Company Representative scams, Payment Processing scams and other Employment scams.

by Heart2Heart2000 Fri Sep 14, 2012 1:52 am
Everyone Beware. Same story as others with the $495. Was supposed to be a hold until my husband got home. I cancelled it all that same day. Had been guaranteed a 60 no risk cancellation offer and that money would be refunded promptly. Visa was the biggest backer, showed me a gov website. Got a hold of a guy named Jeff who was so rude and said he cancellation was done and refund was done yet NO refund. It shouldn't have even been charged. t was supposed to be just a hold until confirmation and also a signature returned on an independent contract which they were to send which was to be signed and returned to them and that never came. When I started to undo this I realize the "visa" company, the business company, every number they gave were the same numbers. having suffered a brain aneurysm a few years ago, I was very confused and kept explaining that. Also call and call the numbers, they all go to the same guy Jeff's voicemail. I heard someone say they received their $495.00 refund and I'm fighting it every way I can. I think we should all contact the BBB Better Business Bureau. I think alot of people feel defeated and just figure they have lost their money. I am so worried about especially the ones who have put 10K in yo a company who makes false statements. How long they've worked there when they haven't even been open that long. We didn't authorize to be ripped off with a ups mailbox company. Did anybody else sign the independent contract? Were you also promised the refund no questions within 60 days with immediate return of funds.When you don't receive what you are told so it becomes an unauthorized charge. I really hope everyone sticks together and stops this company. There is only one man that is kind and is serious and informed me he received paper work that I had been refunded and is doing what he can to make sure that it is done. I've also contacted my cards that I gave them as a hold and informed them what is going on. Please keep updating. i also have names and all kinds of phone numbers alot are the same one.
by Heart2Heart2000 Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:56 pm
I hope everyone stops and gets their money back. Just from all the posts alone, it's not logical because what they offer is never the same. 10k for 1000 leads, 10k for 500 leads. Today their constant answering machine has changed to sound more like a business. I don't know if this was already posted here but go read this http://www.consumerprotectionorganizati ... omment-519. Nothing has been given to anyone that you can't do for free ourselves. They also promise 60 day guarantee that if you want to cancel we get our refund asap no questions asked. Still haven't seen that. That government page how do we know that's even real. The "visa" one of their biggest backers phone number, as of yesterday all phone numbers were going to same message machine. I was and am terrified like everyone else. We should trust our instincts. There office is a ups store. Hope this turns out for all involved
by Kate52 Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:43 pm
Hi, have you found out any more on Universal Marketing and training? I am into 12 weeks with them, and still have not seen any money come my way. Plenty went from my pocket to theirs, but so far I have seen nothing. I now have 11 leads in my back office, but you click on them and they all say, "no notes at this time" like how long does it take? I have also delt with Dan King, Jeff Jones and John Ryan. I am in one of the scolarships, that is supposed to not only pay what I have paid them, but pay off all the rest of my credit cards. Has anyone made anything off this deal yet?
by Bubbles Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:25 am
Welcome to ScamWarners Kate52

Please read this post: viewtopic.php?p=105547#p105547

This and these companies are dodgy at best. They have an F rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). That is not a good sign. I certainly would not send any more money to them. It looks like no one so far has had good "luck" with this group.

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.
by rutar32 Tue Jan 01, 2013 3:37 pm
Hi everyone.
I made a huge mistake by falling for a Universal Marketing and Training scam. Paid the initial $495 and then purchased 1000 leads for $10000. I am supposed to be calling for updates every 3 weeks. But lately anytime I call every number I have for them is busy.
Learned the hard way that it's a scam. I haven't been in this situation before and now I am completely lost. Can anyone tell me what my next step should be. Is there any way to get the money back? Help!
by began steele Tue Jan 01, 2013 4:00 pm
I think your money is gone and you will get nothing. I don't know about the rest of it. Be prepared for the worst.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by KT4Truth Tue Jan 07, 2014 4:03 am
Universal Marketing is definitely a scam. See for the legal documents. The information for the FTC lawyers is listed on the document. Call them and let them know you were a victim. They've told me they will try to get back my money but there are no guarantees. Any supporting documentation you can provide can be sent to them.

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