The scammer's basic kit; photos of widows and orphans, passports, certificates and court documents, all guaranteed 100% fake or stolen
by shaneilene Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:45 am
Offer Letter & Contract Agreement From Petit Palace Londres. 1
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Petit Palace Londres



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Monday, August 15, 2011 8:16 PM
Message body
Dear *******************************,

It is of utmost importance to inform you that after the screening and scrutiny of your Curriculum Vitae with other verification procedures carried out, Petit Palace Londres Madrid were able to resolve the status of your application.

On this note, we hereby congratulates you on the success of your application and as such we have attached to you the Offer Letter/Terms of Agreement that transcends any written document.

You are therefore required to follow these procedures IMMEDIATELY so as to complete your employment formalities.

You are required to present an NIE NUMBER (Número de Identidad de Extranjero) and a Residency card (Tarjeta de Residence Comunitario) which must be procured from the National Police here in Spain through the company accredited Attorney, As this is in line with 17.6 Article 11.2 of the Petit Palace Londres constitutional policy and code of conduct which you must adhere to, Below is the contact information of the Immigration attorney whom you are to contact immediately for assistance on procuring your NIE NUMBER (Número de Identidad de Extranjero) and a Residency card (Tarjeta de Residence Comunitario).

Note: All employees are expected to bear the cost of procurement of their NIE NUMBER (Número de Identidad de Extranjero) and a Residency card (Tarjeta de Residence Comunitario) because this will enable the company to provide free work permit visa to Non EU citizens on confirmation of the NIE NUMBER & Residency card.

Kindly contact Gemina Overseas Advisers immediately for assistance on procuring your NIE NUMBER /Residency card.

Contact Person: Barr. Luis Escriva (Esq.)
Gemina Overseas Advisers.
Address: Robert Aguilo 52-A, Tarragona,Spain.
Phone: +34672889233, + 34 977 21206
E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected]

You are required to furnish us copies of your NIE NUMBER /Residency card on or before 26th day of August 2011. Also for further queries, clarifications regarding this offer you are to contact the Careers Department for more guidelines. Any clarification sent outside the Human Resources department will not be treated and clarified.

We hereby once more congratulate you on the success of your application amongst many that have applied and thereby instruct you to expedite all requirements as aforementioned so as to be able to meet the team before the deadline.


Mr. Oliver Gray
Human Resources Coordinator,
Petit Palace Londres Hotels
Madrid, Spain
E-mail:[email protected]

by jolly_roger Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:26 pm
Hi shaneilene. Just hold the horses! Am I correct in thinking the employment offer is in Spain?
Just had a quick look at the phone number and the page here is intersting.

In relation to phone number 34-672-889-233
Date:19 Jan 2011
A poster wrote - <Letter from a Spanish lawyer wanting to go halves with me in a 7.5 mill euro inheritance.
Caller: belzuz & belzuz associates.>

Another poster writes on 25 Jan 2011
<Hi I just received the same letter today, was slightly excited for a minute then realised it sounded to good to be true, thanks everyone for sharing your info to help everyone else out
Caller: belzuz>
And the same sought of comments are spread over two pages.
There are other unsavoury comments on another webpage too.
I would be treading most carefully.
by Dotti Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:36 pm
It's a scam.

This is the key piece right here:
Kindly contact Gemina Overseas Advisers immediately for assistance on procuring your NIE NUMBER /Residency card

The scammer, who is also playing the role of the "Adviser" (also note the free email address for the "company") will try to collect money from you in the guise of fees to get those documents.

Need to post photos?
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by gemina Tue Oct 25, 2011 1:47 pm
Hi everybody
This is a SCAM!!!

My company name is: Gemina Overseas Advisers LLC, sucursal en España, Tax Id. N400594A an one of the last Offices were at Address: Robert Aguilo 52-A, Tarragona,Spain (not now), and I am spanish lawyer.
I've sent the IP to Spanish Police, cause this is a "nigerian scam"
The scammer (very retarded man) has made a extrange "mix" of names, addresses and works with no sense.
In fact my web page of this company was down from 2 years ago.

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