by badlybitten
Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:16 pm
I was approached by Dr. Giovanni Amal Devanand on a dating site. I was approached on 4-21-13 and he told me "he was born in, Kent – Kent United Kingdom, but originated from Delhi India, but came back to the India with my parents at the age of 6. I left United Kingdom at the age of 16 to attend school in Paris, France. I lived in Paris for 6 years before relocating to Robert Gordon University Aberdeen Scotland where I had my Masters. Then after, my long stay abroad makes people to say I have French accent. This is all I can remember now that I have not told you but as long as I remember anything about me." One thing led to another and then he is telling me he is a surgeon for the United Nations stationed in Kabul, and contract coming to an end and wants to settle in San Francisco. However, before coming to San Francisco, he has to make a trip to Sudan. Sends me an email on letterhead with a copy of contract that he is going to purchase medical equipment for the Sudanese government and will receive $5million after it is all said and done. Underestimate shipping charges, need $$$, mother sick, and apparently dies, package in customs of the payment from the Sudan govt, need more money to get a diplomat to deliver the package to me. Claims he has a 21 year old daughter in college in London. multiple other times, need additional money to customs and lawyer and clearance certificates. Finally the red light went on in my head, don't think i will see a penny of my money. There were plenty of warning signs along the way, but i was totally blind. He is still waiting on me to send him additional $$$$. Keep beating myself over the head but it is all water under the bridge. Just want to warn other ladies on dating sites to please be careful.