The scammer's basic kit; photos of widows and orphans, passports, certificates and court documents, all guaranteed 100% fake or stolen
by scorpionqueen Wed Dec 14, 2016 2:08 pm
I have been talking to this man, claiming he is in Afghanistan. He says i will have to get a military wife document for $480 so that i will get access to his money and benefits and that we must have that document to get married eventually. I think it sounds funny to pay that kind of money for a document.?? What really requries if you gonna marry an army man and you want him home with you??

by AlanJones Wed Dec 14, 2016 2:18 pm
To marry anyone, you need to have physically met them - anyone who claims that you will be their wife if you pay a few hundred dollars to buy a bit of paper is scamming you.

Please post the details of this "soldier" that you have been talking to, his name, email address any other email addresses that he has referred you to and an example of some of his emails. This will help the other victims that he is currently chatting to and trying to steal from.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by scorpionqueen Wed Dec 14, 2016 2:40 pm
His name is Scott Helmick, and he claims to be in Afghanistan. We do our contact through Viber and not thrug mail, so i dont have his email. But his phonenumber is; +16465983691.
He also claims to have an adopted son called Ridwan (age 17) in Nigeria. He have tried to get me to pay for his exam a few weeks now, so his son can finish school. Ridwan and I talk thrug Whatsapp and his number is:
+234 814 075 9534

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