what to say and how to pull at a person inside and they did that to you and all that happened is not your fault. Now revenge can be sweet so we want the emails and what the scammer has sent to you posted here. We also like links to scammer profile and if you can, the stolen photos. If you have problems doing any of this please ask us and we will help you.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by marygrace Sat May 25, 2013 5:27 am
Hello. Thank you so much for taking my call. I feel so sad. Since I suffered this scam can no longer recover, I'm very bad. And 'as if my life was over. I need so much help.
Of course I'll send you photos, emails, addresses, sending you all. I also have copies of receipts of payments. I can send you anything you want. Tell me what you need and I'll send you everything.
I'll send you the photo of the person who said he and the two girls are the alleged daughters. I was told that it was a widow with two daughters, one 13 and the other 16 years.
These are the email addresses that have used:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Mod edit: Marked pictures, to prevent further misuse. - CW
by marygrace Sat May 25, 2013 6:01 am
I am also sending the names to which the various payments were made and copies of some emails that sent me, the one who said he loved me (how sad!):

Hello my love Maria,
You know in life, we receive a wonderful opportunity, and that is to love. Love comes in many forms. You love people in different ways and for different reasons, depending upon how they have touched your life. Love is a very powerful word and can describe a multitude of feelings, but its main context carries the same meaning.I want to tell you that the love I have for you is undying. It is a love that is strong and enduring and will stand the test of time. I truly feel blessed that you have become a part of my life and I cannot wait for the day that we can join our lives together. I want to lie next to you at night and fall asleep, only to wake to your beautiful smile. I want to share in your joys and sorrows. I want to be your everything. You are everything to me.My love I have some little amount of money which I made as a token of appreciation by Afghan's government after securing their oil well that intended to bomb by the Taliban's. Due to the trust I have for you, I am making arrangement on how to seal it together with the things I bought for you and send so that you will keep it until I come over to Italy,as it's not save here in Afghan. You have to send me your mobile telephone number and your resident address where the packet will be delivered.You are the one I want to share everything with, my thoughts, hopes and dreams. Thinking of you makes my heart feel full. You are such a source of inspiration for me. I will forever be indebted to you for all you have brought to my life. So, to repay you, I promise you my heart and all the love in it for the rest of my life. I love you always and forever. Brigadier Robin
My love Maria,
I receive all your message together with your address but I was very busy and could not reply you immediately due to the situation of the country. I have submitted your address to the delivering Company and the company manager told me that they will conclude the delivering process by tomorrow morning and I will as well forward you the delivery information. My love I want you to look for nice location in Italy send me prize list of house so that I will put it in my budget when coming over because my plan was to go into investment ones I am off from my job. I just thank God for having you. We are meant for each other and no one can change that. I love you with all my heart. Tight hug and many kiss. I love you always and
Hello my love Maria,
I thank you so much for your message. Indeed you are a truly God sent woman because I feel so happy reading your message. I experience more excitement, feel like the happiest man on the earth. It was you in whole who made my heart like falling out of its place. You knows exactly what to say to cheer me up.I will keep loving you as long as the sun keeps shining, the stars keep brightening the sky, the winds keep blowing, the snow keeps falling.I humbly request you, Maria, be mine, no matter the circumstances.The Company has concluded on the delivering process of the packet this morning, below are the delivering information. Go through the Company online Tracking website to check the status of the packet;
( http://www.universalcourier-company.tk ),
The courier manager said that it will take only three days to get to your address, which means you will receive the packet on Wednesday,he also made me to understand that the name of the appointed agent that will hand over the packet to you are, Dr. Orlando Dolo, which supposes to arrive in Italy on Wednesday, and he will contact you on phone upon his arrival for delivery. The content of the packet are, One gold wrist watch and a set of Diamond jewelries ( for you ) and other little things ipad and perfumes and some things for the kid, all was sealed with the total amount of 156000.00 Euros (One hundred and fifty six thousand Euros), which you will keep until I come over to Italy. But if you need more things for yourself you can use 16000 Euros and keep the rest until I come over.I really long to be with you because I feel your presence everywhere by me. your talks remind me that you really a wonderful woman, and I want you bad enough like the roses would need their perfume.Please you have to keep this to yourself for the security of the money inside the packet until I come over to Italy! Tight hug and kiss my darling.I love you always and forever. Brigadier Robin

My love Maria,
I love you. I know maybe you'll find it hard to believe me if I tell you how much you mean to me. I could hardly understand what I feel for you, knowing how to endure long sleepless nights just thinking only of you. I've never been like this before. I just don't know how to pour out my feelings for you. I wanted to find the perfect words to make you realize how much I need you and love you, but words continue to elude me, what would they be? I'm sure it should be heartfelt and out of the ordinary; every time I think of you, the words came out the same… I love you! My love I also track the packet this evening and it seems the packet has cleared in Dubai as the courier manager told me that the packet will be on transit until it's get to you in Italy.Let me know as soon as you receive the packet and make sure you keep the money inside the packet safe until I come over to Italy. warmth kiss. I love you always and forever. Brigadier Robin
Hello my love Maria,
I have gone through the forwarded email from the courier agent Dr.Orlando. I have not been having rest of mind since ever I receive the message.My love in the message I noticed that the packet has placed on hold in Indonesia and the customs demands for clearance before they can allow it to cross their baggage and also give only few days to clear the packet.My love I am so worried and restless about this information because there's huge amount of money and other valuables inside the packet which I don’t want the customs authority to tamper with it.The wost of it now is that I cannot send money out from this country,either by bank transfer or western union money transfer due to the situation of the country.My love consider the things inside the packet and try as much as you can and send the 1120 euros so that the packet will be cleared from Indonesian authorities and delivered to you.I would have resolved the problem myself by sending the money to the courier agent but there’s no how I can send money out from the country that is why everything is confusing now. Please my love try to do something; please write and ask the agent how and where you will make the payment.I will be expecting to hear good news from you soon. I love you always and forever. Brigadier Robin

My love Maria,
If you read and understand my kind of person you will know that if I have any possibility means of sending the money to Dr.Orlando I would have done it since without wasting of time because I really want the packet to be released from the authorities because of the huge amount and other valuable things I put inside the packet.My love please you should try as much as you can to look for the 3900 euros and send to Dr.Orlando so that the packet will be release and delivered to you for me to have rest of mind.My love I can't even concentrate on my job as the packet have not delivered to you and it's not good due to the nature of my job.The friends I have was during my school days,all my friends now was here in desert camp and I lost the contact of my elder brother who is in England. I am totally confuse,please look for someone who can lend us the money so that as soon as you receive the packet you open it and repay the person and keep the rest of the money safe until I come over to Italy. I expect to hear good news from you soon.I love you always and forever. Brigadier Robin
My love Maria,
I am fine, is just that I'm very busy this day due to the situation of the country.Anyway I am happy when I read down your message and found out that after the little illness you got better.My love you shouldn't be scared,all will be fine.I receive the same message from Dr.Orlando that the authorities are waiting to confirm the money into their account before he can proceed to deliver the packet to you.I just pray that the money will enter into the account by tomorrow so that all this will be over for us to have rest of mind.My love English is a very simple language, and I believe that you will understand it within a month immediately I come into Italy.You take my breath away with some of the things you say.My love for you is so strong that even I don't always realize how much I love you and cherish you.You are so unbelievably perfect. And you are the perfect wife,friend,human being I ever meet.I adore you and everything about you.You are my soul mate and I will be so happy the day that I get to walk down the aisle and say,I love you, Maria, and don't you ever forget that because soon we shall be together. I love you always and forever. Brigadier Robin

Immagine di [email protected]

Attn: Mrs.Maria xxx,


I have been trying to reach you on phone to inform you that your parcel has been withheld in Jakarta Indonesia during parcels routine checking and screening by the Indonesian Customs. The Indonesian Authorities after negotiations are requesting for a Customs Clearance Certificate from the Customs and Excise Indonesia and a Tax Declaration Certificate here signed by the Commissioner before your parcel will be released and allowed to cross the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (CGK), Indonesia.

The Indonesian customs authorities declared that the required Certificate has to be attached to your parcel to back it up legally before it will cross their terminal. They also declared that your parcel is an International package termed as parcel on transit based on the rules and regulations of Indonesian International Monetary Control Board, such items must be attached with a Customs Clearance Certificate and Tax Declaration Certificate.

According to the inquiries made today at the Custom headquarters here in Indonesia, the Customs Public Relations Officer informed that it will cost some money to procure the Clearance Certificate and Tax Declaration Certificate. Based on the information, the cost of both Certificates is stated below;

TOTAL ...................... 1120 EUROS

You are hereby advised in your own interest to send the required fees immediately today for the procurement of the Certificate and present to the Indonesian Authorities for clearance and release of your parcel to avoid further complications. Note very careful that the authorities has warned that failure to tender the required Certificate on or before Friday 19th April 2013 will result to seize and confiscate your parcel with a report attached to it as unclaimed parcel.

Upon receipt of the fees ( 1120.00 EUROS), I will proceed ahead to sort everything out with the Customs and Excise to have the Certificate procured on your behalf and present to the Indonesian Authorities to facilitate the release of your parcel and then continue with the delivery to your destination address in ITALY as requested.

Be informed that you will receive your parcel within 24 hours immediately the payment information of the above fee was received.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.

A: Maria xxx
Immagine di [email protected]

Attn: Mrs.xxx,


This is to acknowledge the receipt of your message and the content therein.Therefore,bellow is the account information provided by the Indonesian Customs Authorities, where the required fee 1120 EUROS will be transferred:

ACCOUNT NUMBER : 8705135157

I will also advise in your best interest to send the fee through WESTERN UNION Money transfer if possible with the account name ( JAKARTA INDONESIA) due to the urgency it demand to avoid more delay.

Await your urgent response to enable me rectify the problem with the Customs and commence with the delivery without further delay.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.

A: xx
Immagine di [email protected]

Attn: Mrs.xxx,


The money you sent was received and it was very late,therefore I will surely conclude with the Authority by tomorrow morning and get back to you on the time of arrival in ITALY for delivery.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.

A: xxx
Immagine di [email protected]

Attn: Mrs.xxx,


This morning as I was about to carried on the delivery of your parcel after it has been cleared from the Customs Terminal,I got stopped by the Police as per routine stop over by the Police regulation section that is responsible for identifying and preventing drug trafficking.

Note that the Police regulation section are requesting for a POLICE REPORT from the Police Headquarters here in Indonesia signed by the Police Commissioner before your parcel will be released and allowed to cross the Jakarta Indonesia Airport to ITALY.

The Police officer said that your parcel has to be attached with POLICE REPORT, and the said document has to be secured here in Indonesia to back up your parcel legally. I made inquiry this morning at the Police Headquarters here in Indonesia, the Police Public Relations Officer said that the cost of the Police Report is 3900 EUROS;

(POLICE REPORT .......... 3900 EUROS)

Your urgent response is highly needed to enable me sort everything out on the Police Headquarters today and have these documents procured and forward to Police regulation section,and proceed with the delivery of your parcel to your destination address in ITALY.

You are hereby advised in your own interest to send the required fees immediately to avoid further complications.

waiting for your urgent response as soon as possible.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.

A: xxx
Immagine di [email protected]

Attn: Mrs.xxx,


Bellow is the account information provided by the Indonesian Police Headquarters, where the required fee 3,900 EUROS will be transferred:

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3422753777

Madam,you are advise in your best interest to avoid more delay to enable me concluded with the Police regulation section and continue with the delivery without further delay.

Await your urgent response as well as scan copy of the payment slip.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.

A: xxx

Attn: Mrs.xxx,


This is to inform you that the Police regulation section has confirm the money this afternoon. However, we are on the process of releasing your parcel and I will get back to you by tomorrow morning immediately I concluded with the Authorities for delivery.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.

A: xxx

Attn: Mrs.xxx,


This is to acknowledge the receipt of your message and the context well understood. However I wish to notify you that I receive almost the same message content from your husband, explaining about your financial situation.

Be informed that if it’s on my power to stop Indonesian Authorities from inspecting your parcel, I would have done that since without wasting my time over here in Indonesia. I tried all I can to ensure that the case was resolved but all to no avail.

Anyway, I called my friend from Dubai for money luckily to me he promise to lend me 3000 EUROS which he said that it will be available on Monday morning. Therefore you have to try and send the balance of 4650 EUROS as soon as possible to enable me rectify the problem to avoid opening your parcel by the Customs Authorities.

Madam, you have to avoid delay on this issue no matter what it takes you to raise the 4650 EUROS so that your parcel will be release from the Authorities, because it’s not good to inspect it considering the content of the parcel.

Await your urgent and positive response soon.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.

A: xxx

Attn: Mrs.xxx,


I wish to relay to you that this morning I receive a memo from the customs custody due to so much delay on clearing your parcel. The authorities declared that your parcel has to be inspect before I can carry on the delivery to your address in ITALY and as the argument was going on about an hour I decided to notify you because I don’t want the parcel to be opened based on the content.

Be informed that after much argument with the Authorities, they requested for None Inspection fee of 7650 EURO or else the parcel will be inspect and examine the real content.

Based on the above information, you are hereby advised in your best interest to act fast on this matter as the authorities has given a mandate of only 72hours from now or else your parcel will be Inspect/opened which I am trying to avoid because of the content to avoid losing the parcel.

Therefore, I hereby advised you to send the required fees as soon as possible to avoid opening of the parcel by the Indonesian Authorities.

I sincerely apologize for this unexpected inconvenience and will be waiting for your positive response.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.

A: Mxxx

Attn: xxx,


I don't expect such message from you because if actually you read my last message very well,I don't think you will be saying all this.I told you how I explain this situation to my friend before he he can be able to agreed to lend me this 3000 EUROS which he promise to send by tomorrow morning and you are there asking for more. Do you think that I reside here in Indonesia? I am here just for the sake of this parcel under my own expensise and you never think of it, what you did is to be saying how you where promise and fail as if am the one asking you for money.

Madam listen and listen very good, if you do not send the balance of 4650 EUROS on or before Thursday 2nd May,have it in mind that you will lose your parcel because there's nothing I can do to retrieve the parcel from Indonesian Authorities as I cannot be against their law.

Therefore you should take note of that to avoid unnecessary blamed,because it seems you did not appreciate all my help and suffering here pleading just to ensure that your parcel will be protected.

Once again Thursday was the last day giving by the Authority or else your parcel will be inspect and is likely that it will be seized if it happen that they open it and saw the content which I am trying to avoid.

You are advise in your best interest to send the 4650 EUROS on or before Thursday to enable me resolve the problem and continue with the delivery to your home address in ITALY without further delay.

Await your urgent and positive response soon.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.

A: xxx

Attn: Mrs.Mxxx,


I am in receipt of your message and the content therein noted. However, I wish to notify you that the payment should be made to the same account details as instructed by the Authorities:

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3422753777

Be informed that you will definitely receive your parcel to your home address immediately the Police regulation section confirm the 4,650 EUROS into the account without further delay.

Await the scan copy of the payment slip as soon as possible.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.

A: xxx

Attn: Mrs.xxx

The attached payment receipt was well received and have as well submitted to the Police regulation section.

Therefore I will surely update you with good news as soon as they confirm the 4,650 Euors into the account to inform you when I will arrive in ITALY.

Thanks in antiception for your co-operation.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.

A: xxx
Attn: Mrs.xx,


I wish to inform you that the Authorities are still waiting for the reflection of the money to enable them process the release of your parcel.

Note that I have as well notify your husband about it and I will surely update you as soon as they confirm the money and inform you when I will arrive to your home address in ITALY for delivery.

Therefore you should be very close to your address for the information.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.

A: xxx

Attn: Mrs.xxx


This is to notify you that the Authorities has confirm the 4,650 EUROS into the account this morning,I will get back to you upon conclusion with the Authority and update you on my arrival to your home address in ITALY.

Will keep you posted soon.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.

A: xxx

Attn: Mrs.xxx


These unexpected issue enrose this morning after clearing your parcel from the Police regulation section.However it is important that you art fast to avoid accumulating of more days which will resort increasing of the money.

You should understand that I am on transit here in Indonesia, as such I don't have any right to interupt the Authorities on their operational regulations.

Therefore you are hereby advise in your best interest to comply and inform me when the money will be available so that I will help you and sign the stop over here in their office to avoid counting more days which might increase the fees.

Madam,I really apologize for the inconveniences this might cause you and advise you to respond as soon as possible and indicate when you will send the 3,528 EUROS to enable me plead with the Authorities to know if they can give few days.

Note that there's no how your parcel can be release without paying for the demurage and I do not have any means to remove the parcel from their office,so you should try by all mean to see that you send the 3,528 EUROS to enable me continue the delivery to your address without further delay.

Await your positive response soon.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.

A: xxx

Attn: Mrs.xxx,


Your message was well received. However I have submitted the payment slip to the Authorities.

Therefore I will definitely keep you posted upon confirmation of the 3,920 EUROS,into their account.

Thanks in anticipation for your co-operation.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.

A: xxx

Attn: Mrs.xxx


This is to acknowledge the receipt of your message and the content therein.Be informed that immediately the Authorities confirm the 3,920 EUROS into their account on Thursday,I will definitely be in ITALY on Saturday for delivery.

Therefore I will keep you posted on my time of arrival as soon as they confirmed that the money is reflected into the account.

Thanks in anticipation for your co-operation.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.

A: xxx

Attn: Mrs.xxx


I am in receipt of your message and the content well noted. However, the reason why you have not heard from me is because the Indonesian Authorities has not yet confirm the 3,920 EUROS into their account. Hopefully the money will reflect into the account by tomorrow.

I will definitely keep you posted as soon as the Authority confirmed that the 3,920 EUROS has reflected into the account and I will as well update you on the time of my arrival to your home address for delivery.

Stay tuned for an update.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.

A: xxx

Attn: Mrs


I wish to notify you that the 3,920 EUROS has reflected and the Authorities has confirm it into their account this morning.

Therefore I will update you on the time of my arrival in your home address upon conclusion with the Indonesian Authorities.

I will keep you posted as soon as possible.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.
Attn: Mrs.


I wish to inform you that after much deliberation the Chairman of the board refused and insisted that your parcel must be scanned before they can release it for me to continue with the delivery to your home address due to so much delay on their custody.

As your parcel was scanned by the chairman of the board, he found out that there's huge amount of money and other valuables inside your parcel. Madam,the total amount found inside your parcel was 1,500,6000.00 EUROS, (One Million Five Hundred and Sixty Thousand EUROS).

It has come to the notice of Indonesian Authority through their intelligence unit,that your parcel contain huge sum of (One Million Five Hundred and Sixty Thousand EUROS). The said postage after due investigation was scanned on 5th MAY 2013 contrary to Article 102,section 36 subsection of the 1995 allied matters act,schedule 1,guiding against money laundry and Article 17,sub section 28 of 2001 Anti Terrorist Act,guiding against all terrorists activities stipulate by Indonesian law.

Madam,the consequences of the shipment of such huge sum of money outside country without complying fully with the provision of the Law/Anti Terrorist regulation and provision of Monetary charter which stipulates that any amount of such magnitude must carry a Certified Anti Terrorist which will duly Guarantee and cover the parcel as being legitimately acquired devoid of terrorist/money laundry.

By virtue of the power conferred on me and in my capacity as sole Agent I negotiated with the Authorities for immediate release of your parcel and the chairman of the board said that you must tender the Anti Terrorist/ Clearance for such amount to seek appropriate clearance for the parcel and the amount inside with fee of (28000 EUROS) Twenty Eight Thousand Euros Only. Failure for the beneficiary to comply with this,the parcel will be seized and impounded as a content of laundered or Terrorist money.

Note that the said fund has been therefore placed on hold and postage of the said parcel is hereby prohibited until the parcel is duly cleared from their office or else legal action will be taken against any contrary act.You as the beneficiary is hereby advised to apply for your visit in Indonesia or send the required fee of 28000 EUROS,whereby you cannot fly to Indonesia.

I anticipate your co-operation and regret any inconvenience this might cause you.The postage will be approved to be released to carried out to your destination home address in ITALY without any hesitation immediately you send the 28000 EUROS.

Attached to this message are the scan copy of your parcel from the Indonesian Authorities for your perusal.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.
Attn: Mrs.


This is to acknowledge the receipt of your message and the content therein. However I wish to inform you that it is not possible for me to open your parcel and take the 28,000 EUROS, for the security of your parcel.I guess these will not happen in ITALY because all that I face here in Indonesia has covered everything until it's get to your destination home address.

Be informed that your parcel contain huge sum of money as such it not advisable to open it without you being the beneficiary. Therefore I will advise, in your best interest to art fast on this issue and send the required fee of 28,000 EUROS, to avoid seized and impounded your parcel as a content of laundered or Terrorist money.

Note,that your parcel was not open,it was just scanned and the amount and other valuables inside showed on their system and I have as well pleading on your behalf since morning due to your explanation to me, before the Authority agreed on reducing the fee to 28,000 EUROS. Be informed that as your parcel has been scanned,it's not good keeping it here for so long considering the content in it, therefore you should try as much as you can and send the required 28,000 EUROS immediately so that I will rectify the matter and continue the delivery to your home address ASAP.

Madam your urgent and positive response is highly needed to enable the Authorities approved your parcel to be released and carried out to your home address in ITALY without any hesitation.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.


Attn: Mrs.


This is to acknowledge the receipt of your message and the content therein. However, I wish to notify you that the agreement has made today the 5th of MAY by Indonesian Authorities and they have extend days to 20th of MAY 2013 to forward the payment slip of 19000.00 EUROS,else the parcel will be confiscated.

Therefore you are advise in your best interest to comply as agreed and send the balance of 19000.00 EUROS on or before the giving date to avoid seized and impounded your parcel as a content of laundered or Terrorist money.

Note that the 9000.00 EUROS has been received this morning as promised and I have deposited it to the Authorities as well.

Await your positive response as soon as possible.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.

Attn: Mrs.


This is to acknowledge the receipt of your message and the content therein. However, I wish to notify you that the agreement has made today the 13th of MAY by Indonesian Authorities and they have extend days to 20th of MAY 2013 to forward the payment slip of 19000.00 EUROS,else the parcel will be confiscated.

Therefore you are advise in your best interest to comply as agreed and send the balance of 19000.00 EUROS on or before the giving date to avoid seized and impounded your parcel as a content of laundered or Terrorist money.

Note that the 9000.00 EUROS has been received this morning as promised and I have deposited it to the Authorities as well.

Await your positive response as soon as possible.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.
[Mantieni il messaggio nella parte superiore della Posta in arrivo]

Attn: Mrs.


I am in receipt of your message and the content therein. However I wish to relay to you that it has made to my understanding by Indonesian Authorities that upon receipt of the complete fee of 19000 EUROS, that your parcel and
scanning receipt
will be stamped which will empower your parcel not to be stopped by any agency until it gets to your destination.

Madam,you don't have to be worried about your parcel anymore,it will surely get to your home address immediately after you send the balance of 19000 EUROS,and it will not be stopped by any agency until it's hand over to you.

Therefore I will advise you to avoid delay in sending the required fee considering the giving date to enable me rectify the problem with the Authorities and continue the delivery to your home address as requested.

Await your urgent and positive response as soon as possible.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.
[Mantieni il messaggio nella parte superiore della Posta in arrivo]

Attn: Mrs.

Sometimes you write as if you did not understood my message very well. I told you in my previous message that the agreement has made by Indonesian Authorities and they extend the days to 20th of MAY 2013 to forward the payment slip of 19000.00 EUROS,else the parcel will be confiscated.

Madam,you should understand that I cannot go contrary to their rules and regulation,I'm an ordinary delivering agent trying my best to ensure that your parcel will not be seized and impounded by the Indonesian Authorities as a content of laundered or Terrorist money.

Therefore you are advise to comply according to the giving date to avoid losing your parcel.

Await your positive responses as soon as possible.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.
[Mantieni il messaggio nella parte superiore della Posta in arrivo]
Attn: Mrs.


I am in receipt of your message and the content therein.However,I wish to assure you that nothing will happen to your parcel if you send the 19000 EUROS on or before 20th MAY 2013.

But I nust inform you that coming personally to bring the money in Indonesia will complicate the issue because I know how I pleaded on your behalf before the Authorities agreed on reducing the money to 28000 EUROS, because of the amount found in your parcel, so note that if you are here,you are going spend more than you expected.

Therefore I advise in your best interest to made the transfer and forward the payment slip and I will finalize with the Authorities and continue the delivery to home address in ITALY without further delay.

Await positive response soon.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.

[Mantieni il messaggio nella parte superiore della Posta in arrivo]

Attn: Mrs.


I am in receipt of your message and the content therein.However,I wish to assure you that nothing will happen to your parcel if you send the 19000 EUROS on or before 20th MAY 2013.

But I nust inform you that coming personally to bring the money in Indonesia will complicate the issue because I know how I pleaded on your behalf before the Authorities agreed on reducing the money to 28000 EUROS, because of the amount found in your parcel, so note that if you are here,you are going spend more than you expected.

Therefore I advise in your best interest to made the transfer and forward the payment slip and I will finalize with the Authorities and continue the delivery to home address in ITALY without further delay.

Await positive response soon.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.

[Mantieni il messaggio nella parte superiore della Posta in arrivo]

Attn: Mrs.


Your message was received and the content well understood. However,I have already informed the executive officer that you will send the payment slip by tomorrow.

Therefore you should not fail to do as promise to avoid siezing your parcel by the Authorities.

Await your positive response soon.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.

[Mantieni il messaggio nella parte superiore della Posta in arrivo]

Attn: Mrs,


I can see that you are out of your senses writing this stupid message to me,sending me to go and meet your friend.What do you think I am? Maybe you think I have interest in your money.Well,I replied this message just for the sake of your husband and don't ever send any message again to me because you are ungreatful being,after all I have done to save your parcel,you did not appreciate it.

For your information I have forward this nonsense message you sent to your husband because I can't tolerate it,telling me to meet your friend in a hotel, for what? Do you think I am here for pleasure? You are very stupid and foolish womnan I ever meet.

Be informed that you are already going to lose this parcel due to your stupidity,because if at all you have senses you would have know how to receive the money from your so called friend and send it to the Authorities here in Indonesia.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.

Universal Courier Company
[Mantieni il messaggio nella parte superiore della Posta in arrivo]
A: xx
Immagine di Universal Courier Company

Attn: Mrs.xxx,


I wish to inform you that your husband email me and told me your present financial condition on raising the required fee of 19000 EUROS. I have also explain the whole situation to Indonesian Authorities luckily they agreed on extending more day to send the money.

Therefore I have as well contacted my friend and he promise to send 11000 EUROS by next week,so you should try by all means to raise the balance of 8000 EUROS to enable me finalize with the Authorities and continue the delivery to your address in ITALY without further delay.

Await your positive response as soon as possible.

Yours Faithfully
Dr.Orlando Dolo.
My love .?

Robin Fredrick

A: xxx
Immagine di Robin Fredrick
My love xxx,
I am so worried as I have not heard from you since my last message.YOU!! Stay strong my love, and I will always love you. Because my love for you won't change in a year - or - twenty, not even a life time. It is you and me, x, forever. My love remember that I have never truly lived until the day I received your love.Please don't do this to me because my heart goes for you and I can't do without you.My love today Dr.Orlando gave me good news that his friend has promise to lend him 11000 euros by Monday or Tuesday,I am doing all this to prove to those enemy of progress that what they think between our relationship is very wrong.You are my soul mate and I will love you till end of time.Warmth kiss.I love you always and forever.
Brigadier Robin.
by began steele Sat May 25, 2013 6:23 am
http://www.universalcourier-company.tk/ Will be reported as a fake site to be shut down. It has been shut down before and has re-emerged.

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3422753777
SWIFT CODE: CENAIDJA Will be reported for fraud and closure.
He is using stolen photos one of which is Curtis Scaparrotti.
See here for more information.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by marygrace Sat May 25, 2013 7:31 am
Thank you so much for the help you are giving me. Do you think there's any chance of being able to recover at least some of the money I paid to those scammers? I am desperate. I deluded that everything was true and I was hoping for a better life. In order to pay all that money I borrowed money from people I know because that crook told me that I could return it with interest and I believed him. He said he wanted to invest the money he had sent here, buy a house for us. I have deluded it was true. I have a mortgage on my house and many other financial problems that I had explained it well at that crook. I had a car accident that left me with 3 fractures in the spine and I lost my job. I told all these things to that crook and he told me he would protect me and helped. I had no one who could help me. I had a son that I grew up alone. I was desperate and this person I found a hope for a better future for me and my son. Instead, I have destroyed my life and now I have no desire to live.
by TerranceBoyce Sat May 25, 2013 9:12 am
I expect that the name on the first account you were given identifies the scammer

ACCOUNT NUMBER : 8705135157

... and from a quick look the second account look as if it belongs to an Indonesian 'model'.

Don't pin your hopes on getting your money back marygrace. That would be an unrealistic expectation. Nothing can repair the harm and damage the scammer has done to you. All you can do is come to terms with what has happened to you. We've all suffered our own tragedies and you have to find a way to cope and get over them.

The promises that the scammer feeds you gives you a high and the realisation that it's all lies brings you down. It's tough to face along with all your other problems, but it's the start of the healing process. Maybe some other victims can add their experience. Meanwhile we'll see what we can do to identify this scum.

CAR ADVERTS - If a car seller mentions escrow - he's scamming you Never ever for any reason pay anything until you have seen and inspected the vehicle
by marygrace Sat May 25, 2013 10:35 am
I knew nothing of all this. It 's the first time that such a thing happens to me. In this period I was very fragile because of all the bad things in life and this Brigadier Robin looked so sweet and kind it seemed sincere. I never thought that it was a scam. His wickedness was really immense. I thought he was in the midst of war in Kabul wrote him every day and I tried to comfort him. His answers were sweet and told me that I was in love with me and wanted to share the rest of life with me. If you do read all the letters you would understand that would fool any woman, not just me. She begged me to pay the Indonesian authorities not to lose the package because there were so many things of value. I begged him not to lose everything he had sent and I stupid stupid stupid I asked the whole world to lend me some money because I am poor and I only had the money for the insurance reimbursement of the car crash.
Now I have lost everything. In order to pay even I sold the gold objects of the baptism of my son and now I can only regret that also. But I really think you can change my life with that money but above all with the love of the soldier who was so in love and so good to see.
Now I'm desperate and do not know what to do. I have no job, no money, I have nothing more. I just really want to die and no longer exist.
I really need help. Here I do not have anyone to help me. I'm desperate, so desperate. How do I live and move forward after the world I fell apart?
by began steele Sat May 25, 2013 1:09 pm
This scammer is everywhere.
http://archive.lovingyou.com/content/in ... php?ID=889
I truly feel blessed that you have become a part of my life and I cannot wait for the day that we can join our lives together. I want to lie next to you at night and fall asleep, only to wake to your beautiful smile. I want to share in your joys and sorrows.
10 Scammer reports on the first search page alone, with this one from SW as Brad Hilliard, viewtopic.php?f=26&p=46769
Text searches find many of the text passages comes from the above site
Most of the endearing lines are stolen text, the few there arethat is , and the bulk of all of it is to do with the scam setup, and even in the scam the scammer sends abuse. Of course it's the scammer pretending to be different people but the abusiveness shows this ones true persona.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by marygrace Sat May 25, 2013 2:47 pm
This thug is convinced that I do not know that he is a crook and continues to write even making requests for money. I pretend to nothing because I want to still keep your account active so that the police might be able to arrest him as soon as possible. Some people deserve to suffer the pains of hell. The same punishments that I'm going through now that I have your life ruined because of him. The wickedness of some people exceeds all limits. It is not right what they do. They take advantage of the fragility of people already tested by a difficult life.
by began steele Sat May 25, 2013 3:19 pm
Don't worry Mary. Please tell him nothing. We have some experts giving him attention and a "new love" to concentrate on. I won't say more, but life for him on this particular scam is going to be a bit tougher. Please do not contact the criminal again.Do not answer him as it will achieve nothing. I know it is tough, but I hope you will not be beaten down by this lowlife. I say "LOWLIFE " but really he is a subhuman. I wish we could get you money back but we can't, and you may find someone who emails and says they can. It is another scam. Never send money due to an internet contact ever again, because the mention of it is a scam. Now you need your friends, and as for the money they gave you, it is gone. I hope you are being honest with them and solve the problems. If they are friends then they will appreciate the situation and write it off and help you. You have us here at the back end of support so do not hesitate to ask.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by marygrace Sun May 26, 2013 7:11 am
Thank you so much for your help. But for me, the nightmare is not over yet. The people to whom I had asked to borrow money are persecuting me and I am exhausted. This life is a living hell and I can no longer live. I do not know how to do, I'm really desperate. I hope so much that those criminals are taken and that they end their lives in prison. I feel as if the world had collapsed on him. They are psychologically destroyed. I was heartbroken and I lack the will to live.
by began steele Sun May 26, 2013 3:03 pm
I am glad you discover your friends Mary. I am as sorry it is in such circumstances. However take this snip of life as it arrives and move on. Now it is not worth giving up due to a filthy dirty piece of shit. Just know that we are doing as much as possible to make life harder for this animal. We are looking for someone to see you if possible.
I don't expect they lost as much as you did, but you were scammed and they got caught up in it too. I would suggest attempting to chase banks for the money back. It is a small shot. If the accounts are criminal and shut for fraud it's possible there is money there if the scammer thought he was safe. I would suggest asking. The banks have the records and the connections back to you, so go for it. Get the answers you want. I will tell you the results of this closure attack once I know. Please be patient a while. You are being looked after by very many fraud experts on this site and others. We are here for this reason. We cannot guarantee you can get money back. If it is Western Union transfer- no chances, but via a bank a slightly better chance than nothing. Don't be optimistic about this. A cat in hell has 9 lives so maybe it means using 8.75 of them here. Don't hold your breathe.
Last edited by began steele on Sun May 26, 2013 3:46 pm, edited 3 times in total.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by marygrace Sun May 26, 2013 3:22 pm
Unfortunately, my life was already ruined by all the great misfortunes that have happened to me over the years. Illness, accident, major problems of work, mortgage on the house, so many things really disastrous. Then I met this thug who for months has made me deceive, made ??me believe that my life would finally be changed. I did make a pile of debt with people assuring me that soon I would come the money he had sent and that I could return all the money to the people who had lent them to me and then told me that finally my life would change in rather, he wanted to stay the rest of his life with me and so on. I stupid stupid stupid I believed him. I need to hope that the sun would give me a little 'light too. Instead he just gave the death of the heart and of my soul.
by began steele Sun May 26, 2013 4:23 pm
HEY HEY HEY! You are not stupid Mary. You are a victim of a loathsome criminal. The moment you came here you joined the nicest bunch of friends and fraud experts possible. I am married to one of them as a result of doing this stuff. So now can we attempt to help fix problems please? We can't get money back or perform miracles. We can make sure you are OK. The money is not important, BUT YOU ARE, and you will survive the problems caused. We can try to point you in directions that will assist you. You may get personal messages. From my end, things are going well with the scammer, but not as he would like. You can PM me or the Mods here.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.

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