Bank Accounts - We are offering our services on eBay, Craigslist and Kijiji which are the largest marketplaces in the world. We can handle a certain number of transactions per Bank Account and we often assign Business Bank Accounts from United Kingdom or Canada, places where we have locations and the number of transactions is not that high. We know that time is of the essence, especially in transactions such as this, so we are doing everything in order to handle all transactions as fast and secure as possible.
How extraordinary.
Firstly - it's only a foreign bank account if you don't happen to be British or Canadian. By logical deduction this clause appears to be aimed primarily at non-British and non-Canadians, presumably Americans.
The only Escrow service approved by eBay is Only use
Quite why foreign bank accounts would be used with a limitation of transactions on each one, suggesting that a variety of accounts are being used which is mystifying, particularly as the provision of Escrow services in the UK requires registration with the FCA (formerly the FSA).
The UK police advise follow these rules when dealing with an escrow service:
Only deal with an escrow service listed on the FSA online register as an Authorised Payment Institution.
Escrow services listed on the FSA register as Small Payment Institutions do not offer the same level of protection and security as FCA (formerly the FSA) Authorised Payment Institutions.
If the name of a website is not listed exactly on the FSA online register, then do not use it – it is almost certainly a scam and fraud. Even one letter difference means a fraudulent escrow website.
Make sure that you are using a secure web site. Look for a green address bar showing the exact name of the company you are trading with and web address url beginning HTTPS:
Never trust a phone-call or email, even from a genuine escrow service. A genuine escrow service will never give you payment instructions over the phone or by email – only on their secure website
I presume it isn't FCA registered as it's a requirement that details of its registration are included on the website, which makes it puzzling as to why an unregistered escrow service is being operated through British bank accounts, rendering them liable to getting shut down whenever they are used. Perhaps that's why multiple accounts are being used and only taking a few transactions each.
If a US escrow company is operating like this and doesn't use US bank accounts I would have major concerns.