by sporeacco
Wed May 12, 2010 5:04 am
Just checked my email account and found there is a post delivery failure there. Also there appears some other email sent out from my email account.
By clicking the 'post delivery failure' out it seems that someone took my email to send out rubbish advertising mail . Interesting things here is that it was forwarded to 2 expatforum and singaporeexpatforum plus the 'tantongnee(spelling correct?)' and another landlord in Singapore I approached to recently'. However, 2-3 of my friends are sent the exactly the same content email to as well.
I reported to the Hotmail management team for this issue already.
Does anyone ever encounter such thing? Does that mean that email account is hijacked?
Thank you for any input.
By clicking the 'post delivery failure' out it seems that someone took my email to send out rubbish advertising mail . Interesting things here is that it was forwarded to 2 expatforum and singaporeexpatforum plus the 'tantongnee(spelling correct?)' and another landlord in Singapore I approached to recently'. However, 2-3 of my friends are sent the exactly the same content email to as well.
I reported to the Hotmail management team for this issue already.
Does anyone ever encounter such thing? Does that mean that email account is hijacked?
Thank you for any input.