by Ed Williams
Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:43 pm
Admin Note: Please use this thread to post images of people in need (ill, starving etc.) that scammers are using for their scams. Please make sure to mark the photos as "Used by Scammer" before posting. Edited. Link no longer good (BW)
These are just a few of the pictures that a scammer may send you if they are pretending to be working with sick children or from a charity that supports sick children. These pictures are not pleasant and show just how low that these scammers will stoop, but it is important to know that these photos are exploited by scammers in the name of profit.
These are just a few of the pictures that a scammer may send you if they are pretending to be working with sick children or from a charity that supports sick children. These pictures are not pleasant and show just how low that these scammers will stoop, but it is important to know that these photos are exploited by scammers in the name of profit.