Company Representative scams, Payment Processing scams and other Employment scams.
by Earthlostangel B Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:30 am
Received an email from Talk Budgies at [email protected] with a job offer to get paid for writing short articles at home. I followed the link - which took me to a company called Web Colleagues. Did some research, but couldn't find any online warning about a possible scam. Posted all required info to the web site. They referred me to this site, so here I am. Would like to know if this is legit or just another scam. They claim to be certified by SCAM-X and offer a money back guarantee for the one time $47 access fee. Would appreciate any feedback, since I did not find anything negative online. Thanks in advance for any help that is offered. :oh-joy: :)

[img]60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Become a Colleague risk free today! If you purchase your members access, your purchase is 100% guaranteed.

If after following the training and apply yourself to the jobs in Web Colleagues, you still can't make any money online, just let us know and you shall receive all your members' access fee back. And you can keep the downloaded bonuses worth $426 as a thank you for trying our program.[/img]

[img]Web Colleagues is ANTI-SCAM certified site:

Meets or exceeds all ANTI-SCAM requirements.

Identity verified.
Secure payment processing.
Superior selling track record.
History for resolving disputes.
Disclose return policy.
Privacy policy.
Verified contact information.
Disclose Terms.

SCAM X: "Highly recommended!"

Consumer-Rated gave Web Colleagues "5-Star Rating" for the past
36 months in a row.

How is that for consistency!


Gold-Rated which rates all types of products and services has given

Web Colleagues their highest rating of "5-Gold Bars" for the past 14 months.[/img]

by AlanJones Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:43 am
I wouldn't "work" for any business that:

  1. Uses spam for recruiting.
  2. Hides their domain registration details using privacy service
  3. Does not have a physical means of contact (phone or mailing address) on their website.
  4. Charge you a fee to join them (a job is meant to earn money, not cost it).

I'd also take the SPAM-X approval with a pinch of salt:

Disclose return policy. No they don't
Privacy policy. No there isn't
Verified contact information. No there isn't

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by TerranceBoyce Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:29 pm
The fact is that they're selling you something. Because the cost is small you are intended to overlook this, but it isn't employment if you have to pay up-front for the job and I wouldn't put too much faith in any guarantees or promises from someone you can't identify.

If you only pay $47 and can claim back $426 for failure, from their point of view, it isn't a sensible offer to make.

It comes under the category of 'too good to be true'.

CAR ADVERTS - If a car seller mentions escrow - he's scamming you Never ever for any reason pay anything until you have seen and inspected the vehicle
by coinpuppy Sat Jan 04, 2014 12:38 am
never pay to work at home....there are plenty of real jobs (identical to what youd do in a ofice just at home) just have to really work to find.

what that company would have given you for your $$$$

they would have taught you how to scam people the same way

hence "short articles"

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