At the risk of over doing it with this information, here it is. Hope it helps.
A lot of this I noticed has already been told.
I was also contacted via text message. By this number 1-612-213-5029. A "Ms.Kate Bradly from Merrill Lynch & Company INC." (That is how it was typed when I received it.) Wanting me to contact a Mr. Thomas K Montag via Yahoo Messenger. (
[email protected]) She was very kind and slightly unprofessional.The identification code(HR3201) never got brought up except in the text messages. The following is exactly what was messaged to me(all typed mistakes are on purpose, as that is how it was text to me): "Hello and good day to you Ms. My Name,I am Ms Kate Bradly from Merrill Lynch & Company INC. Your resume has been viewed and forwarded to our Head Department..kindly reply back if interested.
" Which I did.
"This branch recruiting is located at 4 World Financial Center250 Vesey Street New York,NY 10080 soon we will be setting up a branch at your location that is why we are looking for 16 teams workers to work from home at the moment, Once the Branch is been at your location ,you can chose to work in a office or from home. The positions available are.Data Entry, Clerical Admin, Administrative Clerk/Assistance, Customer Service Receptionist,financial Advisor,Sales,Accounting,Payroll Clerk, Book keeping, Typist Clerk,Management,IT Jobs. Which Can you be able to handle effectively? Following our newest online screening introduced by the Better Business Bureau , You are required to setup a yahoo messenger account if you don't have one using the website ( you can download one,Add Mr Thomas Montag on yahoo Instant Messenger (
[email protected]) to your yahoo messenger list for the Job Interview and comprehensive job details. This is our first step to proceed further.he will be expecting to hear from you soon. Your verification code is (HR3201).this would serve as your indentification number throughout the online process. Your timely response matters a lot." I said thank you and she replyed with" You are welcome" That was the end of the text messages. Then I was talking to who was posing at Mr. Montag via Yahoo Messenger.
Here is the Interview via Yahoo Messenger. I have taken out my name.
IM Jun 26 10:29 AM
Jun 26 10:10 AM
thomas.k_montag:Good Morning
Jun 26 10:13 AM
Me:Good morning.
Jun 26 10:13 AM
Me:How are you?
Jun 26 10:13 AM
thomas.k_montag:How are you ?
Jun 26 10:14 AM
Me:I am good. A bit anxious, but good.
Jun 26 10:14 AM
Me:How are you?
Jun 26 10:14 AM
thomas.k_montag:I am fine.
Jun 26 10:15 AM
thomas.k_montag:I believe you are here for the Job Interview ?
Jun 26 10:15 AM
Me:I am. I have never had an interview via Yahoo Messenger, though.
Jun 26 10:16 AM
thomas.k_montag:Alright,As soon as we proceed you will get to know more and understand better.
Jun 26 10:17 AM
Me:Okay. Sounds good to me.
Jun 26 10:17 AM
thomas.k_montag:Before we proceed I would love to know more about you. That would help where to categorize you and how best to interview you.I am Mr Thomas Montag, I am the hiring manager to the Firm Merrill Lynch & Co INC.I am here to brief and interview you more about the opening position,Please introduce yourself and indicate your age,sex and Location.
Jun 26 10:21 AM
Me:My name is Me. I am a Blank old female and I live in Florida. I love helping people when I can. What else would you like to know?
Jun 26 10:22 AM
thomas.k_montag:Just follow the briefing and you can ask questions when i am through. Let me know when you have finished reading and understanding every line. You will be allowed to ask questions later.With each line just respond with an Okay.
Jun 26 10:22 AM
Jun 26 10:22 AM
thomas.k_montag:The positions available are. Data Entry,sales, Clerical Admin, Administrative Clerk/Assistance,Customer Service Receptionist,financial-analys,Medical Billing and Coding,Accounting, Payroll Clerk, Book keeping, Typist Clerk,Management,IT jobs. Which are you applying for ?
Jun 26 10:23 AM
Me:Data Entry or Customer Service Receptionist.
Jun 26 10:24 AM
thomas.k_montag:Okay.The Name of the company is Merrill Lynch & Company INC.
Jun 26 10:24 AM
thomas.k_montag:Merrill Lynch is one of the world’s premier providers of wealth management, securities trading and sales, corporate finance and investment banking services.
Jun 26 10:24 AM
thomas.k_montag:Merrill Lynch & Co.Inc,Through its subsidiaries, provides investment, financing, and other related services to individuals and institutions in the United States and internationally.
Jun 26 10:24 AM
thomas.k_montag:The company conducts selling and trading activities, and acts as a market maker in securities, derivatives, currencies, and other financial instruments; distributes fixed income, currency, commodity and equity products, and derivatives; and provides financing, securities clearing, settlement, and custody services, as well as engages in principal investing activities. It also assists clients in raising capital through underwritings and private placements of equity, debt and related securities, and loan syndicat.
Jun 26 10:25 AM
Jun 26 10:27 AM
thomas.k_montag:This branch recruiting is located at 4 World Financial Center250 Vesey Street New York,NY 10080 soon we will be setting up a branch at your location that is why we are looking for 16 teams workers to work from home at the moment, Once the Branch is been at your location ,you can chose to work in a office or from home. This is strictly an online and work from home job the working hours are flexible and you can chose to work from anywhere of your choice,the pay is $45 per hour training is $21 per hour and will be get payment bi weekly via direct deposit or paycheck and the maximum amount you can work a week is 45 hours.if you are employed you are going to be working as a full employee and not an independent contractor.
Jun 26 10:28 AM
Jun 26 10:29 AM
thomas.k_montag:NOTE:This company is looking for a 16 team data entry worker.The most efficient workers from this 16 teams will be promoted to the company office,earn $79,000.00 per annual given a car and a house,at the end of the year,this will be 4 efficient workers from the 16 teams.10% taxes will be deducted from your salary monthly by the company. Benefits: Health, Dental, Life and AD&D Insurance, Employee Wellness and 401k plans.Paid Time Off and Holidays with Generous Company Discounts Working hrs are flexible.All activities and corresponding time are to be recorded in excel spreadsheet. As for your duties, i will assist you with any difficulties by email.
IM Jun 26 10:47 AM
Jun 26 10:31 AM
Jun 26 10:31 AM
thomas.k_montag:DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITY:Tracks data and source documents.Prepares and sorts source documents, and identifies and interprets data to be entered.Compiles, sorts and verifies data for accuracy.Contacts responsible parties or clients from other organisation to resolve moderately complex questions, inconsistencies, or missing data. Also perform Records keeping, keyboarding/data entry and performing a variety of other office tasks account balancing, invoicing recording,proper data analysis of sales records and recording pay slips into accounting database all these will be done through the use of the Accounting Software, such as faxing or emailing confidently and positive attitude Online from home. Can you handle the Job duties if you are being trained towards it
Jun 26 10:31 AM
Jun 26 10:38 AM
Me:Quite possibly. I believe anybody can do something with enough training. Do I have to give a definite answer now, or do I have time to think about it?
Jun 26 10:38 AM
thomas.k_montag:Yes you have time and they will be training so you will be able to do so.
Jun 26 10:41 AM
Me:Okay. Do I contact you through here with my answer? End of the day sound okay?
Jun 26 10:41 AM
thomas.k_montag:Yes sure.
Jun 26 10:43 AM
Me:Okay. Thank you for your time. I will contact you at the end of the day. Is there anything else before we sign off?
Jun 26 10:44 AM
thomas.k_montag:Once you are back we will continues and make sure you are back before 5 pm
Jun 26 10:46 AM
Me:Okay I will talk to you later.
Jun 26 10:47 AM
thomas.k_montag:Alright no problem
Jun 26 10:47 AM
Jun 26 10:47 AM
IM Jun 26 12:04 PM
Jun 26 12:04 PM
Me:I am sorry, but this job sounds a bit to much for me. I am going to have to decline.
This is all of it. Hope it helps someone stop them. It is very frustrating and a waste of time, to be scammed.