The scammer's basic kit; photos of widows and orphans, passports, certificates and court documents, all guaranteed 100% fake or stolen
by mariko Sun Dec 14, 2014 7:26 am
Fake passport used by fake civil engineer who had lack of funds due to crane broken in Florida.

[email protected]
Hello. Thanks for your response and understanding. I know i am an honest friend and take you very special friend to me. Well, I going through some difficult Moment In my Project, My crane machine broke down and i am almost done with my Project before i can get my Pay check from my client. I am in a financial difficulty now. I have ordered a new Crane from outside the country and i am short of cash to pay for the total expenses. I have sent the total of 250,000 dollars fro the 2crane to get to US. I want you to help with some money which i will pay back in 15days. I need you to help me with me 70,000 dollars to finish up the payment to the company i bought for. Please kindly help me. Is not in my habbit to ask anyone for help but i just had to remove my pride and ask you. Find a place in your heart to help me. I will give you the company account i bought the crane machine from so you can help me send it to them if you can help me. Let me know so i can forward the details to you , Thanks and may God bless you.


by mariko Mon Dec 15, 2014 7:29 am
Fake IOU of Wilson walker

Fake Identity Information
Address: 1110 the point drive west palm beach.. Florida 33408
SSN: 206-58-5934
Date of Birth is July 05 1964
Originally from Ireland
Current State. West palm Beach Florida

(SIC code 74100)
Registration; FL 32399-1039

All information are fake.

Home address: does not exists and google map hits similar address but not exactly the same.

Phone numbers: no names reverse searched. Purchased VoIP number, could be outsideUSA.
Pinger VoIP in West Palm Beach, FL

Bandwidth SMSEnabled VoIP in Cross City, FL

SIC code 74100 for veterinary, not civil engineering.

Registration code is zip code of
Tallahassee, FL. 32399- 1039.

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